Star Wars (2015) 11

title: "Star Wars 11"

The eleventh installment of the ongoing comic book series Star Wars, published by Marvel, is Star Wars 11. It represents the fourth issue out of five in the second story arc of the series, titled Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon. Jason Aaron wrote the script for this issue, while Stuart Immonen provided the artwork. The release date was November 4, 2015.

Publisher's summary

Plot summary

An Ambush Awaits

On Nar Shaddaa, a multitude of crime bosses and criminals gather at the Palace that belongs to Grakkus the Hutt to witness what they believe will be the "last stand" of Luke Skywalker, whom they refer to as the "last Jedi." While R2-D2 blends into the surrounding crowd, Chewbacca and C-3PO engage in a discussion about their strategy for rescuing Luke. C-3PO advises caution, hoping to avoid the predicament that Skywalker and R2-D2 have found themselves in.

Suddenly, Chewbacca is struck down by a stun bolts fired by Dengar, a bounty hunter. Dengar coerces C-3PO into contacting Han Solo and informing him that Dengar is actively searching for him. He instructs C-3PO to ensure that Han can clearly hear his friend's distress in the background. Remembering how Chewbacca saved his life on Cymoon 1, C-3PO attempts to dislodge the stun bolt from Chewbacca, but ends up getting electrocuted himself. Chewbacca manages to get back on his feet, only to be confronted by a ready Dengar.

Skywalker's Ordeal

Prior to the arena battle, Grakkus informs Skywalker that he is not being paid to emerge victorious, but rather to meet his demise. Grakkus cautions that even if he refuses to fight, he will still be killed, and his skin will be displayed on the wall of his museum. Grakkus then reveals that his scavengers have successfully recovered The Journals of Ben Kenobi, which the Hutt intends to incorporate into his collection.

Upon witnessing Luke's anger, Grakkus comments that he is consumed by too much anger to be a true Jedi. The Gamemaster hands Skywalker a lightsaber and tells him that the fight will provide him with an opportunity to die with honor, like a true Jedi Knight. Skywalker is then escorted into the arena, where an announcer introduces him as the last Jedi, describing him as a seasoned veteran of numerous great battles and the slayer of countless Hutts and bounty hunters.

A Snivvian audience member dismisses Skywalker as merely a boy, while a Gran expresses his disappointment, stating that he had hoped to see the little "green guy" and suggests that Skywalker is just a Padawan. A Rodian places a bet of five crates on Skywalker's opponent. The announcer then proceeds to introduce Kongo the Disemboweler, a roggwart hailing from the dolovite mines of Mustafar, who has previously battled xandanks and man-eating lava eels. As Kongo charges towards Skywalker, the Jedi activates the lightsaber he was given, revealing it to emit a green-bladed glow.

Deep Trouble

Aboard the Volt Cobra as it travels through hyperspace, Han Solo expresses to Princess Leia Organa his unwillingness to collaborate with Sana Starros. Starros responds by stating that they are free to disembark from her ship once the task at hand is completed. Choosing not to argue with Solo, Princess Leia enters the cockpit. Solo then recounts how he pretended to marry Starros on Stenness as part of a scheme to defraud a crime lord who had been betraying spice smugglers. As part of their infiltration, they had staged a wedding. Solo expresses his longing for Chewbacca's presence.

Back on Nar Shaddaa, Chewbacca engages in a fierce battle with Dengar. While Dengar may not possess the same level of strength as the Wookiee, he compensates with a wider array of "toys." Despite Chewbacca's attempt to choke him, Dengar retaliates by unleashing a flame explosive, causing burns to Chewbacca's back. However, Dengar refrains from killing Chewbacca, intending to use him as bait to lure Solo into a trap.

In the arena, Skywalker skillfully dodges Kongo, who has been equipped with heavily armored limbs designed for deep-core drilling. As the crowd roars with excitement, the Gamemaster grimly observes that it will not be an easy task for Skywalker to penetrate the armored limbs with a lightsaber. Sensing the Gamemaster's disappointment, Grakkus inquires why the Gamemaster seems to be developing a "liking" for Skywalker, considering his past training of numerous Wookiees, "lizard men," and pirates.

The Gamemaster replies that it is not within his purview to develop a liking for anything. Grakkus counters by stating that everyone possesses their own weaknesses and that the Gamemaster was the most exceptional fighting slave he has ever acquired. Sensing that the Gamemaster sees potential in Skywalker, Grakkus reiterates his desire to maintain the myth that the Jedi are long extinct. However, the Gamemaster departs and secretly establishes contact with TIE fighter pilots using his codename "Agent 5241." Unable to penetrate Kongo's armor, Skywalker attempts to meditate using the Force. However, Kongo knocks him to the ground. As the crowd erupts in cheers, R2-D2 beeps in fear.

Solo's Arrival

In another location, Dengar throws Chewbacca against the rubble, intending to beat the Wookiee to death. However, Han Solo shoots him in the shoulder. Standing atop the Volt Cobra alongside Leia, Solo demands that Dengar release his friend.

