Chelli Lona Aphra, a human female archaeologist, came into existence in 24 BBY. She was the offspring of Korin and Lona Aphra. Due to Korin's scholarly passions, she gained considerable knowledge about the galaxy. Korin harbored a special interest in the Jedi Order and the ancient Ordu Aspectu. However, as his work consumed him, Lona, feeling neglected, took Aphra to reside on the planet Arbiflux. When raiders, under the direction of the Galactic Empire, killed Lona to sow chaos for an Imperial takeover, the Empire seized Aphra and returned her to her father's home. Disgusted with her neglectful parent, Aphra tried to set his house ablaze before venturing out on her own.
She later enrolled at the University of Bar'leth, progressing toward an archeology doctorate. During her university years, she formed connections with individuals such as Sana Starros, with whom she had a brief romantic relationship, Eustacia Okka, a future Shadow University professor, and Kho Phon Farrus. Aphra fraudulently obtained her degree by blackmailing her detested professor, Sava Toob-Nix, who also harbored a hatred for her. After Aphra's uneventful research trip to Boothi XII and Toob-Nix's taunting involving his illegal, mind-controlling abersyn symbiote parasites, Aphra pilfered the symbiotes and relocated them to the Boothi XII vault, creating the illusion of a groundbreaking discovery. Toob-Nix couldn't expose her deceit without revealing his own illicit activities, thus enabling Aphra to earn her doctorate.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Sith Lord Darth Vader recruited Aphra after witnessing her skills in droid customization while slaughtering a group of pirates. Aphra, accompanied by her assassin droid companions, the protocol droid assassin 0-0-0 and the BT-1 assassin droid "Blastomech" prototype BT-1, carried out several missions for the Dark Lord of the Sith. She aided him in constructing an army of artificially intelligent droid commandos, assisted in combatting Doctor Cylo, an Imperial scientist who sought to usurp Vader's position at the Emperor's side, and even foiled Rebel Alliance forces on Vrogas Vas. However, as her tasks grew increasingly perilous and Vader became an unreliable ally, Aphra schemed to escape their partnership. Vader, however, betrayed her first. Seeking to eliminate her due to her extensive knowledge, Vader Force-choked Aphra and ejected her through an airlock to her supposed demise. Nevertheless, Triple-Zero, Beetee, and the Wookiee bounty hunter Black Krrsantan, with whom Aphra had developed a fragile trust during their adventures, rescued her.
Now an enemy of the Empire, Aphra resumed her treasure hunts and archeological pursuits. Some time after a mission to find the Sword of Khashyun, her father approached her, offering to help restore her doctorate, which had been revoked after the truth about her symbiote scheme came to light. Aphra reluctantly joined forces with Korin, and upon discovering the Citadel of Rur, she claimed the Rur Crystal, a computer core containing the consciousness of the ancient Force-sensitive Rur.
Chelli Lona Aphra, a human female, was born in 24 BBY to Korin and Lona Aphra, who were her parents. The Aphras owned a house in the University Quarter on the Second Moon of Thrinittik, a tranquil world untouched by the conflicts that had erupted across the galaxy during the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars.

Young Chelli, affectionately called "Little Boop" by her parents, often observed her father's work as a dedicated scholar. She absorbed information as he discussed topics like the extinct Massassi species and their Massassi piece crystals. Korin specialized in researching the ancient Ordu Aspectu, a nearly forgotten offshoot of the Jedi Order that vanished without a trace millennia before Chelli's birth during the Republic Era.
Following the Great Jedi Purge, Korin started neglecting his family to concentrate on his work, believing it would make the galaxy safer for his daughter by restoring the light that had died with the Jedi. The Jedi were spiritual followers of the Force who had served as the Republic's primary peacekeepers for millennia. While the Jedi were dedicated to the light, they had counterparts in the dark side of the Force called the Sith. The Sith's existence was questioned by the time Chelli was born, but the Sith Lord Darth Sidious secretly caused the galactic strife. The Sith's ancient artifacts were rumored to be deadly and destructive, but Chelli found her father's stories of them more captivating than those of the Jedi. It seemed to Chelli that Korin only paid attention to her when she pretended to be interested in his Jedi research.
Lona struggled in her marriage due to her husband's obsession with locating the Ancient Aspects of the Jedi and what she perceived as his need to achieve greatness. Although she never outright hated him, they disagreed on what was best for Chelli. Lona would not compromise on that, and thought her family should both live without fear of consequences and make a new home in the middle of nowhere. The couple would argue about Korin's research when they thought their daughter was asleep. Even when she was only six years old, Chelli understood that she could get them to stop fighting if they paid attention to her instead.
One night, Chelli interrupted her parents while they argued about Korin's plan to secure records from the university library on the Fifth Moon of Thrinittik before they could be destroyed by the Republic's successor state, the totalitarian Galactic Empire that was ruled by Sidious in his public guise as Emperor Palpatine. Chelli's father asked her if she would like to stay home and play with her pet tooka or join him on an adventure. Wanting her father's attention and the thrill of possible danger, she agreed. It turned out he invited her in part because she was small enough to slip into narrow spaces to locate hidden materials, cute enough to distract the librarians while her father gathered up the materials, and able to help carry them after he bribed a librarian. She was later certain that was the event that made her mother decide to leave her husband and take their child with her.

Examining his findings from the library, Korin realized his collection of stolen memory crystals that the Imperials had marked for the garbage compactor were indeed genuine; he had recovered Jedi heresiologes, including an account of Oo'ob called "The Crimes of Jedi Renegade Oo'ob the Apostate." Korin was excited about the findings and their potential to help him restore the Ordu Aspectu or find the Lost Citadel of Garn. Preoccupied with his discovery, he did not notice Chelli cut her finger on one of the crystals. Lona did not share his excitement, as his research could get the family marked by censors for a firing squad, and Chelli did not understand why her father did not seem to care about her injury. Lona told Chelli to pack some of her things for a trip, and they left Korin behind.

