Dianoga, originating from the planet Vodran within the Si'Klaata Cluster of Hutt Space, were sizable omnivorous cephalopods. Despite their seemingly basic nature, they possessed sentience, and some individuals exhibited sensitivity to the Force.
These sentient cephalopods, known as Dianoga, were distinguished by their seven tentacles adorned with suckers, a singular eyestalk, a mouth filled with sharp teeth, and multiple hearts. They could attain lengths ranging from 7 to 10 meters. Their blood displayed a characteristic blue hue. As omnivores, Dianoga consumed both smaller creatures like fish and crabs, as well as bones and aquatic plants. The trash squid is classified as a member of the Dianoga family.
While capable of surviving briefly in open air, Dianoga were entirely reliant on water to prevent desiccation. Although physically hermaphroditic, they could identify as female, diangous (the most prevalent gender), or male. Reproduction occurred through the exchange of eggs between partners. Mature individuals typically exhibited a deep purple skin tone, but Dianoga could alter their color and patterns for effective camouflage, notably turning black, gray, or even transparent. Furthermore, they possessed the remarkable ability to regenerate lost appendages.

Dianoga maintained a rudimentary tribal society. Outside of feeding, they frequently communicated using a profound, intricate humming language. The far-reaching reverberations of this language in water served to deter potential prey. They held water in high regard, referring to it as "the Great Cleanser When It Was Time to Be Cleansed," and embraced the concept of reincarnation.
Vodran, a swampy planet situated within the Si'Klaata Cluster, served as the point of origin for the Dianoga species. They coexisted with the sentient Vodrans, who generally avoided the deeper, wetter regions.

During the early days of the Galactic Empire, one dianoga took up residence on the junkyard world of Bracca. This creature established its habitat within the flooded remnants of a wrecked Venator-class Star Destroyer, one of numerous such vessels abandoned for salvage on the planet. In the year 19 BBY, members of the renegade clone commando squad Clone Force 99 ventured into the derelict cruiser in search of a medical bay within the ship. Wrecker, the squad's demolitions expert, briefly grappled with the dianoga after finding himself suspended from a cable above its aquatic domain. However, blasterfire from the other clones deterred the dianoga, ending the confrontation.
During the trade wars, the collector Dok-Ondar offered Jabba the Hutt, a crime lord, double the agreed upon pay if he included Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber along with the dianoga pup he was selling. At some point prior to the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, a female dianoga named Omi was captured by Vodrans and subsequently handed over to members of the Empire en route to their new Death Star battle station. She was discarded into the Death Star's garbage masher 3263827, where she subsisted on the occasional organic waste. During the rescue of Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker initially sensed something alive within the garbage compactor, but shortly thereafter, Omi submerged Skywalker in the murky water. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Organa attempted to aid the struggling Skywalker, only for the dianoga to release Luke just before the walls began to close in.
During the skirmish on the Ghost Moon, Sergeant Kreel of Task Force 99, also known as the SCAR Troopers, encountered a dianoga within the sewers.
Skilled chefs could prepare grilled dianoga as a delectable breakfast item, but overcooking it would activate the blood parasites present in the fatty tissue, thereby compromising the flavor.