The PIP series represented a line of compact, portable repair units.
Droids engineered for upkeep and mending, variously called repair droids, maintenance droids, mechanic droids, engineer droids, or utility robots, were droids specifically created to handle repairs and general maintenance duties. Examples of repair droid models encompassed the WED Treadwell repair droid, the MSE-6 series repair droid, the DUM-series pit droid, the Otoga-222 maintenance droid, the K1-RF workbench droid, as well as the PIP droid.
There existed a droid model possessing several limbs that was in charge of operating a repulsortrain under the control of the Pyke Syndicate located on Tatooine.
Serving among the astromech droids present on a Naboo royal starship, R2-D2 earned recognition for performing critical repairs to the ship's deflector shields during an emergency and was the sole repair droid to survive this particular assignment.