Lona Aphra relocated Chelli to a homestead on Arbiflux, a forest world situated in the largely undeveloped Outer Rim Territories. Their new homestead, however, was experiencing a drought, leaving it surrounded by dry grass and dying trees.
At their new homestead, they farmed nunas, which Chelli hated and called dumb, evil fartbirds. Her mother admonished her not to call things evil, even the Sith. Lona said it was called the dark side because they kept in the dark to be secretive and more easily impose order in their belief that it was the right thing. Idealists like Korin and the Jedi had a simplistic perspective of good and evil that involved purists shouting at each other while labeling the other side heretics; such idealism was useless in the shifting galaxy and just made people fight. Idealists just brought trouble down on themselves and others. She told Chelli, "Evil's just a measure of how much your choices take away other's peoples," and that all anyone could hope for was to do right by the people they loved. Young Chelli pointed out that her mother may be evil for taking her away without asking her or Korin, and Lona acknowledged that while saying it was for Chelli's safety.
Over the years, Chelli's mother would also tell her everyone needed to make mistakes and learn from them, but she would not let the girl take risks with her life. Despite emphasizing the need to stay sharp and learn, Lona also thought ambition and intellect would quickly get people killed. Chelli would later see her mother's actions as finding any excuse to keep her safe, and that taking her to a place where nothing ever changed was a way to do that in a galaxy where nothing could be controlled.
For two years, Chelli and her mother were alone with no other sentient beings around. One day, they were attempting to prime a group of chatterplants as an alarm system for predators, something that Chelli was never successful at doing. Just as she was complaining about how boring and safe it was on Arbiflux, a group of raiders arrived, under orders from Imperial Coalition for Progress Minister Pitina Mar-Mas Voor to stage attacks and create chaos that would make planetary beg for Imperial intervention. Chelli saw her mother's arm shot off with a blaster, causing rapid blood loss. Lona gave her own blaster to Chelli, and urged her to run ahead and not look back. While Chelli fired the blaster at the raiders as she ran, and Lona sent a transmission to the Empire, calling for them to help her daughter before she died.
Traumatized by her mother's death, Chelli would later have conflicting memories regarding the event. She remembered looking back and witnessing her mother collapse and die; she thought that after Imperial scout troopers found her in a ditch, she wanted to stay with her mother and turned to see that her mother had died without her noticing; she also recalled that she returned after the attack to find her mother's body lying in the ditch.

The troopers brought Chelli to an encampment, where an Imperial officer told her that the planet's natives had formally invited the Empire and she would be returned to civilization, away from "nuisances" like the raiders that had killed her mother. At some point, she was evaluated by a psychologist. Later, the Empire returned Chelli to her former home on the Second Moon of Thrinittik where her father still lived. She set fire to the house, attempting to burn up all his research with it. He returned to find his home burning and raced inside. As he expressed his surprise at seeing her and distractedly patted out the flames to save his life's work, she screamed at him that his wife had been killed, and informed him that a psychologist had said she may have some issues.
As a young adult, Aphra studied galactic history and ancient civilizations while working toward a doctorate degree in archaeology at the University of Bar'leth, located on the planet Bar'leth in the Core Worlds. At the time, she thought attending university was a necessary step to becoming a proper, professional archaeologist, and she had not yet perfected her own personal archaeological methods. She immediately developed a mutual hatred with one of her instructors, Sava Toob-Nix, who held strong opinions on what qualified as an archaeologist that Aphra did not share.

Early in the program, Aphra frequently ran late to Toob-Nix's lectures, which she found frightfully dull, and would contradict him mid-lecture. He threatened to begin the expulsion process and would lock the door to keep the latecomer out of his lecture hall. At one point, Aphra had two lovers, a second-year student and a third-year student. She had neglected to tell either of them about the other and they confronted her together, which caused her to be late for Toob-Nix's class again. After successfully sneaking into Toob-Nix's classroom through a window, she gave herself away by interrupting him as he told her fellow cadets that all of the artifacts once stored at the university library on the Fifth Moon of Thrinittik had been destroyed, along with the entire structure, in a cataclysmic blast; the Empire had destroyed the library sometime after Aphra's childhood visit there with her father. She protested that while the library had been attacked and much of it had decayed, enough of the structure remained that some of the artifacts may remain buried and preserved, awaiting an expedition to uncover them. The Sava dismissed her ideas as a fairy tale that would never be authorized. As they argued about her belief that unsanctioned expeditions and taking dangerous risks were worth it and what archaeology was about, another student named Sana Starros spoke up and agreed with her. Starros further pointed out that there was research in their university library that supported Aphra's assertions. Aphra had not previously noticed the quiet and non-disruptive Starros, but she was immediately enamored with her voice and the way Starros had taken her side.
Despite the two students humiliating him in his own class, Toob-Nix did not begin the expulsion process as Aphra expected, and she was unsure for years after why he had not. Unbeknownst to Aphra, Starros approached him after class and blackmailed him. She warned him that if he expelled Aphra, she would end his career by reporting how he furthered his own academic agenda through teaching his class incorrect information.
During her time at the university, Aphra nearly got a new student, Kho Phon Farrus, expelled from the university on the day of their enrollment, and according to Starros, continued to get Farrus in trouble all the time. Over time, they came to consider themself Aphra's archnemesis.

Towards the end of her schooling, Toob-Nix selected Aphra as his candidate for doctoral supervision. Despite requiring his approval for her degree, she continued to mock him on a self-described weekly basis. Aphra would sometimes fall asleep during a class she shared with Eustacia Okka, and one day she noticed Okka reading "Lost Legends of the High Republic" on her datapad. When she asked Okka about it after class, Okka was initially embarrassed before Aphra reassured her with a kiss and told her she worried too much about what other people thought.
On one occasion, Aphra sat in with a class of the Sava's undergraduates. When Toob-Nix inquired as to why Aphra, a senior doctoral candidate, was sitting in with the less-experienced students, Aphra sliced into the classroom's holoprojector and made the two holographic historical beings kiss, rather than stand still. Toob-Nix angrily expelled Aphra from his classroom. Aphra later told the day's events to her friend Susina, who urged Aphra not to antagonize the Sava. Aphra, however, wasn't worried about receiving Toob-Nix's approval because her graduation project, she believed, would be too important for the Sava to dismiss.

Aphra's project was to travel to a backwater world of farmers, Boothi XII. There, Aphra hoped to find evidence of a precursor race in a subterranean vault. Unfortunately for the aspiring archaeologist, when Aphra later explored every centimeter of the vault in her archaeological gear—a leather hat, greatcoat, flashlight, and blaster pistol—she found nothing but an empty cave system.
After returning to Bar'leth, Aphra wrote a report on her underwhelming findings on Boothi XII. Toob-Nix confronted Aphra after reading the report and sarcastically chided her for "finding an old shed on a planet known as being full of old sheds." Aphra retorted that she believed Toob-Nix a far inferior Sava compared to the former, the Ugnaught Korin Pers. Instead of replying with another insult, Toob-Nix led her to a secret room in the university where he stored several abersyn symbiotes which he had collected over decades, and made quiescent by exposure to plasma venting. Horrified that the Sava was concealing the highly illegal mind-controlling parasites, Aphra listened as Toob-Nix revealed to Aphra the true reason he had chosen her for his personal supervision: not because he saw Aphra as a poor student who cared more about excitement than archaeology, but simply because he hated her. Aphra threatened to blackmail him, but he assured her that her inexperienced word wouldn't be able to touch his professional reputation.
Aphra knew Toob-Nix was correct, so she instead called Starros via comlink and enlisted the aid of one Starros's alien friends who owned a lot of "hardware." Within the next two days, Aphra, with the help of Starros and her alien friend, sliced into Toob-Nix's secret room, preventing alarms from sounding due to the hack, and removed all of the dormant abersyn symbiotes in their respective capsules, returned to the empty vault on Boothi XII, and placed the symbiotes in the vault; this made it appear that the symbiotes had been left untouched for thousands of years. Aphra soon published her findings, and her "find" was hailed as the greatest archeoxenobiology find in centuries.

