204th Imperial Fighter Wing

The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also referred to as Shadow Wing, functioned as a fighter wing within the Galactic Empire's naval forces. Its establishment occurred at a minimum of twenty years prior to the events of the hunt for Shadow Wing, distinguishing it as one of the Empire's initial groups of volunteer pilots. In time, it rose to become one of the most effective fighter wings in the Imperial fleet. Its main objective was to suppress insurgent activities, such as those of the Rebel Alliance. The designation "Shadow Wing" was adopted following the Orinda Massacre, after which it conducted bombing raids on both Mennar-Daye and Mek'tradi. Subsequent to the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, Squadron Five of Shadow Wing engaged with a newly formed independent faction under the leadership of Imperial Admiral Gratloe, ultimately escaping with Gratloe's _Imperial_-class Star Destroyer, known as the Celerity.

Following the demise of the Galactic Emperor, Shadow Wing participated in Operation: Cinder, during which it perpetrated a massacre on Nacronis. This event led to the defection of one of its officers, Yrica Quell, who joined the ranks of the Empire's adversaries, the New Republic, which had evolved from the Rebel Alliance. Shadow Wing eventually seized control of Pandem Nai along with its tibanna gas mining station, named Orbital One.

To safeguard the secrecy of their newly established operational base, the fighter wing's forces proceeded to eliminate several communication stations throughout the sector. Two squadrons of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters from the 204th, deployed from the Quasar Fire-class cruiser carriers Aerie, launched an assault on the Republic's EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare in the vicinity of Jiruus. They later tracked it to the Oridol Cluster, where they successfully destroyed it. However, their presence at Pandem Nai was challenged by the Republic's Alphabet Squadron, resulting in the destruction of Orbital One and the death of Shadow Wing's commanding officer, Colonel Shakara Nuress.


Early campaigns

The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, a component of the Imperial Military within the Galactic Empire, was established no less than twenty years before the hunt for Shadow Wing. Designated as special forces, its primary mission was the suppression of rebel insurgencies. It operated as a mobile unit, typically stationed on a carrier ship or Imperial Star Destroyer. The wing consisted of six squadrons of TIE/LN starfighters, along with detachments of TIE/sa bombers and TIE/IN interceptors assigned on a per-mission basis. During the Imperial Era, the 204th participated in the Empire's campaign within the Corporate Sector, aimed at eliminating remnants of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Additionally, it served as a peacekeeping and security force during operations on Umbara and Salient. Following their deployments in the Corporate Sector, the 204th was reassigned to anti-piracy duties in the Mid Rim. This reassignment also brought about changes in leadership, with Colonel Shakara Nuress appointed as the unit commander, alongside Major Soran Keize. Eventually, the 204th's involvement in the Orinda Massacre led to its nickname, "Shadow Wing." Shadow Wing also conducted the bombardment of Mennar-Daye and subsequently the bombardment of Mek'tradi, resulting in numerous casualties aimed at drawing out a rebel cell. Shadow Wing was formally under the command of Grand General Kenner Loring, who did not fully recognize the unit's capabilities.

Responding to the Battle of Yavin

By the time of the Death Star's destruction, Imperial officers Shakara Nuress, known as "Grandmother," and Soran Keize had elevated Shadow Wing's reputation, leading to the squadron's permanent assignment to the Star Destroyer Pursuer. Following the Battle of Yavin, the squadron was tasked with conducting anti-rebel operations. Their participation in the Battle of Grumwall resulted in a significant defeat for rebel forces and a victory for the Empire.

Changes in command

Shadow Wing pursues a rebel X-wing

During an event within the Lyjdaa system, Shadow Wing's Squadron Five suffered significant losses. Major Keize was responsible for rebuilding the squadron and recommended Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh for the role of new Squadron Leader. Broosh was hesitant, believing he was not suited for leadership. However, Keize persuaded him that he possessed the qualities of a leader that he sought for Squadron Five.

