
Designated as CC-3714, Fil held the rank of Clone Commander within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, he found himself under the command of the newly promoted Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb for a mission aimed at the recapture of Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray, who was located on the third moon of Vassek. Tragically, he met his end at the claws of Grievous's pet, the Gor.


Origin and Military Career

Born on the planet [Kamino](/article/kamino], CC-3714, who would later be known as Fil, was a Clone derived from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict spanning the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Fil distinguished himself as a Clone Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic. He commanded a tight-knit squad composed of dedicated clone troopers. When a mission was launched to apprehend the recently escaped Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray, a significant figure in the Executive Separatist Council, Fil's squad received orders to join Jedi Generals Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb on Vassek 3, the third moon orbiting Vassek.

Pursuit of Gunray

Grievous's Hideout

Upon arriving on the moon, Vebb was reunited with his former mentor, Fisto. Suspecting that Gunray was concealed within a Lair, Fil instructed two members of his squad, Bel and Niner, to remain with the Nu-class attack shuttle that had transported them there. Fisto overruled Fil's suggestion to use a thermal detonator to breach the lair's entrance and instead activated a concealed stone, which opened the doorway.

Fil gives orders to his squad as they enter the fortress.

Once inside the fortress, they detected a faint voice, identified as Gunray's, engaged in conversation with B1-series battle droids. Unbeknownst to the Jedi and clones, Gunray was utilizing a holographic projection to lure them into a trap. The group launched an assault, swiftly eliminating the droids, but Vebb employed the Force to rotate Gunray's chair, revealing the Viceroy's hologram. After Gunray activated a homing beacon located near his chair, his hologram vanished. Count Dooku then contacted the Jedi, informing them that while Gunray was unavailable for capture, he offered them an alternative, albeit unnamed, prize. Fisto and Vebb recognized that they had been deceived into entering the lair, realizing it was a trap of some kind. As the group proceeded down a dimly lit corridor, Fil expressed his concern about the unfolding situation.

As they explored the fortress, it became apparent that it was far from an ordinary hideout. Upon observing Kaleesh statues and cyborg components, Fisto deduced that they had been lured into the lair of General Grievous, the commander of the Droid Army. The group quickly realized that Grievous was likely to arrive at any moment, and that an opportunity to capture the cyborg general—a feat that could potentially shift the balance of the war—had presented itself.


Fil narrowly escaped falling into Grievous' incinerator.

After Grievous's arrival in the fortress's secret hangar, the group ambushed him. Fil and his men brandished their blasters, but Grievous disregarded Fisto's demands for surrender and activated four lightsabers. The Jedi managed to restrain him, severing one of his cybernetic hands. Fil instructed his men to employ grappling hooks to secure Grievous, while Vebb and Fisto attempted to subdue him. Grievous managed to break free from the clones, but Fisto bisected Grievous's cyborg body at the waist. The cyborg general retreated from the area and sought refuge in the lair's secret command center. The confrontation with Grievous resulted in the loss of two clone troopers, leaving only Fil and one remaining trooper alongside the Jedi. As Fil and the other survivors attempted to escape the castle, Grievous sealed their fate by closing the outer doors. Fil contacted Bel and Niner, who were guarding their shuttle, and instructed them to contact their fleet, which was positioned near the Inner Rim planet of Bestine IV, to request additional clone trooper reinforcements. However, one of Grievous's IG-100 MagnaGuards, who had been monitoring the ship,  launched a missile at the shuttle, destroying it, resulting in the deaths of Bel and Niner and thwarting their attempt to call for assistance.

As the Jedi, Fil, and the remaining clone traversed the fortress, Grievous unleashed his next trap, opening up the floor beneath them, leading to a molten incinerator pit. While the Jedi managed to evade it, both clones plummeted into the abyss. Fil managed to save himself by using his grappling hook. However, the other clone was not as fortunate and perished in the pit, leaving Fil as the sole survivor of his squad. With the assistance of Fisto and Vebb, Fil was able to climb out of the pit.


Fil was killed by Gor

Grievous then unleashed his pet RoggwartGor, to attack the group. Upon the beast's arrival, Fil fired his blaster pistol at its head, but the shot was deflected by Gor's head armor. The roggwart disarmed Fisto, and Vebb instructed Fil to shoot and distract Gor while he himself jumped onto the creature. However, when Vebb stabbed Gor in the back with his lightsaber, Gor used its long tail to seize Fil, lifting the struggling commander off the ground. As Gor constricted Fil with its tail, both Jedi attempted to rescue the clone commander, but their efforts were in vain. Fisto slashed at the roggwart's face with his lightsaber; Fil was slammed hard onto the floor by Gor and was instantly killed on impact.

The two Jedi severed Gor's tail, causing the now lifeless Fil to fall to the ground. Gor was then killed, and Vebb had little time to mourn the loss of the commander before confronting Grievous, seeking vengeance for the deaths of his comrades. Ultimately, Vebb was killed by Grievous, and the cyborg subsequently battled Fisto, although the Jedi Master managed to escape and depart the moon, becoming the sole survivor.

Skills and abilities

Commander Fil in his customized Phase I armor.

As a commander within the Clone Army, Fil possessed extensive experience and expertise in reconnaissance, tactics, marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. He was the last of the clones from his squadron to succumb to the deadly traps within Grievous's lair on Vassek.