After the "discovery," per Imperial protocol, the symbiotes were disintegrated posthaste in order to prevent them from reactivating and becoming a threat. Susina was the first to inform Toob-Nix of the "find," and when the Sava found his secret room empty, Aphra reveled in her new position to blackmail the Sava into giving her the doctorate she did not deserve. Toob-Nix was furious, but he could do nothing to expose Aphra without being exposed himself, so he allowed Aphra's "find" to overshadow his own work. Shortly, Susina expressed her excitement at Aphra's find, and proclaimed to spend her life's work in the Boothi XII vault in order to discover what made the symbiotes sleep without waking for what she believed to have been millennia. Aphra wished her "good luck," knowing there was nothing to discover.
Aphra was staying in Dantoo Town while trying to reactivate and upgrade some war-surplus droidekas. In need of a 3.23 colicoidic pulse modulator, she attempted to loot the abandoned rebel base on Dantooine, believing it to be salvage-rich. While working her way through a stripped central comm, Aphra was alerted by the Ark Angel to the presence of TIE-fighters. While retreating to the Ark Angel, Aphra encountered three stormtroopers doing a perimeter sweep in an area that she had covered in a layer of micromines. Knowing that escaping the nearby Star Destroyer would be difficult, coupled with not wanting to let people die and a reluctance to abandon the droidekas she'd been working on, Aphra decided peacefully surrender herself to the stormtroopers.

After being apprehended and interrogated, stormtroopers escorted Aphra to the new Imperial installation on Dantooine. Once there, they presented Aphra to General Cassio Tagge, reporting their search for Aphra's concealed speeder. She had misled them about it to safeguard the Ark Angel. Tagge questioned Aphra's presence at the Rebel base, disbelieving her claim of merely scavenging for supplies. Aphra attempted to convince Tagge of her innocence. She asserted her ignorance of any Rebel base on Dantooine, reasoning that the planet's backwardness would deter anyone from resisting the Galactic Empire. Amused, Tagge then informed Aphra of the Death Star's recent destruction of Alderaan. Intrigued by the Death Star's weapon, Aphra eagerly questioned Tagge about its mechanics, but he divulged no details. Tagge then declared that while he didn't believe Aphra was a Rebel, he considered her "trouble" and condemned her to death.
Tagge instructed a stormtrooper to lead Aphra into the forest for execution, while the search for her alleged hidden speeder continued. To gain time for planning an escape, Aphra engaged the stormtrooper in conversation. She inquired if this was his first execution and then discussed the parallels between firing squads and the Death Star; both involved multiple individuals, absolving any single person of responsibility for taking lives—no one had to pull "the trigger." Aphra then attempted to instill guilt in the stormtrooper by describing the true horror and historical significance of Alderaan's destruction, stating that he would forever remember it as the day he executed her.
While distracting the stormtrooper with her words, Aphra managed to subtly jam the frequency of his Imperial-issue blaster for a brief period; she disarmed him and held him captive with his own weapon. She informed the stormtrooper that unlike him, she had killed in cold blood. Threatening his life, Aphra demanded he remove his helmet. Aphra declared that killing a stormtrooper was easy, but killing another human was more difficult. Aphra then mused that the Death Star did indeed have "a trigger," as eliminating a planet was easier because it was more impersonal. Although Aphra had always supported the Empire, believing it brought order to the galaxy, she realized that the events on Alderaan had changed her perspective.
Aphra made the decision to release the young stormtrooper, instructing him to report to his superiors that he had carried out his orders. Abandoning the blaster, Aphra successfully boarded the Ark Angel and ascended into orbit. She then evaded the Star Destroyer before initiating a jump to hyperspace.
On one occasion, Sana Starros and Aphra made a visit to Fort Ypso. After consuming an excessive amount of aquae infurnus, Sana Starros inadvertently revealed the existence of the Smuggler's Guide, previously in the possession of Dok-Ondar at the University of Bar'leth, leading to Aphra acquiring the logbook. Chelli speculated that Maz's acquired treasures had primarily benefitted syndicates within the Eastern Rim, such as the Hutt Clan and the Pyke Syndicate. Sometime after 0 BBY, Aphra came to the conclusion that she should first investigate the treasure trove site at Descopose Farmark. However, Aphra subsequently lost the Smuggler's Guide to the Irving Boys.
In the aftermath of Alderaan's destruction, Aphra undertook a job for Ronen Tagge, delivering various artifacts, including coral from the planet's polar sea. Knowing of Tagge's tendency to destroy valuable acquisitions, Aphra reclaimed her delivery, along with additional items, as "compensation for [her] time" after receiving payment. She then sold these items on the black market for three times the original price.
Some time after separating from Starros, Aphra reactivated and modified a pair of Clone Wars-era Separatist droideka security droids, equipping them with missile launchers. Aphra then sold them to a small group of Crymorah Syndicate-funded pirates operating from a space station in the Outer Rim. However, in the year 0 ABY, the pirates drew the attention of the Galactic Empire and were personally hunted down and eradicated by Darth Vader. Vader, a member of the ancient Sith Order and second in command to the Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, accessed the pirates' main computer and discovered Doctor Aphra's involvement in upgrading the droidekas, which greatly impressed him. Consequently, the Dark Lord of the Sith resolved to enlist her as one of his secret allies.
Meanwhile, Aphra was contracted by the Droid Gotra, a militarized organization of Separatist battle droids that remained active after the droid shutdown order at the end of the Clone Wars. As an archaeologist specializing in droid and weapons technologies, Aphra was hired for several missions, including stealing the ancient Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix, locating and activating the unique BT-1 assassin droid "Blastomech" prototype, and recovering a forgotten portable droid factory on the desert world of Geonosis.
Aboard her prized vessel, the Ark Angel, Aphra located the "Blastomech" prototype, designated BT-1. BT-1 was drifting in space near the ruins of an Imperial-built Tarkin Initiative base that it had previously destroyed. However, BT-1 had become dormant, and the only languages it understood seemed to have been lost when the Tarkin Initiative base was destroyed.
At some later point, Aphra was pursued and attacked by Maz Kanata's gang, who succeeded in disabling the Ark Angel's hyperdrive and damaging its life support systems. Maz Kanata contacted the ship and angrily reprimanded Aphra for allegedly stealing stealth microdroid dust that Kanata's gang had gone to great lengths to acquire. Kanata suspected Aphra had ulterior motives for its use, so Aphra attempted to pacify Kanata, imagining them sharing a drink, but Kanata remained unyielding, continuing to fire upon the Ark Angel. Aphra maintained a confident facade, stalling for time while enduring Kanata's increasing accusations, even criticizing Maz for essentially misusing the potential of the artifacts she acquired. At a critical moment, Aphra revealed that she had "liberated" some astromech scraps from Maz Kanata, which she then used to repair her ship's operating system, enhance its weapon system, and fuel its modified engines. This enabled her to disable Kanata's ships, prompting Kanata to order a withdrawal shortly afterward.
Aphra's next destination was a large asteroid-turned-space station: Quarantine World III in Kallidahin Space, where the Triple-Zero matrix was being held in quarantine.

