Star Wars (2015) 9

Star Wars #9 represents the ninth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars. It also marks the second of five issues contained within the second story arc of the series, known as Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon. Jason Aaron penned the issue, while Stuart Immonen provided the artwork. The release date for this issue was September 16, 2015.

Summary from the Publisher

Synopsis of the Plot

Encountering Difficulties

On the Nar Shaddaa setting, Luke Skywalker gives chase to the alien thief who made off with his lightsaber, navigating the streets of the ecumenopolis moon. They both execute leaps across buildings. After a less-than-graceful landing, Skywalker gets in touch with R2-D2, emphasizing the importance of preventing the thief's escape with the lightsaber.

The alien thief commandeers an airspeeder's engines, mocking Skywalker for his perceived lack of agility. Watched by R2-D2, Skywalker employs the Force to propel himself after the thief, seizing his leg. The thief's magna-glove malfunctions, leading to a crash through skyscrapers and onto a fruit market stall. Both survive the fall, with the thief labeling Skywalker as insane.

Skywalker notices R2-D2 and questions why his companions have ceased their pursuit. Just then, Grakkus the Hutt declares that Skywalker has entered Hutta Town and demands the surrender of the blade. The Hutt is flanked by two IG-100 MagnaGuard, armed with electrostaffs.

Imperial Complications

On the uncharted world located within the Monsua Nebula, the TIE fighter pilot Captain informs Admiral Keener about the destruction of five TIE fighters by atmospheric disturbances, while also reporting the successful location of their targets. The TIE fighter pilots exit their vehicles and order Sana Starros, Han Solo, and Princess Leia Organa to lie on the ground.

However, Leia opens fire on the TIE pilots. Solo requests that Sana return his blaster, but Starros remains focused on collecting the bounty placed on Leia's head. Solo then reveals his allegiance to the rebel cause and his status as a wanted individual by the Galactic Empire. Solo succeeds in persuading Starros to redirect the Volt Cobra's cannons towards the Imperials. The three then make their escape aboard the Volt Cobra.

Prisoner Under Grakkus's Control

Returning to Nar Shaddaa, Skywalker engages in combat with the two IG-100 MagnaGuard, but their electrostaffs prove too much for him. Grakkus explains to Skywalker that his MagnaGuards are relics from the Clone Wars, designed to combat Jedi Knights, and asserts that Skywalker is not one of them. Grakkus demands to know from whom Skywalker stole the lightsaber. The alien thief reveals that Skywalker claimed his father was a Jedi.

Grakkus expresses disbelief and questions Skywalker's sanity in venturing to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Skywalker replies that he seeks no trouble, but Grakkus retorts that he has come to the wrong moon and knocks him to the ground.

Later, Skywalker regains consciousness to find himself in Grakkus's presence, who shows him a blue holocron. Grakkus informs Skywalker that he is in his home. Skywalker then notices that Grakkus possesses a collection of Jedi artifacts, including statues, holocrons, records, and a Jedi starfighter. Grakkus explains that he acquired these items through his extensive network of spice smugglers and bounty hunters.

Grakkus discloses that he used his agent to lure Skywalker to his location in order to unlock a Jedi holocron. Skywalker, unfamiliar with holocrons, states that he does not know how to unlock one. Grakkus dismisses this and orders the wannabe Jedi to figure it out. As Grakkus counts down from five, Skywalker uses the Force to unlock the holocron, which then divides into several smaller holocrons.

Holographic representations of several Jedi manifest, including Jedi Master Phin-Law Wo, an unidentified Thisspiasian Master, and a Cosian Master. Skywalker is captivated by a holocron of the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti, who urges viewers not to let the deaths of the Jedi be in vain. Deeming Skywalker as the "last Jedi," Grakkus decides to add him to his collection. He instructs his MagnaGuards to take Skywalker to the "Gamemaster" in the arena. R2-D2 initiates a distress signal transmission to the Alliance Fleet.

Rebels Facing Danger

Returning to the uncharted world, Princess Leia voices her frustration about the Imperials jamming their transmissions. Sana Starros advises her to disregard the comms and focus on firing the cannons. Leia expresses concern about being torn apart by the storms. Starros sarcastically asks if Leia is always "this cheerful". When Solo suggests he take over the ship, both women simultaneously tell him to be quiet.

Aboard a Rebel Alliance warship, the Alliance commanders receive the distress signal from R2-D2. Mon Mothma informs General Jan Dodonna and Admiral Gial Ackbar that Skywalker has been abducted by a local Hutt crime lord. Dodonna expresses surprise that Skywalker was visiting Nar Shaddaa, which he considers the largest haven for outlaws and assassins in the galaxy.

Admiral Ackbar inquires about how they can rescue Skywalker. Mon Mothma is hesitant to risk Alliance personnel and resources by dispatching a covert team to a Hutt-controlled world. A troubled Mothma apologizes to Skywalker and wonders who would volunteer for such a dangerous mission. Chewbacca roars his agreement, prompting Dodonna to acknowledge that her question has been answered. C-3PO asks Chewbacca if they should depart immediately, while dreading the prospect of such a mission.

