Endor, referred to as Tana by the Ewoks who are native to one of its moons, was a gas giant within the Endor system. This star system is a binary one, found in the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim Territories in the galaxy. Due to its hydrogen-rich clouds reflecting light, Endor functioned almost like a third sun for its moons. Its location was grid square H-16 on the Standard Galactic Grid, and a hyperspace route connected it to Cerea and Bakura. This planet had nine major moons orbited around it, with the Forest Moon of Endor being the largest. Kef Bir, an ocean moon, was also among Endor's moons. Furthermore, the planet had 48 "sub-lunar" objects in orbit.
Prior to the destruction that befell the New Republic, the Galactic Senate tried to rename the planet to Tana, as a tribute to the Ewoks.
Endor was initially conceptualized for the 1983 movie, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. In the film, it was depicted as a distant sphere, identified as "Planet Endor" in special effects storyboards, positioned above its Forest Moon, but not large enough to be clearly designated a planet.
In the rough draft and the revised rough draft of the Return of the Jedi screenplay, the Forest Moon of Endor, then called the "Green Moon," instead revolved around Had Abbadon, the Imperial capital world, which eventually evolved into Coruscant.