Aphra infiltrated the quarantine facilities and located the safe containing the droid matrix. Anticipating security measures, Aphra deployed a cloud of stealth microdroid dust, revealing a network of lasers that would trigger an alarm if interrupted. The doctor crawled to the safe and disconnected the personality matrix, concealing it on her person without incident. However, during her return journey, she inadvertently triggered the lasers. Aphra was forced to sprint to the hangar as the facility initiated self-destruct sequences around her. After evading a shielded droideka and diving under a closing doorway, Aphra was confronted by Quarantine World III's curator and her recurring adversary, Utani Xane. Unsurprised to see the Kallidahin working at the facility, Aphra surrendered her blaster pistol and the personality matrix to Xane's contingent of B2-series super battle droids without resistance.
As Aphra was placed in stuncuffs, she insisted that the Triple-Zero matrix belonged in an armory, not left to stagnate in quarantine or a museum for centuries. Before Aphra could be escorted back to prison, an unexpected TIE fighter series starfighter approached, carrying none other than Darth Vader. Astonished by Vader's arrival, Aphra watched as the dark lord systematically eliminated the B2 battle droids using the Force and his red-bladed lightsaber. Aphra seized the opportunity and tackled Xane, who was attempting to escape with the personality matrix. In the ensuing struggle, Aphra barely managed to secure the matrix and prevent herself from falling into a deep chasm. Vader assisted the doctor after killing Xane, revealing that he sought Aphra's assistance.
Shortly thereafter, Aphra returned to the Ark Angel, where Vader's TIE Advanced docked with the ship. During their conversation, Aphra admitted to being a devoted fan of Vader's. Vader explained that he had encountered the droidekas Aphra had supplied to the Crymorah-aligned pirates and had been impressed by them. Aphra thanked "Mr. Vader" and inquired how he had located her, before realizing that she probably didn't want to know the gruesome details. The archaeologist then explained the dangers of the Triple-Zero matrix to Vader, stating her intention to activate it within the body of a spare 3PO-series protocol droid. However, the matrix was locked and unusable, and Aphra estimated that it would take hours to slice into it.

Vader, disregarding Aphra's concerns, used her computer and unlocked the matrix in a matter of seconds. Impressed, Aphra installed the personality matrix into the head of the gunmetal plated protocol droid and activated him. The Triple-Zero matrix-powered protocol droid came to life and introduced himself as 0-0-0—or Triple-Zero, appropriately. After Aphra imprinted herself and Vader as Triple-Zero's new masters, she instructed the droid to speak the R&D language created by the Tarkin Initiative and awaken the BT-1 prototype. Once BT-1 was awakened, he immediately displayed hostility towards Vader and Aphra, but was calmed by Triple-Zero, who informed the nefarious "Blastomech" that Aphra and Vader were his new masters.
Relieved, Aphra admitted to Vader that she felt out of her depth working with the infamous Sith Lord and inquired what he truly wanted from her. Vader revealed that he had been unceremoniously demoted by the Emperor and intended to build private, secret resources without his master's knowledge. Aphra concluded that Vader was more worthy than the Droid Gotra, so she transferred ownership of BT-1 and Triple-Zero to him and explained that he could find troops of unquestioning loyalty on Geonosis in the form of the portable droid factory that she was hired to obtain for the Droid Gotra. The new allies immediately set course for the Geonosis system, where Vader warned Aphra that it would be unwise to disappoint him.

Shortly after Vader secured one of his personal starships, a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship from Naboo, the Ark Angel landed in the midst of an old Clone War battlefront on the red-desert world, near the cave system where the droid factory was believed to be hidden under the watchful eye of a native Geonosian queen, Karina. Karina had survived the Imperial sterilization of her homeworld years earlier. Doctor Aphra then dispatched the two assassin droids into the queen's subterranean lair while she and Vader followed, observing the wreckage of modified B1-series battle droids that had been disabled by Aphra's assassin models. Aphra informed her employer that the B1 droids confirmed the factory's presence and operational status. Aphra and Vader caught up with BT-1 ("Beetee") and Triple-Zero at the entrance to the queen's chamber, where Aphra noted that Karina viewed the droids not merely as mechanical soldiers, but as her own children, due to the unusual changes to the battle droids, such as mechanical wings.
Intimidated by the sight of the Geonosian queen using the droid factory as a cybernetic womb, Aphra questioned whether Vader still considered storming the insectoid queen's domain to be wise. Vader simply replied "yes" and initiated the heist; he severed Queen Karina from the portable factory and fought off the attacking B1 droids with Beetee's assistance, while Aphra attempted to attach a homing beacon to the chamber's roof. After jumping down to Vader's position and persuading him to use the Force to attach the beacon to the ceiling, Aphra summoned the Ark Angel via voice command. The starship fired on the beacon's location, causing mounds of rock to collapse onto the chamber floor. Vader protected himself and Aphra from the debris using the dark side of the Force. The archaeologist connected a crane lowered by Vader's J-type 327 Nubian to the factory and held on as the heavily modified yacht lifted the Sith Lord, archaeologist, and factory to safety. Triple-Zero and Beetee followed, utilizing the latter's rocket boosters.

Aphra and the team successfully loaded the factory onto her ship, and after some testing and minor modifications by Triple-Zero, the portable factory began producing an army of artificially intelligent and agile BX-series droid commandos to bolster the dark lord's growing forces. Seizing a moment of respite, Aphra somberly inquired when Vader intended to kill her, fully expecting him to end her life once she had served her purpose. Vader, pleased with her loyalty and resourcefulness thus far, stated that he would not end her life until he deemed it necessary. Satisfied with his logic, Aphra cautiously requested that when Vader did kill her, he do so with his lightsaber, and that she be spared being ejected into space to freeze and suffocate, a fate she had always dreaded.
Immediately afterward, Triple-Zero interrupted Aphra and Vader's delicate conversation with news that a bounty hunter hired by Vader from Jabba the Hutt had arrived with his bounty. The bounty hunter, the disowned Wookiee Krrsantan of Kashyyyk, promptly brought aboard the Ark Angel the unidentified scientist Doctor Cylo, whom Vader then tasked Triple-Zero with torturing and identifying.

