Rebel Refueling Base

The clandestine Rebel Refueling Base was established by the Alliance to Restore the Republic on the planet Vrogas Vas during 0 ABY. The Galactic Empire uncovered the base's existence when the Sith Lord Darth Vader launched an assault, resulting in the annihilation of two out of three X-wing squadrons tasked with its defense, and Vader's subsequent crash landing on the planet alongside Luke Skywalker. Following this, the rebels made an attempt to eliminate Vader, deploying a significant contingent of troops and tanks; however, Vader outmaneuvered them by using the Force to trigger their grenades. Furthermore, Vader decimated two Y-wing squadrons until Commander Karbin and his forces assumed control, compelling the rebels to withdraw. Subsequently, Vader killed Karbin, but Skywalker managed to flee before Vader could capture him. In the aftermath of the conflict, the base was deserted because the Empire was now aware of its whereabouts.

