Yrica Quell

Yrica Quell

During the last months of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], Yrica Quell a human female pilot of an X-wing starfighter, served the New Republic Starfighter Corps as the leader of Alphabet Squadron. She had been brought up on the Gavana Orbital space station. During the Galactic Empire's reign, Quell became a member of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing within the Imperial Military. After initially participating in Operation: Cinder, she defected to the New Republic and was given command of a diverse starfighter squadron. Prior to the Battle of Jakku, General Hera Syndulla ordered Quell to hunt down and destroy the 204th.


Early life

Yrica Quell was born around 18 BBY, in the early years of the Galactic Empire and raised on the Gavana Orbital space station, before she entered military service under the Empire. Quell's father was a brandy drinker, a habit Quell picked up with her brother's help. Her mother was a pilot who flew a YT-2400 light freighter. When Quell was sixteen, she and her friend Nette watched a transmission from Mon Mothma speaking against the Empire. Nette convinced Quell to join the Rebellion. However, lacking training, Quell decided to join the Empire first, planning to defect to the Rebellion after completing her training at the Imperial Academy.

Imperial service and defection

Quell joined the Imperial Starfighter Corps with the intention of defecting to the Rebel Alliance upon graduation. However, she decided she wanted to learn more and changed her plans, telling herself she would defect after a few missions. Quell graduated from the Academy, becoming a TIE fighter pilot in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. She soon decided that the Empire was not as bad as the propaganda made it out to be, and she did not want to abandon her colleagues, so she stopped planning to defect. Despite her earlier desires to join the Rebellion, she became completely loyal to the Empire. Her mentor, Soran Keize, knew this and made her keep it a secret.

Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, Quell and the rest of the 204th were engaged in combat against Rebel forces. Zin Graw, a member of Squadron Five, had broken off from her squadron and was busy taking out enemy A-Wing fighters when one of them snuck up behind her fighter and almost took her out. Quell intervened and destroyed the fighter just in time, saving Graw's life. Upon returning to the hangar, Graw thanked Quell for saving her life. Quell then mentioned her observation that the A-Wing pilot she'd shot down had been trained at the Imperial Academy. Quell started to express doubts but quickly stopped herself, dismissing it as a stupid joke. She told Graw to tell Ganem Kahi that he owed Quell one, before Quell stalked off, leaving Graw alone.

Two weeks after the Battle of Endor, as Operation: Cinder was initiated, Shadow Wing received orders to destroy Nacronis. Quell followed her orders and destroyed the planet, but was overwhelmed with guilt. Keize found her and urged her to finally defect to the Rebellion. After defecting, Quell was taken to Traitor's Remorse, along with twelve thousand other defectors who were processed at the base. The New Republic was initially wary of her, but she was deemed a low-value target since she did not possess any classified or useful information. The New Republic believed she defected during Operation: Cinder and tried to stop the attack. The reprogrammed Imperial IT-O droid used by New Republic Intelligence Agent Caern Adan suspected that Quell was lying about something.

Adan approached Quell to discuss the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing and to inform her that he was forming a task force to neutralize the group. He said he would contact her again when he decided if he wanted her on the team and that she should have an answer ready. Later, she went to Warren to "swap rumors" and try to get information about Caern Adan. While she was there, a bomb exploded, and she rescued a brand new defector, who she thought was "a bastard" because he arrived with a group of defectors that took too long to defect in her eyes.

Searching for Shadow Wing

Quell accepted the job with Caern Adan to join the task force. Her first task was to recruit Nath Tensent from the trading outpost known as the Entropian Hive to join the task force. Tensent had defected along with his entire squadron before the destruction of Alderaan after getting caught accepting bribes from pirates. The mission was ultimately successful, though Tensent only agreed to join after Adan bribed him. After Tensent's arrival, Adan tasked Quell with listening to recordings of Imperials that New Republic Intelligence had assembled to gather information on Shadow Wing. Quell was frustrated by this task and also traumatized by having to listen to hours of recordings regarding Operation: Cinder, in which she participated and helped the Empire commit terrible crimes against innocent worlds. Several days later, Quell decided to steal a T-65B X-wing starfighter and, with the help of D6-L, went on her own scouting mission to gather information about Shadow Wing. She returned and faced minor discipline from Adan, but he was more concerned about Quell's findings. She had discovered that Shadow Wing had attacked a New Republic ship, the Hellion's Dare, and killed almost all of the squadron pilots defending it except the two that escaped, Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic. Both pilots joined Adan's working group, and after a couple of weeks, the five of them were invited onto the Lodestar, where General Hera Syndulla agreed to let them search for Shadow Wing. Adan reluctantly assigned Quell to be the leader of the new squadron.

Leading a New Squadron

Quell had the Alphabet Squadron crest tattooed on her biceps.

Quell, later known as "Alphabet Leader" by other pilot squadrons, took charge of the newly formed Alphabet Squadron, leading them through a series of training exercises designed to enhance their teamwork in the air. During a practice run in the Gobreton minefield, Lark's ship sustained significant damage, causing Adan to restrict the squadron to practicing solely in the Lodestar's Flight simulators. Quell organized a simulation of the Battle of Endor for her squadron. Outside of their joint flight training, Quell began developing a program to simulate combat scenarios against Shadow Wing and compiling personnel files for the pilots who were formerly part of her old unit.

Subsequently, Quell led the squadron on a Mission to Abednedo. Alongside Chadic, she established contact with a Verpine smuggler, who revealed a group of Imperial prisoners. She dispatched the first prisoner back to Kairos and the U-wing with Chadic and followed the Verpine, discovering over a dozen more prisoners. Quell arranged for the Verpine to transport the prisoners back to the Lodestar aboard the 690 light freighter. However, upon reaching orbit with the freighter, Quell found Tensent, Lark, and the others under attack by TIE/sa bombers. Quell dove at the last bomber as it attempted to destroy the freighter, but missed her shot and watched with horror as the bomber rammed into the freighter, killing everyone onboard.

Upon their return to the Lodestar, Adan expressed his frustration with her. Quell retaliated, blaming him for providing insufficient resources and having unrealistic expectations. When Adan yelled at her, Quell punched him in the stomach. Later, she vomited in the bathroom when she thought about her failure and the bodies she had witnessed floating in the vacuum of space.

Expecting punishment for their failed mission, Quell was surprised when General Syndulla assigned them a new mission. She told Quell to lead the squadron to Harkrova I to recover a Rebel Alliance supply cache. Knowing the non-combat mission was a sort of punishment, Quell knew her squadron needed to succeed on this mission, and Syndulla told her that their performance on the mission would dictate if there was another mission for them. Alphabet Squadron landed on a mountaintop near the temple where the cache was located. The squadron planned to hike down the mountain to reach the temple. When they made camp, Quell listened to Lark tell stories, but denied a request to share stories of her own. Quell later saw the mysterious Kairos share stories through drawings, but still did not open up. When they spotted pirates potentially attempting to steal supplies from the cache, Quell hiked back up to the ships alone to keep watch over them. When the squadron finished their mission, Quell was relieved to see them more friendly with each other and held some reservations about her lack of an attempt to bond with her new wingmen.

Shortly after returning to the Lodestar, General Syndulla tasked Alphabet to assist with another salvage operation in Argai Minor. As this was part of a larger operation, Quell led Alphabet in support efforts. This was the squadrons first time in an active combat operation, and led to further operations around Argai Minor. Not long after the Argai Minor mission, Quell sought to make a gesture to her squadron that reinforced her commitment to them. After deliberation, Quell asked the mechanic Ragnell for a favor, and got her to paint the Alphabet Squadron insignia on their ships as a surprise to the squadron. When she witnessed their surprised reactions, she rolled up her sleeve to show them her new tattoo of the insignia on her bicep, trying to show her commitment to her team. While Tensent was somewhat annoyed by the surprise, the squadron was happy with the result and Quell's show of support.

Pandem Nai

Yrica Quell as a New Republic pilot

After considerable investigation and the accumulation of various clues by Adern, the location of the 204th was pinpointed to Pandem Nai. The wing had made its base in a Tibanna gas platform. A dense minefield protected the area, which posed a significant threat to the battle group if they attempted a direct assault. This would have given the 204th ample time to prepare and potentially escape. Furthermore, the atmosphere of Pandem Nai was highly unstable, making the use of turbolasers from capital ships dangerous due to the risk of ignition. Yrica devised a plan, approved by Adern and Hera Syndulla, where Alphabet Squadron would carefully navigate the minefield without the rest of the battle group. They would then launch a direct assault on the mining platform's launch bays, effectively trapping most of the 204th inside. Simultaneously, Kairos's U-wing would deploy a commando unit to secure the base, preventing the pilots from taking off.

Although Alphabet managed to seal the launch bays, the remaining deployed TIE fighters made the battle challenging. Quell primarily stayed close to Chass's wing, providing escort and defense for the B-wing as it attacked the station's weapons after the docking bays were secured. Despite holding their own, two near-catastrophic events occurred at the same time. Colonel Nuress ordered the hangar bay doors to be destroyed to facilitate launch, and the station's Tibanna containment system began to fail. This containment failure meant the platform was at risk of exploding and falling from the sky. The 204th focused mainly on escaping, abandoning Pandem Nai to its fate. Haunted by memories of Nacronis, Quell instructed the squadron to help prevent the tibanna stores on the platform and transport ships from detonating. She personally flew her X-wing into the atmosphere to break apart large pieces of the falling station that posed a threat. While largely successful, Quell's X-wing and droid sustained heavy damage, resulting in a crash landing on the surface.

Eventually, Caern Adan and IT0 located her. After receiving her service record from Nath Tensent, Adan confronted her about her true involvement in Operation Cinder on Nacronis. She admitted to willingly carrying out the mission to devastate the planet and only defecting afterward. Adan then informed her that she would be working directly under him and that this information would remain confidential as long as she remained compliant.

Cerberon & Troithe

Following the battle of Pandem Nai, Hera Syndulla's battle group proceeded to the Cerberon system to engage the planet Troithe. The primary objective was to liberate the planet from the control of the Imperial governor. New Republic Intelligence had granted Caern Adan additional resources to locate the 204th, and he had Quell assisting him in this effort, even though Alphabet Squadron was mainly performing standard air support missions for the ground troops. Simultaneously, Hera Syndulla mentored Quell on New Republic/Rebel ideologies and organizational structures, while ITO continued to provide "counseling" regarding her feelings about Nacronis and her role in its destruction.

Despite having a strategy to besiege the main settlement and force the governor's forces to surrender, Adan and Quell developed a plan for a more direct assault. Although it would result in more New Republic casualties, it would serve as an attractive target for the 204th, giving the impression that they did not have firm control of the planet. Despite her reservations, Adan reminded her of his blackmail and coerced her into supporting the plan when they presented it to Syndulla, who subsequently approved it.

Following this, Quell faced a series of setbacks. First, the attack was successful, but Kairos was severely wounded. While attempting to visit Kairos, Caern Adan was captured by unknown forces. Then, Hera was summoned to assist with another campaign, taking Vanguard Squadron with her. She placed Quell in charge of general operations, as she was the architect of the trap for the 204th, and assured her that Adan would be found. Concerned that he might reveal her Nacronis secret, Quell enlisted Nath Tensent's help in locating him. Using a captured, unmarked freighter, they eventually tracked down a rogue Imperial group holding him and launched a rescue mission, but it was too late for Quell. A failsafe set up by Adan released the true story of her involvement in Operation Cinder to her squadmates. Upon her return, they confronted her and demanded that she surrender to New Republic authorities for war crimes.

Before this situation could be fully resolved, the 204th launched an attack. Ignoring the trap set by Quell and Adan, they instead sent fighters to attack Troithe's main city and used an old Star Destroyer to engage the Lodestar, believing Hera Syndulla was still aboard. Unable to access her fighter, Quell commandeered the freighter, suspecting that the 204th had a hidden agenda. Adan and ITO were on the freighter but did not stop her. Disregarding the main battle, Quell located the 204th's Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier and launched an assault by towing a large piece of debris at the ship. The impact destroyed the carrier, but Soran Keize personally disabled the freighter, causing it to crash on a planetoid in the system.

The crash left Adan injured and ITO missing. Insisting on finding the droid, Adan had them search for the wreckage of the ship. During their search, Adan recounted his time in an Imperial prison, where he met Kairos and another inmate had reprogrammed ITO, enabling their escape. They eventually found the droid with low power, but Adan was unable to walk due to his injuries. However, ITO had located a power source that turned out to be a sith-style temple, though Quell was only vaguely aware of its origins from old propaganda broadcasts. They soon discovered that when the system's black hole aligned with the temple in a specific way, it initiated a telepathic connection with Quell, forcing her to relive emotionally significant memories. ITO detected a response from the temple based on her mood, so she continued to interact with it.

Her progress was short-lived. ITO had sustained more damage than it revealed, and the loss of power and continued degradation caused it to revert to its original programming as an IT-O Interrogation Unit. Quell was forced to destroy the droid, but not before it accused her of being a war criminal. Shortly afterward, Adan succumbed to his injuries and died. These losses left Quell in a dark emotional state, and during her next interaction with the temple, she abandoned any pretense of defending or denying her actions. The temple responded and revealed a ship inside.

Believing that her New Republic comrades would never forgive or understand her at that point, she used the unknown ship's stealth systems to sneak through the final battle of Troithe and attach to the bulk freighter that the 204th's survivors had stolen from Troithe's mining megafacility, undetected by either side. She then surrendered to Soran Keize as Lieutenant Yrica Quell, her former Imperial rank.

Back with the 204th

Quell concealed her work with the New Republic and claimed to have been in a reclamation camp between her departure from the squadron and her return. To support this deception, she removed her Alphabet Squadron tattoo. Soran Keize appointed her as his personal aide because he needed someone to share his philosophy for leading the squadron, which differed from the post-Endor Empire's approach.

In secret, Quell worked to undermine the 204th. Using stolen parts, she created a simple burst transmitter and hid it on the bulk freighter Yadeez that the 204th used as a carrier. While the 204th carried out their orders for Operation: Cinder, Quell waited for Hera Syndulla to catch up to them. When Syndulla arrived with Alphabet Squadron in the Deliverance, she began sending out burst transmissions to allow the New Republic to track them. Keize quickly realized that someone was tipping off the New Republic and ordered a search of the vessel. Knowing she would be discovered, she went to the transmitter's location and destroyed it, but also encountered the Sentinel Messenger Droid, which she shot and destroyed.

Knowing she could no longer hide her actions, she confessed to Keize. Keize saw an opportunity to understand the underlying principles of Cinder and began disassembling the droid with Quell. After they had stripped it down and exposed its encrypted memory bank, Keize instructed Quell to take a small team to the planet Netalych, where the world's droid masters could decipher the memory. As the 204th initiated the next phase of Cinder over the planet Chadawa, Quell took the stealth ship she had retrieved in Cerberon and departed. Unfortunately, Chass and Kairos followed her.


Upon landing on Netalych, she was vague with the squadron members who had accompanied her about the nature of their mission. Keize had warned her that many squadron members almost worshipped the Emperor's messenger and would not understand their need to decipher its workings. After some investigation, Quell found a droid who would decipher the memory for her, but the price was a year of servitude from one of her crewmates. Unbeknownst to her, one of them had volunteered after Quell told him the mission was vital to the Emperor's vision.

She retrieved the decrypted data from the droid but faced two simultaneous problems. Upon returning from the droid's workshop, the rest of her crew confronted her with the destroyed and disassembled messenger. Suspecting her of treason, they locked her in a room in their on-planet apartment. Before they could act on their suspicions, Chass and Kairos attacked, having tracked Quell to the planet. Quell escaped through a window but ensured she completed her mission by reviewing and uploading the data from the messenger to Keize. Just as she finished, Chass found her, beat her severely, and dragged her back to Kairos's U-wing, triggering a firefight with the Imperials.

Back with the New Republic

The firefight triggered the droid security forces, who damaged the U-wing's hyperdrive and navicomputer. Despite their distrust, Chass and Kairos allowed Quell to repair the hyperdrive. Both she and Chass were horrified when Kairos made a jump without programming or calculating coordinates. The jump somehow took them to Kairos's homeworld, where they landed in the dense jungle. They located an abandoned Imperial facility where they believed they could find spare parts to repair the navicomputer. Traveling on foot, they arrived and looted the facility, with Quell secretly gathering equipment to send a long-range transmission.

They were briefly delayed at the facility when other members of Kairos's species surrounded it, but Kairos snuck them out, and they rigged the facility to explode, scaring off the locals long enough for them to return to the U-wing. After briefly observing Kairos perform a local burial/farewell ritual, they repaired the ship.

That night, Quell contacted Keize. By that time, her team had returned to the Yadeez and voiced their suspicions about Quell's allegiance. Communications during sorties over Chadawa had also revealed Quell's association with Alphabet Squadron. Quell and Keize's discussion was brief, but they both seemed to realize they were now on opposite sides.

When the ship returned to the Deliverance, it was after the ship had finished engaging the 204th at Chadawa. All ships on both sides were being recalled as a prelude to the Battle of Jakku. Hera did not order Quell's arrest or imprisonment but remained frustrated by her reluctance to share her mission on Netalych. Quell was conflicted due to the knowledge's larger implications and her divided loyalties. In the end, she decided to tell Hera and Alphabet Squadron the truth.

The Messenger Databank and Coruscant

The Messenger Droid's memory bank revealed that the messengers received their information from a central databank constructed by the Emperor. This databank gathered information on every person in Imperial service, cataloging their attitudes, general loyalty, crimes and missions, Midi-chlorian count, and other demographic data. The droids used this information to identify Imperial units for Operation Cinder. Keize and Quell both feared that if the databanks fell into the New Republic's hands, it would trigger an endless hunt for everyone on the list. No Imperial would ever be free of their past because Imperial service almost always involved participation in or knowledge of questionable activities. She revealed that Keize intended to destroy the databank on Coruscant, but doing so would damage a large portion of the city, resulting in thousands of deaths.

Hera presented the information to Mon Mothma and other New Republic leaders, who agreed it needed to be addressed. However, no one could spare the resources to do anything about it until after the battle. Ultimately, Hera granted Quell special permission to intercept Keize, providing her with a new prototype T-70 X-wing starfighter. Kairos also accompanied her in her U-wing, while the rest of Alphabet Squadron remained with the Deliverance.

Upon arriving at Coruscant, Keize had already evaded the blockade and reached the planet's surface. Quell and Kairos followed his path. Some of the TIE/sk defense force had rallied, and Kairos stayed behind to delay them. Quell pursued Keize through the city's towers and streets toward the databanks. They avoided engaging each other, focusing on fighting off the TIEs. However, a direct confrontation occurred when they reached the databank. Keize maintained his belief that leaving the databank intact would condemn former Imperials to endless persecution, while Quell argued that destroying the databanks would kill thousands of people.

Neither yielded, and they fought. Keize gradually destroyed the supports holding the databanks, while Quell attempted to damage him. Keize was a superior pilot, and Quell made no progress. Keize sought to understand Quell's disagreement, and Quell finally admitted that she had accepted her guilt for her crimes and did not believe she had the right to kill thousands of people on the chance that the New Republic would misuse the information. This admission, broadcast over an open channel, convinced Kairos that Quell was not to blame. Kairos lured a swarm of TIEs to their duel's location and detonated her U-Wing, causing Keize's TIE to crash.

Quell landed and found Keize attempting to manually detonate the databanks, but he was too injured, and she stopped him. They spoke briefly before Keize succumbed to his wounds. Quell was left with the feeling that Keize could have been a good man, but his loyalties had been misplaced for too long.

Eventually, Kairos, who had survived ejecting from her ship, found her. Declaring that she had moved on to a new phase in her life, Kairos left her to return to the New Republic alone, bidding farewell to Yrica, who acknowledged her as "sister" as she departed.

After Jakku

Immediately after the Battle of Jakku, Quell underwent a thorough debriefing, and Mon Mothma placed her under house arrest instead of imprisoning her. She and the New Republic leadership recognized that Quell's case was precedent-setting and would determine how other Imperials would be treated after the war. Quell expected life imprisonment at best and was shocked when Hera visited her and announced she would be set free and awarded a medal for her work infiltrating the 204th and stopping Keize. The condition was that she could not participate in New Republic government in any way and was restricted from owning weapons or armed craft. Quell felt she did not deserve the medal, and Hera advised her to view it as a political gesture, allowing them to be lenient with Imperials who had not done as much to redeem themselves.

In the following years, Quell acquired an intra-system cargo ship and began making cargo runs, primarily for medical facilities. Eventually, she took on Chass na Chadic as a partner after Chass became destitute and lost after her New Republic pension ran out on Corulag. The two eventually became lovers.

Personality and traits

Quell was a human female who, like the rest of Alphabet Squadron, was trying to find her place in the galaxy. Quell possessed a strong sense of duty that prevented her from defecting from the Empire, despite her intentions, after graduating from the Academy. She had an exceptional memory. Shortly after its formation, Quell had the Alphabet Squadron crest tattooed on her biceps. She was known for being temperamental, withdrawn, and an exceptional pilot.

Quell found solace in order and routine, which she and others believed kept her loyal to the Empire. She only left Imperial service when ordered to do so by her commanding officer. Despite wanting to serve the New Republic, she never felt completely at ease with its relaxed style and patterns, although she recognized the advantages of some of their unorthodox combat plans. Even after deserting the Empire, Yrica Quell continued to empathize with its personnel and felt uncomfortable at the thought of fighting her former peers during her earlier missions. Later, after returning from Shadow Wing, Quell expressed her reservations about the New Republic gaining access to the Imperial databanks on Coruscant, which contained records of every offense committed by individuals in Imperial service. Like her mentor Soran Keize, Yrica doubted that the Republic could be trusted to justly handle the fates of former Imperials with such information and voiced her discomfort with the prospect of seeing thousands of innocent Imperial operatives hunted down and tried for their actions. She believed that the Empire had been designed to ensure that those who served it became complicit in actions that could be used against them. Indeed, Quell was motivated to notify Alphabet Squadron only to prevent the loss of life that would occur if Keize destroyed the databanks, rather than out of faith in the new government.