Later, Aphra's team traveled aboard Vader's chromium-plated Nubian to a secret research base maintained by Doctor Cylo's Cylo Directive, located within the Crushank Nebulae of the Outer Rim. Upon arriving in the nebula and discovering that the base was actually a whale fleet, Aphra admitted her admiration, though Vader deemed it impressive only if one was "fond of abominations." At Vader's command, Aphra initiated the illegal boarding mission, launching an ion charge that disabled Cylo's flagship's systems, before wishing Vader "may the Force be with you](/article/may_the_force_be_with_you)." Before Aphra landed the Nubian on the cyborg whale-ship so Triple-Zero and Beetee could access the base with a dozen commando droids, Vader ejected himself into space and cut his way into the base through the whale-ship's flesh. Aphra proceeded to analyze the base plans after Beetee obtained them by slicing into the base's computer system. Using the schematics, she provided the locations of potential resistance on the base, enabling Vader and the commando droids to systematically clear the living vessel of Cylo's marines before half of the commando droids were lost in "the dojo." Vader proceeded to the dojo with his remaining battle droids, where Aphra lost contact with her employer.
Triple-Zero and Beetee returned to Aphra at the ship, unable to explain Vader's loss of contact. As time passed, Aphra grew increasingly concerned for Vader's safety, eventually deciding to arm herself and search for the seemingly lost Sith Lord. While waiting, Boba Fett, the other bounty hunter hired by Vader, called, having apprehended his bounty. Just as Aphra was about to leave the ship, Vader returned, filled with fierce anger. Aphra informed Vader that Fett had information, so Vader piloted the Nubian to a Star Destroyer of the Imperial Navy for a meeting with the bounty hunter.

Following the meeting, Vader returned with orders for Aphra to travel with him to the desert planet Tatooine in the Arkanis sector aboard the Ark Angel. Upon arriving in Tatooine's Dune Sea region, the group located the homestead moisture farm previously inhabited by the Lars family before their deaths weeks earlier during a Rebel Alliance mission to Tatooine. There, Vader revealed to Aphra that the Rebel Alliance pilot who destroyed the Death Star had resided at the moisture farm before the family was killed by the Empire. Aphra found it ironic that the Imperial Senate had only recently been dissolved by the Emperor when the Lars family was killed, prompting the future pilot who destroyed the Death Star to join the Rebellion, believing that revenge had motivated the pilot to condemn so many Imperial souls. Vader concurred.
Next, Aphra and the others traveled several kilometers to the Jundland Wastes to a small home where Fett had engaged in a duel with the pilot just days before. At Vader's command, Aphra waited outside while Vader examined the interior of the structure, guided by the dark side of the Force. Vader reemerged, and Aphra detonated a molecular purge bomb within the structure, erasing all forensic evidence that anyone had ever occupied the building. Vader then informed Aphra that he had to return to his legitimate duties within the Empire as punishment for failing to prevent the Death Star's destruction, so Aphra was dismissed from his service—though Vader already had a new mission in mind for the doctor.

Just as Vader had indicated, he soon reached out to Aphra with a fresh assignment: to pilfer a vast sum of credits from an Imperial Arquitens-class light cruiser while en route to the Anthan system. These credits were recently seized by the Empire after a raid where they eliminated the Rodian leader of the Son-tuul Pride criminal organization on the jungle world of Son-tuul. To carry out the heist, Aphra journeyed to Son-tuul. There, inside a local cantina, she recruited a team of bounty hunters to assist her. This group of five bounty hunters consisted of Black Krrsantan, the IG-series assassin droid IG-90, the heavily armored Beebox, and the seasoned Trandoshan Bossk. After agreeing to her terms, they all boarded Aphra's ship, setting course for the Outer Rim Anthan System. However, as part of Vader's secret strategy, Aphra only informed Krrsantan (who was included in the plan due to his prior capture of Cylo, which impressed Vader) that Vader was the mastermind behind the operation. The true objective was not personal enrichment, but for Vader to acquire funds to bolster his forces.
The moment the Imperial light cruiser exited hyperspace and entered orbit above Anthan Prime, Aphra initiated what would later be known as the Son-tuul Pride robbery. She used previously planted explosives and asteroid thrusters to detonate a large asteroid. The resulting explosion created a dense asteroid belt that quickly enveloped the Imperial cruiser, causing unexpected collisions. Capitalizing on the distraction, Aphra launched an ion charge at the cruiser, giving her and her team—excluding Krrsantan, who was secretly waiting nearby in his Auzituck anti-slaver gunship for his part—five minutes to board the ship and seize the vast quantities of credit chips. Wearing space suits, Aphra, Bossk, IG-90, and Beebox exited the Ark Angel through its airlock and floated to the underside of the Imperial light cruiser. They infiltrated the vessel, bypassed the Imperial guards, reached the vault, defeated three Viper probe droids guarding it, attached a homing beacon, and rapidly returned to the Ark Angel. This allowed Krrsantan to execute his part: he used his gunship to slingshot an asteroid into the cruiser at the vault, breaching the hull and scattering millions of credit ingots into space. Beetee, positioned on the hull, used magnets to capture a portion of the ingots. However, in accordance with Vader's scheme, Beetee allowed the majority of the credits to drift away, appearing lost. Krrsantan gathered the remaining credit ingots in his gunship and deposited them on Anthan 13, one of Anthan's many moons.

Later, Aphra gathered the credits Beetee had salvaged, divided them into five shares, one for herself and one for each hunter. Krrsantan, feigning ignorance to deceive the other bounty hunters, sided with IG-90 and Beebox, who expressed dissatisfaction that the promised amount of credits, while substantial, was not as large as initially indicated. Aphra smoothed over their complaints by promising upfront payment for any future collaborations. Subsequently, Aphra secretly gave Krrsantan five times his agreed share on Anthan 13 and vowed to assist him in locating those responsible for his past as a forced gladiator. Aphra emphasized that they were now deeply involved together, having deceived three bounty hunters. After Krrsantan's departure, Vader emerged from the shadows of the moon's crystalline caves and handed her a datachip containing details of her next mission. Darth Vader cautioned that if she failed to provide new information within a month, he would contact her directly, a prospect she would find unpleasant.

