Vader Down 1

date: 2015-11-18

The comic book Vader Down #1 is a standalone issue that kicks off the crossover storyline Star Wars: Vader Down from Marvel Comics. Following the events of Vader Down #1, the narrative unfolds within the pages of the Star Wars and Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series. Its initial release was on November 18, 2015.

Storyline Synopsis

Journey Through Hyperspace

Darth Vader, having received information from Dr. Aphra regarding Luke Skywalker's location on Vrogas Vas, makes his way to the planet aboard his TIE Advanced x1, which is equipped with hyperdrive capabilities. Vader declares that Skywalker cannot escape his destiny, nor can he evade Vader himself.

Vader inquires of Aphra whether there is any news concerning Commander Karbin. Aphra informs him that the Emperor tasked the Mon Calamari cyborg with the mission of locating the pilot responsible for the destruction of the Death Star, but there is no indication that Karbin has come close to identifying Skywalker. Vader vows to address the situation with Karbin personally.

Aphra confirms the accuracy of the information provided by the broker, to which Vader responds that the broker's life is no longer at stake. Aphra assures Vader that her intelligence is reliable. Vader states that he expects to find Skywalker, just as his TIE Advanced emerges from hyperspace directly into the path of three squadrons of T-65B X-wing starfighters.

Aerial Combat Over Vrogas Vas

The rebel commander announces over the comlink that the scheduled training exercises are canceled. Mistaking Vader's ship for a scout, the squadron leader orders his subordinates to block his communications. He dispatches Blue Squadron to engage first. Vader communicates to Dr. Aphra via intercom that the rebel fighters were engaged in maneuvers and were not anticipating his arrival. He cautions Aphra that if this is a trap, she should hope it succeeds in killing him.

Dr. Aphra retorts that she did not set a trap for Vader. Upon learning that Vader is facing three squadrons of X-wing fighters, she urges him to retreat. Vader responds that her information about Skywalker is accurate because he can sense his presence. When asked to flee, Vader counters that it is the rebel fighters who should be running.

The leader of Blue Squadron believes the TIE fighter displays more courage than intelligence and instructs his wingmates to destroy it. However, Vader's TIE Advanced moves at such high speeds that it outpaces their laser fire, eliminating the entire squadron, including Blue Five and Blue Three.

An X-wing pilot overhears via intercom that Vader has decimated an entire squadron without sustaining any damage to his TIE Advanced. He believes that he is doomed. Dr. Aphra attempts to contact Vader, but Vader is occupied with destroying the remaining X-wings. The rebel pilots realize that Vader's TIE Advanced is equipped with deflector shields and attempt to target his fighter.

Yellow Squadron launches torpedoes at Vader's TIE Advanced, but he deflects them using the Force, obliterating the entire squadron. Skywalker, using the squadron designation Red Five, hears his fellow Red Squadron members reacting to the destruction of Yellow Squadron over the intercom. Skywalker realizes that the Imperial pilot is Darth Vader.

Skywalker's fellow Red Squadron pilots propose surrounding Vader, but he warns them that they cannot defeat him that way. Skywalker apologizes to R2-D2 before breaking formation and charging towards Vader's TIE Advanced. The two starfighters collide, sustaining significant damage. They plummet into the atmosphere of Vrogas Vas.

Red Leader informs the Rebel Alliance leadership that Vader has been shot down. He requests assistance from available Alliance forces to apprehend Vader. Red Leader laments the high cost of victory, with numerous starfighters destroyed, pilots killed, and astromech droids adrift in space.

Vader as the Target

At the Rebel Refueling Base, the Alliance Army and the Y-wings of Gray Squadron are mobilized to capture Vader. In space, Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa receive news of Vader's presence on Vrogas Vas. Leia expresses her desire to pursue Vader in order to capture a prized asset of the Emperor. Leia has been informed that the rebel garrison has mobilized an entire company and that General Jan Dodonna has dispatched a battalion as reinforcement. Solo is hesitant to get involved until he realizes that Skywalker is on Vrogas Vas.

Solo agrees to accompany her for Luke's sake and instructs Chewbacca to prepare the Millennium Falcon for departure. As they set course for Vrogas Vas, C-3PO expresses a sense of foreboding, a sentiment that Solo shares.

Aboard the Ark Angel, Dr. Aphra informs Triple Zero that she has been monitoring rebel communications and believes they must pursue Vader. Triple Zero responds that they could indiscriminately murder everyone they encounter, a sentiment echoed by Beetee. When Dr. Aphra informs them that they will be entering a rebel troopers stronghold, Triple Zero expresses delight at the prospect of torturing and exterminating people without discrimination.

Back on Vrogas Vas, Gray Squadron discovers Vader's crashed TIE Advanced and the Sith Lord. Before they can engage him with bombs, Vader uses the Force to hurl debris at the fighter bombers, destroying them. Meanwhile, Skywalker assists R2-D2 in escaping their wrecked X-wing. Realizing that Vader has survived the crash, he answers the call of duty and sets aside his plans to become a Jedi.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader senses that the planet was once the location of a Jedi temple. He soon encounters the rebel troopers who demand his surrender. Vader finds himself surrounded by a company of rebel soldiers. Activating his lightsaber, Vader declares that he is surrounded only by fear and dead men.


In observance of Star Wars Day on May 4, 2016, Marvel re-issued Vader Down 1 as part of its True Believers discounted reprint initiative, which republishes well-known comic titles at a suggested retail price of $1.

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