
Bel was a member of the clone trooper ranks, fighting for the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. He served under the command of Jedi Generals Nahdar Vebb and Kit Fisto, who was once Vebb's master.


Clone Commander Fil tasked Bel, along with Niner, with guarding the ships as the others embarked on their mission to the third moon of Vassek. Subsequently, R6 alerted Bel and Niner to the arrival of a ship that matched the description of General Grievous's personal starfighter, which was heading toward the fortress. Not long after the mission began, Bel received a communication indicating that the commander, the Jedi, and the surviving clones were stuck within the fortress. He and Niner attempted to contact the Republic fleet stationed at Bestine, but they suffered death at the hands of Grievous's IG-100 MagnaGuards, who used a rocket launcher to destroy the ship where the two clones were located.