Following the Battle of Hoth, which took place in 3 ABY, Shadow Wing engaged in combat against the Rebel Alliance, during which Lieutenant Yrica Quell rescued Flight Officer Zin Graw from an A-wing starfighter. Days later, Squadron Five participated in the destruction of a rebel cell. Following the successful elimination of all rebel forces, they returned to Shadow Wing's Imperial-class Star Destroyer Pursuer, where Nuress presented their next assignment. She assigned the squadron a mission to the Kudo system to escort a maintenance crew to the Star Destroyer Celerity, which had reported hyperdrive malfunctions, making it a vulnerable target for rebel forces.

Mission to the Kudo System

Colonel Nuress gives orders to Squadron Five.

Squadron Five journeyed to the Kudo System aboard the Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier Summit, a vessel assigned by the Empire to transport a maintenance crew to the Celerity. The Summit's captain expressed concerns about the Star Destroyer's security and doubted that Squadron Five possessed sufficient strength to counter any potential threats to the capital ship. Upon arriving in the system, Squadron Five deployed and approached the Celerity. To their surprise, the Star Destroyer disabled the Summit and deployed TIE fighters against Squadron Five.

As Squadron Five engaged the hostile TIE fighters, the Celerity demanded the Summit's surrender under threat of destruction. However, the Summit's captain attempted an escape, leading to the carrier's destruction by the Celerity. Commander Broosh contacted the Star Destroyer and declared Squadron Five's surrender, much to the dismay of his squadron members. They descended to the planet Kudo, where stormtroopers awaited to apprehend them at the mining facility. Admiral Gratloe, the commander of Imperial forces in the Kudo System, informed Squadron Five that they were now part of an independent faction and offered them membership. The members were detained while considering the offer.

TIE fighters advance on Squadron Five and the Summit

Despite their imprisonment, the five members of Squadron Five escaped and persuaded stormtroopers to join them in overthrowing Gratloe. After reclaiming their TIE interceptors, Squadron Five returned to the Celerity, where other Imperial forces had turned against Gratloe's faction, initiating a mutiny. However, Gratloe intended to sell the Celerity to the Rebel Alliance, leading to the arrival of Alliance forces. Lieutenant Lyttan Dree of Squadron Five was among the initial casualties, and the remaining members of Squadron Five flew towards the Celerity, losing Flight Officer Graw in the process. Upon reaching the Star Destroyer, they managed to escape the system aboard it.

The new target

For the ongoing war effort, the Imperial Navy enlisted a class from Carida Academy, regardless of their readiness. Following its recent losses, Shadow Wing requested the two highest-ranking cadets from the class to fill the vacancies in Squadron Five. The two cadets, Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo, were notified of the transfer by their flight instructor, Yurib Nakan.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Security Bureau deciphered communications between Graw and Rebel forces while Squadron Five was in the Kudo System, revealing her plans to defect. The ISB also located the mobile base where Imperials were defecting to the Rebel Alliance, thanks to Graw's communications. When Nuress briefed the three surviving members of Squadron Five on the ISB's findings, they struggled to accept Graw's betrayal, especially Flight Officer Kahi, who was in a relationship with her. They were also informed about the upcoming attack on the newly discovered mobile base and the acquisition of their two new members, Ro and Syrmo, en route. With the other squadrons of Shadow Wing occupied elsewhere, Squadron Five would only accompany the bombers on their attack run on the mobile base.

On their way to the Rebel target, Squadron Five picked up their two new members from Ryleel Base. Broosh expressed his dissatisfaction with the selection of cadets Ro and Syrmo. He later briefed Squadron Five on their attack, informing them that the ISB had been using Graw's datapad to maintain the element of surprise on the rebels. When Kahi inquired about the Empire taking prisoners during the attack, Broosh stated that no rebels would be left to track down afterward.

