A Jedi Temple once stood tall on the planet of Vrogas Vas. By the time the Galactic Civil War erupted, this temple had fallen into disrepair, becoming a ruin. Seeking to deepen his understanding of the Jedi path, Luke Skywalker journeyed to the ruined temple on Vrogas Vas. His trip was prompted by a holocron he discovered, which contained a message from Jedi Master Phin-Law Wo, a former occupant of the temple, that revealed its location.
Located on the planet Vrogas Vas, the Jedi Temple was constructed from stone and adorned with numerous statues. The structure lay in ruins by the time of the Galactic Civil War. Many statues, which represented members of the Jedi Order, were broken and had collapsed. Markings made with a lightsaber were found on one of the temple's walls.
During its active years, Jedi Master Phin-Law Wo was stationed at the Vrogas Vas temple. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was aware of the temple's existence, documenting it in his journal for Luke. After the temple's abandonment and ruin, Jedi trainee Luke Skywalker discovered a holocron on Nar Shaddaa that contained a message from Master Wo, who spoke of the Jedi Temple. Skywalker departed Nar Shaddaa and traveled to Vrogas Vas, where he was stationed with Red Squadron. During a starfighter battle against the Sith Lord Darth Vader, both Skywalker and Vader were forced to crash-land on the planet. Skywalker's X-wing fighter crashed near the Jedi Temple ruins, which he then explored while attempting to rejoin his Rebel Alliance comrades. While navigating the ruins, he experienced what he perceived as the presence of his deceased master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his father, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker—who, unbeknownst to Skywalker, was secretly Darth Vader. He was subsequently captured by associates of the Sith Lord: Aphra, an archaeologist, and BT-1, an assassin droid.
The Jedi Temple on Vrogas Vas was initially referenced in Star Wars (2015) 9, a comic book from 2015 penned by Jason Aaron. Its visual debut occurred in Vader Down 1, also authored by Jason Aaron.