Niner was a clone trooper who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. In the year 21 BBY, Niner belonged to a Galactic Republic group of clone troopers under the command of Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb and Clone Commander Fil. This group received orders to locate Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, who had escaped, on the third moon in the Vassek system. While stationed on Vassek 3, he fought alongside a Republic task force under the leadership of Jedi General Kit Fisto. Niner and his fellow trooper Bel were assigned to protect their ship while the rest of the force went inside Grievous's fortress. Eventually, Fil contacted Niner and instructed him to contact the Republic fleet located at Bestine, because the task force had encountered General Grievous and needed reinforcements. However, before they could send the message, Niner was killed by a MagnaGuard using a rocket launcher.

The designation Niner belonged to a clone trooper who was created on the planet of Kamino to fight for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Later in the war, Niner became a member of a Republic clone trooper squad led by Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb and Clone Commander Fil. During his service to the Republic, in 21 BBY, after Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray escaped from Republic custody, Niner was sent with a task force to the third moon of the Vassek system in an attempt to find Gunray and bring him back to the Republic.
On Vassek 3, after Jedi General Kit Fisto arrived and the task force entered a hidden fortress, Niner and fellow clone trooper Bel received instructions to guard their Nu-class attack/transport shuttle and Fisto's starfighter. As the task force moved further into the fortress, which they discovered was the citadel of the Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous, Niner and Bel contacted their Clone Commander and reported Grievous's arrival in the star system, which allowed the task force to set up an ambush for the Kaleesh.

When Grievous entered his fortress and engaged the Republic forces, the two clone troopers received orders to request backup from the fleet located at the planet Bestine IV. As they prepared to send their transmission, an IG-100 MagnaGuard fired an RPS-6 rocket launcher that destroyed their shuttle, resulting in the pair's deaths.
Niner, a human clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, was 1.83 meters tall. Niner showed that he would follow orders given by a superior officer.

Niner, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, wore a customized set of Phase I clone trooper armor. His helmet had custom red markings, and his armor plating had a series of red patches. During his service to the Republic Army, his helmet had a pair of flashlights and a communicator attached to his left arm plate. He also carried a DC-15A blaster rifle.
The character "Niner" first appeared in "Lair of Grievous," which was the tenth episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. It was broadcast on December 12, 2008. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Niner, as he did for all clone troopers in the series.