Operation Cinder

Shadow Wing later responded to a rebel squadron's attack on the Trenchenovu shipyards using BTL Y-wing starfighters. After ambushing the Y-wings, Shadow Wing systematically destroyed them. The rebel squadron's leader, Nath Tensent, and his second-in-command, Reeka, managed to evade the 204th, but Reeka was eventually killed. Tensent, however, survived.

Six months later, in 4 ABY, the Empire suffered a significant blow with the death of the Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, during the Battle of Endor. Following this event, a contingency plan was activated, initiating Operation: Cinder through the deployment of messenger droids carrying Palpatine's final directives.

Shadow Wing participated in Operation Cinder, conducting an attack on the stormy marshland planet Nacronis. In their initial assault, Captain Nosteen and his squadron escorted TIE/sa bombers, while Major Soran Keize and his squadron intercepted rebel defenders. Nosteen's squadron encountered resistance while escorting the bombers. One pilot, named Tonas, positioned his TIE between a bomber and an X-wing to protect the former but was killed. Lieutenant Quell destroyed the X-wing, and an undetected surface-to-air missile killed Barath. The bombers successfully deployed a payload of vortex detonators, intensifying the siltstorm on Nacronis. The TIEs were then battered by the winds, and Nosteen was struck by lightning, resulting in his death and leaving Quell in command of the remaining pilots.

The storms created by Shadow Wing's bombing runs converged, devastating Nacronis. As the bombers returned to the Pursuer, Quell observed the storm's effects from above and even landed on the surface after the storms subsided. Overwhelmed by guilt for Shadow Wing's actions, she decided to defect. Major Keize, who landed nearby, sympathized with her and encouraged her to defect to the Rebel Alliance.

Attack on the Hellion's Dare

Over a month after the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance had transformed into the New Republic. Two Shadow Wing squadrons boarded the Aerie for a mission to destroy the Republic EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare. Led by Lieutenant Preartes, they attacked the frigate near Jiruus, engaging Riot Squadron and Hound Squadron. Although the Republic forces managed to escape into hyperspace, Shadow Wing located them again in the Oridol Cluster, where they conducted a series of attacks on the Republic, ultimately destroying the starship and all but two Republic starfighters, piloted by Chass na Chadic and Wyl Lark.

Colonel Nuress received a communication from Colonel Madrighast, who informed her of his plans to join the 108th in the Gordian Reach.

Assault over Pandem Nai

Former 204th pilot Yrica Quell as a member of the New Republic fleet

The 204th was stationed on the Tibanna Gas mining station Orbital One on Pandem Nai when Alphabet Squadron, led by Quell, who had defected to the Rebels and joined their New Republic as Alphabet Leader, attacked the station as part of the hunt for Shadow Wing. Debris blocked the launch bay, preventing reinforcements from arriving. The battle resulted in the death of Colonel Shakara Nuress, the 204th's commander. The 204th retreated from the planet after the orbital station's destruction.


Following the loss of their Star Destroyer, leader, and base of operations, the 204th fled Pandem Nai. It was after this point that Soran Keize rejoined the unit as an advisor, having previously left and adopted the name Devon. Upon witnessing the 204th's condition, he dedicated himself to rebuilding the unit. Using the 204th as a diversion, he utilized the carrier Aerie to recover abandoned TIE fighters. After bringing them aboard, he instructed the engineers to repair them, providing the unit with the necessary TIE fighters.


The Pursuer, headquarters of Shadow Wing

Under the direct command of Colonel Shakara Nuress and the former leadership of Grand General Kenner Loring, Shadow Wing was regarded as special forces and operated from the Pursuer, which was commanded by a captain. The 204th utilized at least four Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers, including the Summit, under the command of another captain, and the Aerie. As a fighter wing, it possessed an arsenal of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, TIE/IN interceptors, and at least one Lambda-class T-4a shuttle.

The 204th comprised six squadrons, including Squadron Five, led by Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh, and Squadron Four. Yrica Quell's squadron was commanded by Captain Nosteen, who had appointed Quell as his second-in-command fourteen weeks prior to Operation Cinder.

