The personal lightsaber belonging to Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi Master, was employed by him throughout numerous engagements of the Clone Wars against the forces of the Separatist Droid Army, notably including both the first and second conflicts on Geonosis. Master Mundi continued to wield this weapon until his death in the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto.
The design of Mundi's lightsaber reflected his Cerean heritage, distinguishing it from those carried by other members of the Jedi High Council. The hilt of his lightsaber was intentionally simplistic, lacking elaborate embellishments or ornate features. Uniquely, the lightsaber was powered by a pair of kyber crystals, allowing Mundi to harness the power of both simultaneously.

The Clone Wars, which began with the First Battle of Geonosis, saw extensive use of this lightsaber by Ki-Adi-Mundi. During the Second Battle of Geonosis, he utilized it to cleave a path through a dense Caltrop field. Mundi continued to carry and employ the weapon throughout the duration of the conflict. In the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto, Mundi defended himself with his lightsaber. However, the 21st Nova Corps received Order 66 from Palpatine. Consequently, Mundi was slain, and his lightsaber was dropped.
Vice Chairman Anolo discovered and secured the lightsaber, storing it within his office on Mygeeto. Following Anolo's demise at the hands of Greedo, the lightsaber was seized by Greedo, who used it to facilitate his escape. Subsequently, Greedo offered the lightsaber to his employer, Jabba the Hutt, after Jabba permitted Anolo's Givin codebreaker to perish. Jabba initially declined the offer until Dok-Ondar persuaded him to sell the lightsaber. Dok-Ondar then added it to his collection within his Den of Antiquities on Batuu. Dok-Ondar brandished the lightsaber when he and Captain Hondo Ohnaka pilfered a kyber crystal statue from the Temple of the Kyber on Jedha. Furthermore, the lightsaber appeared in a vision experienced by the Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus during his visit to the Lothal Jedi Temple.
During the First Order-Resistance War, Dok-Ondar presented the lightsaber to a stormtrooper sergeant of the First Order, asserting to the soldier that the weapon would endure beyond the lifespan of the regime he served. Later, the criminal Kendoh Voss employed the lightsaber during her time on Batuu to liberate Simpi, a young Sarlacc also kept by Dok-Ondar, as a distraction for the stormtroopers.