Vrogas Vas, found within the Outer Rim Territories, was classified as a planet. This celestial body lacked any known indigenous life forms, was characterized by significant gaseous output, and served as the location of a Jedi Temple where Jedi Master Phin-Law Wo was stationed.

Situated in the Outer Rim Territories, Vrogas Vas was a terrestrial planet that orbited at least one star. When viewed from space, Vrogas Vas presented as a greenish-brown sphere, enveloped by a blue nebula. Its surface was desolate and unwelcoming. The landscape was entirely composed of arid plains, ravines, and dunes, and it lacked any notable life, with the exception of non-native wasp-worms that inhabited hives beneath rocky formations.

Sometime before the Galactic Civil War, the Jedi Order established a temple on this planet. For a period of time, the temple served as the home of Jedi Master Phin-Law Wo. By 0 ABY, the temple had fallen into disrepair. Wo created a holocron that detailed the temple, which was later found on Nar Shaddaa by Luke Skywalker. Before the Battle of Vrogas Vas, the Alliance to Restore the Republic set up a refueling base on the planet's surface.
In 0 ABY, Darth Vader experienced a crash landing on the planet following an engagement with a substantial Rebel force. Karbin, a Mon Calamari cyborg who was Vader's rival within the Empire, orchestrated the Sith Lord's arrival on Vrogas Vas with the intention of eliminating him and improving his own position. The subsequent conflict saw Darth Vader, the Rebel forces present on the planet, and Karbin's Imperial forces all fighting each other, which resulted in Karbin's demise and the Rebellion's withdrawal from the planet.