Star Wars issue number 10 represents the tenth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars. It also marks the third of five issues within the second story arc of the series, known as Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon. Jason Aaron penned the issue, while Stuart Immonen provided the artwork. Its release date was October 7, 2015.
- Luke Skywalker has been … imprisoned! [1]
- His allies are racing across the galaxy in order to rescue him before he is forced into… [1]
Sana Starros pilots the Volt Cobra as Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa engage in an argument about their marksmanship skills, all while exchanging laser fire with pursuing TIE fighters and an Imperial Star Destroyer. Starros urges them to concentrate, warning of impending danger. Solo retorts by requesting Sana to facilitate their escape. Sana replies that the navicomputer is still calculating their escape route.
The hyperdrive is taking a while to engage. Princess Leia questions if Starros acquired the hyperdrive from the same source as her "husband." Starros expresses disbelief that the Millennium Falcon, which she derisively calls a piece of junk, is still operational. Leia tells them to focus on survival. Starros proclaims that the Volt Cobra, not the Falcon, is the galaxy's fastest ship. At that moment, the hyperdrive activates, and Starros bids the Empire "goodbye."
Elsewhere, C-3PO and Chewbacca arrive above Nar Shaddaa, with C-3PO commenting that the planet is even worse than he had imagined. Chewbacca disagrees, a response that worries C-3PO. C-3PO prefers to stay on the ship while Chewbacca searches for Skywalker, but Chewbacca laughs at the suggestion.
Upon landing, C-3PO approaches a group of four droids near a street corner, which include a CZ-series secretary/business communications droid, a WED Treadwell repair droid, an RA-7 protocol droid, and an R5 unit. C-3PO inquires if they have seen his master, who is traveling with an R2 series astromech droid. The RA-7 droid leads C-3PO into a dead-end, where the droids ambush him, intending to sell his components to junk dealers in exchange for an oil bath. Just as the Treadwell droid is about to behead him, Chewbacca intervenes and dismantles the droid gang. As C-3PO tears apart the RA-7 droid, Chewbacca repeats his request for information about the location of Luke Skywalker and R2-D2.
Meanwhile, IG-100 MagnaGuards escort Skywalker to the Gamemaster, who mocks him, saying that reading holocrons does not make him a Jedi. Skywalker denies being a Jedi and asks the Gamemaster's identity. The Gamemaster introduces himself and informs Skywalker that he is responsible for training him to provide a compelling spectacle when he dies. Skywalker refuses to fight for the Hutt crime lord's amusement, but the Gamemaster offers to teach him how to use a lightsaber.
The Gamemaster informs Skywalker that the Jedi Temple on Coruscant has been converted into the Imperial Palace. He adds that the Jedi and their temples are gone. The Gamemaster entices Skywalker with the possibility of examining the holocrons in Grakkus' collection if he survives long enough.
After removing Skywalker's restraints, the Gamemaster returns his lightsaber. The Gamemaster explains that Grakkus' lightsaber collection suffers from poor maintenance and urges him to hurry up and see what he has acquired. The Gamemaster defeats Skywalker in their first duel and advises him to try harder to avoid death in their next encounter.
Using the information obtained from the droids, C-3PO and Chewbacca visit the same bar that Skywalker visited earlier. C-3PO is aware that Luke is now a prisoner of Grakkus the Hutt and asks the Zabrak bartender for information regarding Grakkus' location. The Zabrak bartender is not welcoming to the droid and Wookiee.
In response, Chewbacca roars, prompting C-3PO to announce to the patrons that anyone wishing to avoid physical harm should seek another establishment for their drinks. When the patrons close in on the Wookiee and the droid, C-3PO suggests that Chewbacca try another "language." Shortly after, a patron is thrown through one of the bar's windows.
While Skywalker spars with Grakkus' MagnaGuards, the Gamemaster informs Grakkus about Skywalker's training, noting that the youth's lightsaber skills are rudimentary. Grakkus replies that he only wants Skywalker to die with some flair and has been promoting his arena for the "last stand" of the Jedi.
As they enter the menagerie, the Gamemaster inquires about which animal they will be feeding Skywalker to. Grakkus' menagerie includes a brezak, ronto, wampa, Mantellian Savrip, and a giant squid. However, Grakkus has made special arrangements for a mysterious monster which is held in a separate cage. The Gamemaster doubts that Skywalker could survive against such a creature, but Grakkus desires blood and lightsabers.
Meanwhile, aboard the Volt Cobra, Solo claims that his marriage to Starros on Stenness was a sham, but Starros disagrees. Princess Leia interrupts the argument and informs them that they must go to Nar Shaddaa because Skywalker is in danger. Solo is concerned about his rebel ally, but Starros is indifferent to Skywalker's situation.
Leia offers to pay Starros, reasoning that a smuggler like her is only interested in money. Starros replies that she does not want her money but only wants her husband back. Han attempts to intervene, but Starros accepts Leia's offer and agrees to travel to Nar Shaddaa.
Back on Nar Shaddaa, Chewbacca dangles the Zabrak bartender over the edge of a building. C-3PO asks the bartender to share what he knows, warning that the Wookiee can be quite unreasonable. The bartender confirms that Grakkus has their friend and tells them that Grakkus' palace is located to the east, past the sky slums. The bartender finally mentions that Skywalker is in Grakkus' arena.
Chewbacca drops the bartender over the edge of the building. As they walk past the beaten and unconscious patrons, C-3PO asks Chewbacca where the bartender is. Chewbacca replies that he dropped him onto a rubbish barge, which is inhabited by a dianoga.
Meanwhile, a Gungan with a bruised eye informs an unseen figure that he defeated Chewbacca at a game of dejarik but regretted it. He believes that Han Solo is also nearby. Since Jabba the Hutt is still offering a reward for Solo and Chewbacca, he believes that the bounty hunter will be grateful for the information he is providing. The hooded figure replies that he is grateful indeed before revealing himself to be Dengar. Dengar asks where he saw the Wookiee.