Within days, Aphra revisited Anthan Prime, this time with business at the Anthan Spire, a floating city amidst the stormy clouds of the gas-filled planet. Due to the appearance of her "heavy-lifter" starship, Aphra was directed to the Spire's lower-class Tradesman's Entrance. She then paid a quick visit to an old acquaintance, "the Ante," a Givin information broker at his Spire base. The Ante quickly decrypted the data, revealing that the subject was Commodex Tahn, a retired mortician from the peaceful Mid Rim planet of Naboo. Aphra compensated the Givin with a sum he considered excessive, but accepted nonetheless. Aphra reasoned that the Ante's methods were more discreet than using the public HoloNet. Aphra then returned to the Ark Angel with her two assassin droids, and the trio set course for the Naboo system.
Aphra skillfully piloted her starship into Naboo's capital city, Theed. Accompanied by Triple-Zero, Beetee, and a squadron of seven commando droids, she assaulted the luxurious villa of the retired mortician. Under orders to capture Tahn alive for interrogation, the droids attempted to stun him when he resisted. However, Beetee shot the clone trooper-issued [DC-15A blaster rifle](/article/dc-15a_blaster_rifle] from Tahn's hands, drawing blood and displeasing Aphra. She instructed the droids to steal valuables from the villa to make the home invasion appear as a robbery. Aphra then focused her attention on Tahn, reiterating what she already knew: that Tahn had prepared the body of former Naboo Queen Padmé Amidala for burial after her death at the end of the Clone Wars. A patriot, Tahn remained steadfast, refusing to betray Amidala, not even her memory. He argued that Amidala had been a good queen and that was why he would not betray her. Annoyed by Tahn's refusal, Aphra countered that a strong queen would have triumphed over Amidala's goodness. Observing the affluent lifestyle in Theed, of which Tahn was a part, Aphra recalled a romanticized version of her memories of her mother's death during the Clone Wars after her parents had separated, how Aphra had killed a group of raiders with an "awesome cannon" she found, and how her father had returned thereafter; a happily ever ending that did not occur. Feeling pity for Aphra, Tahn digressed his pity for her loss.

Aphra dismissed it, noting that a galactic war had occurred, and everyone had suffered losses. Returning to the matter at hand, Aphra asserted that if Amidala had been both good and strong, she would have avoided her fate, believing that the Empire was both good and strong and that was why she served in the regime. At Aphra's signal, Triple-Zero began interrogating Commodex Tahn. Meanwhile, Aphra explored the house, discovering a holovid of the Tahn family. She, in her own way, apologized for having to end Tahn's life, finding comfort that Tahn had lived a good life. Triple-Zero reappeared, having violently coerced Tahn into answering Aphra's question. Aphra easily obtained confirmation from the battered Tahn that then-Senator Amidala had given birth to a son who had been taken by two Jedi Knights—Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi—just before her death. Satisfied, Aphra instructed Triple-Zero to "finish up" so they could leave. The protocol droid electrocuted Tahn to death, and the team fled Naboo, pleased that Vader would now know the full story. Back on Anthan Prime, Aphra relayed her findings to Vader. Pleased, Vader gave Aphra her next mission: locate the boy who had destroyed the Death Star before another could first, namely Imperial agent Commander Karbin.
Shortly after, Aphra revisited the Ante at his Anthan Spire base. After releasing Triple-Zero and Beetee to engage in games of holochess at the Ante's holochess parlor, the Doctor met with the Givin crime lord in his suite for a private business meeting. During their discussion, Aphra explained that she needed to know the whereabouts of the Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker family, renowned for securing the Rebel Alliance's victory at the Battle of Yavin. Unexpectedly, the Ante had already invested time investigating Skywalker and was in the process of selling the information to various other organizations at a much higher price than Aphra anticipated. Aphra, using the stolen credits from the hijacked Son-Tuul Pride, paid the Ante upfront with more than enough credit chips. The Givin infochant deduced that Aphra was responsible for the recent robbery of the Son-Tuul Pride's treasure, but nonetheless revealed to Aphra that Skywalker was on the planet Vrogas Vas.

Immediately afterward, an alarm sounded, signaling an incoming Imperial strike force to the city. Reacting swiftly, Aphra contacted her droids and ordered them to return to the Ark Angel. Aphra dodged blaster fire from stormtroopers as Spire patrons fought back against the forces of Imperial Inspector Thanoth and Darth Vader. Vader ensured the Ante was killed in the firefight to prevent either Vader or Aphra from being implicated in the Son-Tuul Pride robbery. Aphra reached her docked ship, only to be confronted by Vader himself. Aphra was taken by surprise when the Sith Lord activated his lightsaber and grabbed her by the neck in a Force choke, prepared to kill her. The Doctor managed to utter that she had learned Skywalker's location, and Vader released her. But Aphra, essentially blackmailing Vader, said that should would only tell her "boss" later—ensuring her survival for at least a little longer. With Inspector Thanoth and his troopers closing in, Vader allowed her to board the Ark Angel and escape into Anthan Prime's gas storms with her two assassin droids. However, an Imperial blockade established by Thanoth prevented Aphra from leaving the system, forcing her to navigate Anthan's beautiful but treacherous storms of lightning and wind to hide.
Co-leading the mission with Thanoth, Vader convinced Thanoth to allow the Ark Angel to escape "Imperial justice" so the Imperials could attack the subterranean base of the Plasma Devils, a Rebel Alliance cell operating from the Thanteen Substrata on the moon Anthan 1—a time sensitive issue, because the Plasma Devils would certainly evacuate their base upon hearing that the Spire had been compromised by the Empire. Thanoth agreed with Vader's reasoning (thus saving the Empire face in the propaganda game), and abandoned his pursuit of Aphra, a "common thief," in order to annihilate the rebels. This allowed the Doctor to escape to one of Anthan's moons and await contact from her employer.

With Triple-Zero and Beetee by her side, Aphra nervously awaited Vader's arrival, aware that he might kill her for her near capture by Thanoth and the Ante. When Vader arrived, Aphra first revealed Skywalker's location on Vrogas Vas, and second, that she had decided not to flee from the Dark Lord to prove her trustworthiness. The recent espionage activities around Anthan and Naboo had given Vader an appreciation of Aphra's abilities, so he decided to spare her life for the time being and prepared to intercept Skywalker on Vrogas Vas.
Around this time, Aphra received word that "the last of the Jedi" was scheduled to fight as a gladiator on Hutt Clan-controlled Nar Shaddaa, the "smuggler's moon," in the Palace of Grakkus the Hutt. The "last Jedi" turned out to be Skywalker himself, who had been abducted by Grakkus's forces and forced to fight Kongo the Disembowler, a massive roggwart from the dolovite mines of the volcanic world of Mustafar. Doctor Aphra expected the outmatched Skywalker to perish in his duel with the massive rogwartt, so she bet credits that Kongo would prevail over Skywalker in the ensuing duel, but Skywalker was rescued by his team of Rebel compatriots before he could lose, and as a result, Aphra lost the credits she gambled in favor of Kongo. Concurrently, Vader, after a short mission on the Mid Rim mining world Shu-Torun, made a stop on Nar Shaddaa to gather information about Skywalker, then turned his attention to Vrogas Vas.

