The Eravana was a bulk freighter.
Heavy freighters, also known as bulk freighters, were typically enormous, slow-moving, and unwieldy space freighters that transported vital goods across the galaxy on a day-to-day basis. Constructed in orbital shipyards, they rarely ventured into the atmosphere of a planetary body. Instead, they usually offloaded and onloaded cargo via space stations and transfer yards. Because they were generally quite costly and challenging to maintain, most freighters of this kind were owned and run by corporations. Nevertheless, there were exceptions, such as the Eravana—the Baleen-class heavy freighter of Han Solo and Chewbacca—and the Yadeez, a carrier for the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. The Galactic Empire frequently utilized Class four container transports. In the hopes of seizing a sizable sum of credits from its vault, a bulk freighter was attacked by Silvo's pirates. Above the Forest Moon of Endor in 35 ABY, one heavy freighter deployed the Holdo maneuver to destroy a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer.