A drinking establishment, specifically a bar, existed on the moon Nar Shaddaa. Before his death, it was owned and managed by a Zabrak bartender, who then bequeathed it to his son.
Before the Invasion of Naboo, the Sith apprentice Darth Maul entered the bar and inquired with the bartender about information regarding the auction of a Jedi Padawan that was being organized by the crime lord Xev Xrexus, as well as location of the event. After Maul was accused of being a Jedi by some customers, he became enraged and initiated a bar fight with them.

Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker paid a visit to the bar, looking for a way to get to Coruscant safely. The bartender disregarded his request and instead instructed his patrons to eliminate him. However, Skywalker was able to defend himself using his lightsaber. The Zabrak bartender's interest was piqued by the weapon, and he decided to offer Skywalker passage to Coruscant in exchange for it. Skywalker refused, which led the bartender to, once again, tell his customers to kill Skywalker and take the lightsaber. Before they could act, however, a thief inside the bar, an employee of Grakkus the Hutt, absconded with the lightsaber and fled the establishment.
C-3PO and Chewbacca went to the bar in response to a distress signal from R2-D2, hoping to find information about Skywalker's whereabouts. The Zabrak bartender was unhelpful, informing the pair that he did not welcome droids or Wookiees. C-3PO then dared the bar's occupants to fight Chewbacca. The Wookiee defeated the bartender and his customers, breaking at least one of the windows. Following this, the bartender disclosed that Grakkus the Hutt had captured Skywalker.
In the beginning of Darth Maul (2017) 2, the bar's sign reads "JERLAESON". The sign changes when Darth Maul gets into a fight with the customers and a window is shattered. It now reads "_[panel begins]_FDLO" (note that the L, or Leth, is mirror-inverted). The sign in Star Wars (2015) 10 concludes with "JPL".