Skirmish on the Ghost Moon

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a brief conflict erupted on the volcanic moon known as Ghost Moon. This occurred sometime following the Battle of Yavin and involved forces from the Galactic Empire against those of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Specifically, Task Force 99, an Imperial unit commanded by Sergeant Kreel, successfully downed a Rebel Taylander shuttle, resulting in its crash landing on the lunar surface.

The surviving Rebel forces prepared a trap for the pursuing Imperials, utilizing snipers positioned strategically. Kreel then spearheaded a successful attack on the Rebels; however, the appearance of a tank forced him and his team to withdraw into the moon's sewer system. The Rebels pursued them with the tank into the sewers, where Kreel employed his lightsaber to render the tank's weaponry inoperable. The stormtroopers rigged the tank to fire, and the Rebels were killed with the exception of Admiral Verette, who was captured for interrogation. The troopers then secured Verette to the front of a shuttle as a distraction, enabling them to reclaim the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Harbinger.


Following the rebels' successful theft of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Harbinger, which they used to break through a blockade, Darth Vader was aware of their scheme. He dispatched Task Force 99 with orders to recapture Admiral Verette, retake the Destroyer, and capture Skywalker.


The Taylander shuttle was shot down by Task Force 99's shuttle, resulting in a crash landing on Ghost Moon. Upon landing, they began hunting down the rebels. Aware of an ambush in the abandoned buildings, the Empire used jetpacks to counter-ambush.

The Empire repurposed an old speeder bike found on Ghost Moon to fight them back, but they were then ambushed by a Rebel Armored Assault Tank. Sergeant Kreel gave the order to retreat to the sewers. Kreel was briefly ensnared by a trash squid, which he subsequently killed. Admiral Verette commanded his troops to take the tank into the sewers.

Kreel used his lightsaber to slice up the cannon, killing eleven rebels and injuring Admiral Verette, who was captured alive for interrogation.


