Fighter wing

Bellicose fighter wing A fighter wing of the Empire originating from the Bellicose A flight wing, alternatively known as an attack wing or fighter wing, signified an organized grouping of starfighters utilized across various naval and fleet forces.



An organizational type of military unit consisting of starfighters was the fighter wing, which could also be called an attack wing or a flight wing. Different fleets and navies employed fighter wings. Eli Vanto learned through studying Imperial Military history that in close-quarters combat, even one or two fighter wings could determine whether a battle resulted in victory or devastating loss. The wing commander was the typical title held by the commanding officer of a fighter wing.

Alliance to Restore the Republic

While it was active, the Alliance to Restore the Republic made use of fighter wings, which could have their headquarters at a military installation, with the commanding officer known as a wing commander. Occasionally, large squadrons were also referred to as wings.

Confederacy of Independent Systems

During their time, the armed forces of the Separatist Alliance made use of fighter wings, which they referred to as flight wings. Following an increase in production, Separatist Hyena-class Droid Bombers were assigned to flight wings all over the galaxy.

First Order

The armed forces of the First Order incorporated fighter wings. TIE/fo space superiority fighters, TIE/sf space superiority fighters, and TIE/se Bombers made up the two fighter wings that were carried by First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyers.

Galactic Empire

Within the Galactic Empire, a complete attack wing comprised six squadrons, totaling 72 ships—typically 48 TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, 12 TIE/sa bombers, and 12 TIE/in interceptors. As part of their complement, Imperial capital ships carried varying numbers of fighter wings. A single complete attack wing was carried by Imperial-class Star Destroyers. The Secutor-class Star Destroyer carried a pair of fighter wings, which enhanced its function as a carrier. Imperial escort carriers had a fighter wing as their complement.

The ship's commanding officer was in charge of the fighter wing when it was a part of the ship's complement. Fighter wings functioned as a part of a planetary defense force. Furthermore, Imperial fighter wings could function as independent military units with headquarters on a starship, instead of just serving as the ship's complement. A colonel commanded these fighter wings, with assistance from a major. Within the Empire, the leader of a fighter wing was known as a wing commander.

Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic's fighter wings differed in size; some wings had 120 starfighters, while others had 400 starfighters spread across four wings. Venator-class Star Destroyers could accommodate four complete fighter wings. A Maelstrom-class battle cruiser was equipped with one fighter wing, which could hold up to 120 starfighters, though it also carried ninety-six. The commanding officers of fighter wings were wing commanders.

New Republic and Resistance

The New Republic and the Resistance both employed the Nebulon-C escort frigate, which had the capacity to carry a single fighter wing. The commanding officers of fighter wings in the New Republic and the Resistance were referred to as wing commander or wing leader. Commander Wyl Lark led a New Republic fighter wing that was based on the Star Destroyer Deliverance and was made up of Flare Squadron, Hail Squadron, and Wild Squadron.

Vak Combine

The Vak Combine, a government situated in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, made use of fighter wings. The Chiss Ascendancy, another faction in the region, was aware of this military formation.


During the Clone Wars

During the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, both the Confederacy navy and the Republic Navy utilized fighter wings. Each Venator-class Star Destroyers was outfitted with four fighter wings, which were utilized all through their service. The Separatists saw how well their Hyena-class bombers performed early in the war, after the Battle of Christophsis, which led to an increase in production. Shortly after, Hyena-class bombers started showing up in Separatist flight wings all across the galaxy. Jedi Generals Adi Gallia and Kit Fisto served as Wing Commanders during the Battle of Lola Sayu, leading starfighter forces from a Republic task force in opposition to the Separatist defense fleet protecting Lola Sayu.

Around the same time as the Clone Wars, shortly before a battle over Primea between the Vak Combine, the Chiss Ascendancy, and the Lioaoin Regime, Chiss Admiral Ar'alani pointed out that several wings of Vak fighters were less provocative than full-class warships and that they were trying to prevent the conflict from getting worse.

During the Imperial Era

During the Imperial Era, which saw the rise of rebellious actions and the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance both made use of fighter wings. A full regiment and a system battle group in orbit worked in conjunction with scores of fighter wings on Cymoon 1 to protect the vital Imperial Weapons Factory Alpha. However, the efficacy was diminished by communication failures between the units because of the numerous ad hoc groupings. Each Imperial Star Destroyer was equipped with a fighter wing, and one fighter wing was stationed on the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Bellicose. Beta Squadron was a member of the fighter wing, which served as the ship's complement. The entire fighter wing, along with the Bellicose, was soon destroyed due to the recklessness of the ship's commander, Tylux. The Rebel Alliance Amber Wing was stationed at the Rebel Refueling Base during the Battle of Vrogas Vas, where Darth Vader destroyed it. A large number of fighter wings served in Death Squadron and participated in the Battle of Mako-Ta. During the Battle of Ab Dalis, the Ultima II launched a fighter wing, but Imperial forces were defeated.

The Galactic Empire deployed the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, which was well-known for the red stripes that decorated their fighters. This intimidating design served as an inspiration for other Imperial squadrons. Another unit was the renowned elite 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also known as "Shadow Wing." Colonel Shakara Nuress served as the leader of the 204th. It was made up of Squadron Two, Squadron Three, Squadron Four, Squadron Five, Squadron Six, and another squadron. The New Republic hunted the 204th following the Battle of Endor because it was regarded as a serious threat to Republic operations.

During the New Republic Era

The New Republic made use of fighter wings following the Galactic Civil War during the New Republic Era and the Cold War, and Commander Poe Dameron held the position of wing commander. The Resistance, a private military organization with ties to the dissolved Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, also made use of the wing commander position; one of its ships, the Anodyne, was equipped with a fighter wing. On the other hand, the First Order also used fighter wings, with two of them serving as the complement of their Resurgent-class Battlecruisers.

