The Eravana was a heavy transport of the Baleen-class heavy freighter variety, employed by Han Solo and Chewbacca for smuggling operations as piloted. Following the loss of their Millennium Falcon, Solo and Chewie utilized the Eravana for an indeterminate amount of years, accumulating a considerable sum of credits using their new ship as they traversed the galaxy in the illicit transport of goods.

Han Solo's freighter, known as the Eravana, was infiltrated by two well-known criminal organizations, specifically the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, to whom Solo was in debt. Wishing to shield Rey and Finn from the situation, Solo directed them to the lower sections of the freighter, while he and Chewbacca, accompanied by BB-8, proceeded to negotiate with the criminals. The smuggler attempted, without success, to assure both groups that he would eventually resolve the matter, but the Guavian Death Gang's representative, Bala-Tik, recognized the BB unit as the subject of a First Order bounty placed on it and two fugitives. They demanded Solo surrender the droid and the fugitives. As the scuffle continued, Rey inadvertently released three rathtars. They managed to evade the gangs and made a hyperspace jump in the Falcon, leaving the Eravana under the control of the Guavians. Bala-Tik immediately instructed his subordinates to inform the First Order about Solo and the droid's escape from the ship.
The Eravana makes an appearance in the 2015 motion picture Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The design of the vessel was among the last to be completed, occurring around the time that principal photography was concluding in the latter part of 2014.