WED Treadwell repair droids, a product line from Cybot Galactica, were maintenance droids available in multiple configurations.

These WED Treadwells functioned as versatile class 5 utility and repair droids. Their height was approximately one meter. While various models existed, each featured a flat, wide base with treads, along with a slender, extendable stalk. Atop the stalk were binocular visual sensors. Furthermore, WED units possessed a collection of arms equipped with diverse tools, which could be acquired separately. Treadwell droids were employed for repairing ships, machinery, and fellow droids. However, they were relatively delicate and demanded frequent upkeep. Nevertheless, they could sustain optimal performance until their destruction.
The following models have been identified:
Cybot Galactica manufactured the WED Treadwell repair droids. They were a common sight throughout the galaxy, proving useful in locations ranging from moisture farm environments to starship hangar facilities.
During the Galactic Civil War, both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic utilized WED Treadwells. The Empire used them for maintaining turrets and infrastructure, while the Alliance relied on them for battlefield vehicle repairs during intense combat situations.