Fil's Squad

Fil's Squad, also sometimes referred to as Fil's Clones, was a designation occasionally used to identify a close-knit squad of clone troopers who served under the leadership of Clone Commander Fil during the period of the Clone Wars. This squad participated in a skirmish at Grievous's fortress alongside the Jedi Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb, fighting against Grievous.


The group known as Fil's Squad was a squad of clone troopers that served within the Grand Army of the Republic. This squad, also known as Fil's Clones, was under the command of Clone Commander Fil, who shared a strong connection with the soldiers serving under him. Besides Fil himself, the squad consisted of five clones. The troopers were armed with either DC-15A blaster rifles equipped with ascension cables or DC-15A blaster carbines. Fil himself carried two DC-17 repeater hand blasters. For transport, the squad utilized a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, and they were easily identifiable by the rusty red markings on their Phase I clone trooper armor. This tightly knit squad was always prepared for battle and operated with a high degree of coordination, almost as if they were of one mind. For the mission to Vassek 3, Fil's squad was assigned to work alongside Jedi Generals Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb.


Following a skirmish on the Galactic Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer called the Tranquility, where forces of the Separatist Alliance successfully rescued Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray, the Jedi General Kit Fisto and his former Padawan, Jedi General Nahdar Vebb, were tasked with locating Gunray. After arriving on Vassek 3, Fisto and Vebb, accompanied by Clone Commander Fil and his squad, entered a fortress based on the belief that it contained a homing beacon. Two troopers, Niner and Bel, were assigned to stay with the Nu-class transport and Fisto's starfighter.

Fil and his troopers were able to defeat the battle droids who were guarding the Viceroy; however, they came to realize that it was only a hologram. After Dooku offered an "alternative prize" to the jedi, the troopers advanced deeper into the fortress. They then discovered that the fortress was actually the property of General Grievous.