For much of her Imperial service, she felt unease about the nature of some missions and was influenced by Soran Keize to focus on serving her comrades rather than the larger implications of their actions. This led to a profound sense of guilt, particularly after the mission to eliminate Nacronis as part of Operation: Cinder. It took her years to reconcile with this guilt, and even after, she carried a lingering sense that she had been spared the punishment she deserved.


Before defecting from the Imperial Starfighter Corps, Yrica Quell had relationships with several people. At 16, Quell was close to a young woman named Nette, who was a year older. Nette joined the Rebel Alliance and encouraged Quell to train as a pilot so she could join the Alliance one day. Quell joined the Imperial Academy to gain combat pilot experience with the intention of defecting to the Alliance, but abandoned this dream as she came to appreciate the stability she believed the Empire provided.

Major Soran Keize (pictured above) was Quell's mentor during her time within Shadow Wing.

During her time with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, Yrica Quell worked closely with her mentor, Major Soran Keize. He was the only person in the Galactic Empire to know about her earlier intentions to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which she only pursued by defecting to the New Republic when Keize urged her to do so during Operation: Cinder. Quell held her teacher in high regard and inwardly referred to him as a hero and the ace of aces while briefing Alphabet Squadron. During her service with the New Republic, Yrica often thought about Keize, acknowledging his role as her mentor. Keize, in turn, spoke highly of his protégé to Colonel Shakara Nuress, who recalled that her major had "quite liked her".

After her defection to the New Republic in the weeks following the Battle of Endor, Quell was questioned by an interrogator droid named IT-O. Quell told IT-O that she would discuss anything, including her first girlfriend or last boyfriend, if it would prove to the droid that she was fit to command the newly formed Alphabet Squadron. Despite her frequent frustration and annoyance at the droid's indirect, leading method of communication, she missed the droid after its destruction, believing for a time that it was the only person she could honestly talk to.

Quell had an antagonistic relationship with Caern Adan, whom she felt never truly trusted her and eventually blackmailed her. Despite this, they developed a functional working relationship during their time on Troithe, although by the time of Adan's death, she did not feel much real affection for him and believed he saw her as nothing more than a war criminal he could exploit.

She viewed Hera Syndulla as a mentor, particularly in understanding New Republic/Rebellion attitudes and thinking. She believed Hera was the first person to show confidence in her as a squadron commander and disliked the thought that Hera would disapprove of her return to the 204th.

Romantically, Quell was known to have had at least one girlfriend and at least one boyfriend before joining the New Republic. She admitted to a casual liaison with one of the pilots of the 204th before they began Operation: Cinder. During her time with Alphabet Squadron, there was an undercurrent of mutual attraction between herself and Chass na Chadic, but Quell did not pursue it due to her unease with the New Republic and her role as squadron leader. Any chance of exploring it seemed to vanish once Quell's role in Operation: Cinder became public knowledge and she rejoined the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. However, in the years following the Battle of Jakku, the two eventually became regular lovers.

Skills and abilities

Quell was a skilled pilot, demonstrated by her service in the elite 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. She was highly proficient in flying a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, thanks to her training at the Imperial Academy and combat experience with the Imperial Navy. Quell could also pilot an X-wing starfighter, but the controls and nuances of the X-wing were less familiar, and flying one was not as comfortable as a TIE fighter.

Her life before joining Imperial Service included working on several independent starships, giving her a basic understanding of starship maintenance and repair, enough to perform field repairs on a U-Wing's hyperdrive and navicomputer.

Behind the scenes

Yrica Quell was created for the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed. Del Rey first revealed her on Twitter when they released the official cover of the novel with some story details.

On March 18, 2021, StarWars.com announced that Star Wars comic books released by Marvel Comics in June would feature Pride Month variant covers, pairing gay and transgender artists with LGBTQ+ characters. The artwork was revealed on May 7 and includes Quell on the Bounty Hunters 13 variant cover by Jacopo Camagni.

