A male human hailing from the planet Nar Kanji, Crokind Shand operated as a member of the criminal organization known as the Kanjiklub. This occurred approximately three decades following the pivotal Battle of Endor. He joined the gang's topboss, Tasu Leech, along with several other members, in their boarding of the Baleen-class heavy freighter Eravana. Their objective was to recover 50,000 credits that the vessel's owner, the smuggler Han Solo, owed to the Kanjiklub.
Born on Nar Kanji, Crokind Shand began his career as a pit-fighter. Due to injuries sustained in the fighting pits, he lost an eye and his right leg, resulting in him wearing an eyepatch and a cybernetic replacement for his right leg. Later, he affiliated himself with Tasu Leech's criminal enterprise, the Kanjiklub. At some point, the Corellian smuggler Han Solo incurred a debt of 50,000 credits to the Kanjiklub.
In 34 ABY, Shand accompanied Leech and other Kanjiklub members aboard Solo's vessel, the Baleen-class heavy freighter Eravana, to collect the owed 50,000 credits. The Kanjiklub's arrival at the freighter's airlock occurred shortly after the arrival of the Guavian Death Gang, to whom Solo was also in debt, thus trapping the smuggler between the two rival factions. As Leech and Bala-Tik, the Death Gang's leader, argued with Solo, Rey, a scavenger recently brought aboard by Solo, and Finn, an ex-stormtrooper, inadvertently released three rathtars being held captive on the ship. These creatures immediately set upon the two criminal gangs. In the ensuing chaos, Shand, along with his comrades, was devoured by the rathtars, while Solo and his companions successfully evaded the creatures and escaped aboard the Millennium Falcon.
Crokind Shand, a seasoned member of the Kanjiklub gang, presented himself as a tough human male distinguished by his eyepatch and a cybernetic right leg designed for powerful kicks. He had dark hair and tanned skin. His missing [eye](/article/eye] and replacement leg were battle scars from his time as a pit-fighter. His overall appearance clearly signaled that crossing him could have deadly consequences.
In combat, he wielded a heavy bore rifle equipped with a reinforced-galven circuit barrel and a rifle butt crafted from roggwart bone.
The initial appearance of Crokind Shand was in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The film was released in North America on December 18, 2015. While the character remained unnamed within the film itself, his identification was provided in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a companion reference guide authored by Pablo Hidalgo released alongside the film. Cecep Arif Rahman portrayed him in the film, though his contribution was uncredited.