Via a comlink aboard her Ark Angel, Chelli Aphra shared intelligence with Lord Vader regarding Vrogas Vas: the desolate, gaseous planet housed an ancient Jedi Temple, and Commander Karbin had been dispatched by Emperor Palpatine and Doctor Cylo to hunt down Skywalker—though she believed the Mon Calamari commander had not yet identified Skywalker and would not interfere with Vader's own hunt. Vader soon emerged from hyperspace in Vrogas Vas's star system in his TIE starfighter, where he encountered three unsuspecting Rebel Alliance starfighter squadrons—Blue Squadron, Red Squadron, and Yellow Squadron. Caught off guard, Vader suspected Aphra had set him up for assassination, but Aphra denied it. Aphra urged Vader to flee the several dozen Rebel X-wing starfighters, but Vader refused—he sensed through the Force that the Ante's information was correct; Skywalker was nearby. Due to the ensuing skirmish, Aphra lost contact with Vader's TIE Advanced starfighter. Determined to prove her worth to the Sith Lord, Aphra decided to attempt a rescue mission after learning from intercepted Rebel Intelligence transmissions that Vader had crash-landed on Vrogas Vas.
The archaeologist contacted Black Krrsantan and requested his assistance on her mission, which he accepted in exchange for compensation. Triple-Zero and Beetee, having researched Skywalker during the journey, informed Aphra about potential encounters on the planet: Rebel leader Princess Leia Organa of [Alderaan](/article/alderaan], the smuggler Han Solo—wanted by the Hutt Clan—R2-series astromech droid R2-D2, Skywalker's personal mechanic, and a protocol droid of the same chassis model as Triple-Zero, C-3PO. With this knowledge, Aphra landed the Ark Angel near the ruins of the Vrogas Vas Jedi Temple. Using macrobinoculars, Aphra spotted Skywalker and R2-D2—"Artoo"—in the temple grounds. Knowing that killing Skywalker was not an option, and that Skywalker owned a Jedi lightsaber that he had fought off Boba Fett with, she opted for a more subtle approach to kidnap the Jedi in training: she painted Triple-Zero's armor plates gold with an airbrush, disguising her droid as Skywalker's gold-plated C-3PO—"Threepio."

Golden Triple-Zero attracted Skywalker's attention and, once close enough, delivered an electric shock, rendering him unconscious. Aphra and Triple-Zero observed Beetee fighting R2 until he retreated. Later, Aphra had Triple-Zero carry Skywalker, but they were confronted by Captain Solo. While Solo's copilot Chewbacca attacked Triple-Zero, Aphra engaged in a firefight with Solo. Despite being pinned down by Solo, Aphra managed to shoot a hive full of Wasp-worms. However, the wasp-worms knocked both her and Solo out. Aphra was revived by Beetee and Triple-Zero, and she had them follow Skywalker and to keep him alive. Meanwhile Aphra returned to her ship and used it to assist Lord Vader in defeating Karbin, but it was badly damaged in the battle, forcing her to eject from to survive its destruction. Aphra ordered Beetee and Triple-Zero to lay a mine field around the Millennium Falcon. She then tried to force Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca to drop their weapons, but she was punched by Princess Leia and taken aboard the Falcon. With Aphra captured, Lord Vader had a bounty placed on her alive or dead. Beebox tried to collect the bounty on her by claiming he disintegrated her, but Lord Vader saw through his lie and Force choked him.
Aphra was interrogated by Alliance Intelligence for weeks, but gave up no information. She was then taken aboard the Volt Cobra, where she was able to free herself from the binders. However, Leia and her escort kept her at gunpoint. When she tried to get past Leia and her guards, Aphra was knocked out by Starros. She was then taken to Sunspot Prison. Aphra tried to bribe Starros to get her out, to no avail. Later, Aphra came under attack by an IG-RM droid but was saved by Leia and Starros. Aphra was then given a blaster by Leia despite Starros' concerns.
Together, Aphra, Leia, and Starros fought another IG-RM droid and made their way through the prison and into IG-RM droids. After taking out the last droid, they came upon R2-D2 and C-3PO in the prison's command center. They then went to the hangar where a bounty hunter had captured Solo and Skywalker. The bounty hunter demanded that Leia shoot Aphra, who was then held at gunpoint by Starros, but Leia told Starros not to shoot her. The bounty hunter, former rebel spy Eneb Ray then started a count down to kill them. However, Aphra and the others were saved when R2 turned off the prison's gravity. Aphra was then strangled by Starros until she apologized for leaving her, and was then tossed by Starros away from her.
After bumping into Ray, Aphra made her way to the prison's escape pod. However, she was confronted by Leia, who warned her that Vader was dangerous. She was then pushed into the escape pod by Starros and was warned not to come back to the prison.

