Netalych, a planet of cold temperatures, resided in the Netalych system's seventh orbit. This world was positioned within the Inner Rim Territories and Trailing Sectors, its location specified as N-14 on the Standard Galactic Grid, a short distance from the Corellian Run super-hyperroute. The Galactic Empire maintained an outpost there, known as DN-949A, which functioned as a fueling depot and a facility for chemical processing. The population of this outpost comprised fewer than 500 organic beings and 1600 droids possessing at least fifth-degree intelligence. A mere six days following the Battle of Endor, the droids staged an insurrection, seizing control from the local Imperial forces and declaring their independence. The organic inhabitants were permitted to stay, though they were compelled to work under the droids' direction, who continued to welcome visitors and sell fuel in exchange for credits.
Approximately one year after that pivotal battle, a strike force belonging to the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, under the command of Colonel Soran Keize, journeyed to Netalych. This team was led by Yrica Quell, a former pilot secretly aiding the New Republic in their hunt for the fighter wing. Quell's hidden mission was to confer with a droid known as the Surgeon and have the remnants of the 204th's Messenger droid analyzed. This was done to determine the selection process for participants in Operation: Cinder. Chass na Chadic and Kairos, former comrades of Quell's from her time as a New Republic pilot, pursued her to Netalych, leading to a firefight with the Imperial strike team. The droids initiated a lockdown of the outpost during the conflict. Although the two pilots successfully captured Quell and escaped the planet, the droids retaliated, attacking their U-wing and causing damage.