Star Wars (2015) 8

Star Wars number 8 represents the eighth installment of the 2015 canon comic book series titled, Star Wars [/article/star_wars_(2015)]. It marks the beginning of the second story arc within the series, known as Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon [/article/star_wars_book_ii:_showdown_on_the_smuggler%27s_moon]. Jason Aaron penned the issue, while Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Justin Ponsor provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on August 19, 2015.

Publisher's summary

Luke's journey to understand the Jedi continues... will it lead him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? Meanwhile, Han and Leia face an unexpected adversary! The talented Stuart Immonen joins the rebellion as the new series artist!

Plot summary

Trouble in the Monsua Nebula

Drawn by the presence of a pair of enemy ships situated on an uncharted planet within the Monsua Nebula, an Imperial Star Destroyer materializes. One of the ships turns out to be a hijacked Imperial shuttle. Unable to penetrate the planet's defenses with their scanners, the Star Destroyer deploys a squadron of TIE fighters and bombers. Following the Captain's commands, the TIE bombers initiate their attack run.

On the surface of the planet, Princess Leia Organa is stunned by Han Solo's supposed marriage to Sana Starros. Solo inquires about how Sana managed to track them down. Sana reveals that she simply deployed a probe droid into the planet's orbit, programmed to await their arrival, knowing that the planet was once their preferred meeting spot. Sana plants a kiss on Solo before pressing her blaster against his chin.

Sana comments on Princess Leia's slender physique, suggesting she's not Solo's usual type, while Princess Leia remains in disbelief over Solo's marital status. Solo refutes the claim of being married to Starros. Princess Leia attempts to extricate herself from their conflict, but Sana recognizes her and aims to claim the bounty placed on her head. Starros informs Princess Leia that Solo had previously swindled the daughter of a Sultan from the Boz Pity system, implying that he might be deceiving Princess Leia as well.

Solo denies Starros' allegations, but Princess Leia demands an explanation for why his "wife" is threatening her with a weapon. Solo reiterates that Starros is not his wife. Starros offers to provide documentary evidence, but their argument is disrupted by the sight of proton bombs plummeting from the sky. Leia tries to get aboard the stolen Imperial shuttle, but Starros instructs the Volt Cobra's laser cannons to destroy the shuttle, effectively stranding them. Sana declares to Solo that his "little scam" has come to an end and that he must now face the consequences. She intends to sell Princess Leia to the Galactic Empire and reclaim her "husband" Solo.

Into the depths of the Smuggler's Moon

Simultaneously, Luke Skywalker expresses his frustration that his deceased Master Obi-Wan Kenobi only bequeathed him a book of stories instead of a manual on lightsaber combat and the use of the Force. Still in pursuit of Jedi wisdom, Skywalker resolves to remain away from the Alliance Fleet until he has found the answers he seeks. With intentions of locating the Jedi "home", Skywalker mistakenly ends up on Nar Shaddaa, also known as the "Smuggler's Moon," a world teeming with criminals and pirates.

Lost and disoriented, Skywalker decides to seek out the worst-looking bar. However, his presence immediately makes him stand out. The Zabrak bartender incites the bar's patrons to attack and rob Skywalker, seeing him as an easy target. Skywalker defends himself, but he is thrown against a table. He ignites his lightsaber, stunning the onlookers. An alien thief notices Skywalker and instructs his associates to subdue the big guy.

The Zabrak bartender relents and questions Skywalker about the origin of his weapon. Skywalker retorts that he came to conduct business and that they attempted to kill him. The bartender apologizes for his impoliteness and offers him a drink. Skywalker reiterates that he is seeking information on how to reach Coruscant. The bartender replies that the Jedi Temple is heavily guarded by Imperial forces and offers to "help" in exchange for Skywalker's lightsaber.

Skywalker refuses to relinquish his father's lightsaber. The bartender reveals that this bar was once owned by his father and asks if Skywalker still desires to go to Coruscant. Since Skywalker is unwilling to trade his lightsaber, the bartender commands his henchmen to rob Skywalker and feed him to the scum-squids. Skywalker brandishes his lightsaber, but he is shocked by the alien thief's magna-glove, who then flees with his lightsaber. Skywalker gives chase while the bartender shouts orders to retrieve the lightsaber.

Turning the tables

Returning to the uncharted planet, Sana Starros establishes contact with the Imperial Star Destroyer, hoping to collect the Imperial reward for capturing Princess Leia. Solo attempts to reason with Sana, but Princess Leia scolds him for his lack of savvy in dealing with women. When Sana addresses Solo, he apologizes for his roguish behavior.

Princess Leia shoves Solo into Sana Starros, causing her to drop her weapon. Leia seizes a blaster pistol from her left boot and holds them at gunpoint. Leia declares to Solo and Starros that she has no intention of allowing them to sell her to the Empire. At that precise moment, a squadron of TIE fighters and bombers penetrates the atmosphere.