Aphra journeyed to the Cosmatanic Steppes and became a regular at a local establishment. During one of her visits, while consuming Corellian whiskey, she suddenly understood that Skywalker was, in fact, Vader's offspring. Knowing that Vader was aware of her nearing this discovery, she realized he would never permit her freedom. Ultimately, she was located by Beetee, Triple-Zero, and their complement of commando droids. Aphra assured the droids that she had not shared any information with the Rebels, successfully persuading them to cease their elimination of potential witnesses. She attempted to bribe Krrsantan, but her efforts were futile, and she was transported to the bounty hunter's vessel. Subsequently, she was delivered to Lord Vader's new capital ship at Kuat.
Upon arrival in the Executor's docking bay, she was turned over to a pair of stormtroopers. As she was being escorted, Aphra managed to transmit a new, high-priority directive to Beetee and Triple-Zero, instructing them to facilitate her escape. The two droids successfully liberated her from confinement, and the group proceeded towards Black Krrsantan's gunship. However, she was certain that Vader would not allow her to escape. Together with Krrsantan and her droids, she engaged Dr. Cylo's forces in combat and was eventually presented before Emperor Palpatine.
Following Lord Vader's triumph over Dr. Cylo, Vader, Palpatine, and Aphra convened. She informed the Emperor about their shared missions, which impressed him. After the Emperor's departure, Aphra confessed to Lord Vader that she had disclosed their partnership to the Emperor as a demonstration of her loyalty. Despite his earlier promise to use his lightsaber on Aphra, Vader instead propelled her into an airlock, ejecting her into the vacuum of space, with Vader presuming her demise.
However, Black Krrsantan, Beetee, and Triple-Zero rescued Aphra, bringing her aboard Krrsantan's gunship. Having anticipated Vader's attempt on her life, she had prepared by utilizing equipment acquired during the Son-tuul Pride heist. She was then placed in a bacta tank to facilitate her recovery.
At a certain point, Aphra aimed to retrieve the ancient Sith relic known as the Sword of Khashyun from the ancient Sith world of Moraband, pinpointing its location using a map pilfered from the University of Bar'leth. With the intention of auctioning the sword, she traveled with Triple-Zero and BT-1 to Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu, where she approached the pirate Hondo Ohnaka to propose her plan and request a spacecraft. Instead, Aphra was hired by the Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar, who sought to add the ancient artifact to his collection. The pair journeyed to Moraband aboard Ondar's ship, accompanied by Triple-Zero, Beetee, and a contingent of Shistavanen mercenaries employed by Ondar.
During their voyage to the Sith homeworld, Aphra suggested that ensuring Ondar's survival on Moraband would be a challenging task, potentially warranting additional compensation, although the Ithorian maintained that he was already providing sufficient payment and had brought enough protection in the form of the Shistavanens. Aphra then analyzed the Sword of Khashyun, recalling its legends. After a brief interruption by Ondar, she mentioned the stolen maps in her possession. The rogue archaeologist reminded Ondar that she was forgoing potential profits by not auctioning the sword, but the collector countered that he was financing the expedition. Aphra concluded the conversation by advising him to prepare for landing, as Ondar's vessel had arrived at a Sith temple on Moraband.
After disembarking from Ondar's ship with BT-1 and two Shistavanens, Aphra led her companions into the temple, cautioning them about traps described in ancient scrolls she had studied. She halted the group at a location where she believed a trap was set. Upon identifying a pressure plate, the rogue archaeologist allowed one of the Shistavanens to step on it while feigning an adjustment to her boot. The trap triggered the appearance of a phantom Sith Warrior, which swiftly eliminated the mercenary and turned its attention to Aphra. However, Aphra evaded the warrior's attacks and attached a thermal detonator to it, destroying the spectral Sith.
The surviving Shistavanen, enraged by the death of his comrade, seized Aphra by the throat. The rogue archaeologist persuaded the mercenary to release her, assuring him that she had not definitively anticipated a sentry. Aphra guided her two remaining companions down a level. Concurrently, she instructed Beetee to jam signals to Ondar, while Triple-Zero attempted to assassinate the collector and his guards aboard his ship. Aphra directed BT-1 to deploy a drone to scout for traps. After the drone was destroyed by laser traps, she opted for an alternate route.
Following further exploration, Aphra and her companions discovered the mummified remains of a Dowutin Sith, with the Sword of Khashyun positioned before it. As the Shistavanen retrieved the sword, the rogue archaeologist detected a wind-like sound, which BT-1 identified as an ultrasonic frequency. Aphra surmised that it was an animal call, and at that moment, a Tuk'ata, a Sith hound, was unleashed. She and her cohorts fled from the hound, and the rogue archaeologist instructed BT-1 to trip the final Shistavanen, abandoning the mercenary to the Tuk'ata. The pair then lured the beast into the laser trap from before, guiding the hound to its demise.
Aphra carried the Sword of Khashyun out of the temple, only to find that Ondar and his Shistavanen guard had subdued Triple-Zero. Confronting Aphra, the collector mocked her, revealing that he had disabled Triple-Zero for several hours. Aphra sarcastically expressed her disappointment at Ondar's distrust in her and attempted to reassure the Ithorian that they could repair their relationship. Ondar refused to take the risk, stating that he did not want anyone else to possess the sword, prompting the rogue archaeologist to threaten his life and order BT-1 to attack.
As Ondar's Shistavanen returned fire, disabling BT-1, Aphra impaled the guard. Ondar aimed his blaster at Aphra, who remarked that he would not risk damaging the Sword of Khashyun. The collector fired at her regardless, shattering the sword into its blade and hilt and incapacitating the rogue archaeologist. Upon regaining consciousness, Aphra found that Triple-Zero and BT-1 had reactivated. She inquired about what had transpired, only to witness Ondar's ship departing, leaving her stranded with the droids, although they eventually managed to escape.
Aphra made her way back to the Cosmatanic Steppes. There, she obtained an artifact from Ulbik Tan by killing him, and then traveled by speeder to Fulan Ro, where her ship, the Ark Angel II, was nearing completion. After reuniting with Black Krrsantan and her droids, Aphra was approached by Soo-Tath and his two Gigoran bodyguards. They demanded either payment or the artifact from Aphra. Knowing that they intended to sell it for a higher price, she refused and attempted to fight back, but was knocked unconscious by one of the Gigorans.

Krrsantan rescued Aphra, and she offered Soo-Tath a proposition: if his bodyguards could defeat Krrsantan, she would double her payment. Soo-Tath accepted the deal but lost when Krrsantan defeated the Gigorans. After the combat, Aphra assured Soo-Tath that he would receive his payment from her after she sold the artifact. Then, she and her crew traveled to Archaeo-Prime, where Aphra attempted to sell her artifact but was unsuccessful due to her doctorate being suspended. As she departed, Aphra was approached by her own father, who knew she had fabricated the discovery of the abersyn symbiotes on Boothi XII. Her father informed her that she could regain her doctorate by finding her "spiritual salvation."
Aphra considered her father's proposition to study the Ordu Aspectu. She then led him to the Ark Angel II. There, Aphra drew her blaster and demanded that her father clear her name. Her father recognized that she was bluffing until Aphra instructed Triple-Zero and Beetee to carry out her threat. However, she was unable to proceed with it. Instead, Aphra agreed to listen to her father's accounts of the Ordu Aspectu, with both of them debating their respective interpretations.
Aphra, her father, and her crew journeyed to the Yavin system, where her father instructed her to go to the fourth moon. Upon arrival, they discovered the Great Temple occupied by Imperial Stormtroopers, AT-ATs, and AT-STs. Aphra was surprised that her father was unaware that the Rebels had used the Massassi temple as their base, nor what had truly destroyed Jedha City and the Temple of the Kyber. Aphra, her father, and her crew then devised a plan to divert the Imperial forces.
While Black Krrsantan distracted the storm and scout troopers, Aphra and her father had the droids infiltrate the temple. The two of them then used Beetee's cables to climb into the temple. There, they inserted the Massassi pieces into the keyholes. Initially, the pieces did not appear to work, and Aphra blamed her father for various issues, such as her mother's departure. However, the temple was then activated.
As her father took readings, Aphra instructed Krrsantan to prepare the Ark Angel II for departure. Meanwhile, Aphra knocked out an Imperial officer and had Beetee and Triple-Zero delay the stormtroopers. The group made their way through the temple's throne room, firing their weapons at several stormtroopers. Aphra, her father, and the droids were then confronted by an AT-AT, Captain Magna Tolvan, and her remaining stormtroopers, who forced her to drop her weapons. As Tolvan ordered her forces to open fire, the AT-AT was destroyed by the Ark Angel II. Aphra, her father, and the droids jumped onto the Ark Angel II and departed Yavin 4. Aphra then agreed to accompany her father to the Citadel of Rur. Together, they located it.
Once inside the Citadel of Rur, as her father examined the remains of the Jedi, Aphra was able to collect several lightsabers from the remains. Aphra and her father then discovered a door and used their last Massassi piece to open it, gaining access to the Citadel's logs on the immortal Rur. As they entered, Aphra, her father, and Krrsantan were attacked by several snowtroopers under the command of Captain Tolvan. While Krrsantan held off the snowtroopers, Aphra and her father attempted to find a safe location for the Ark Angel II to pick them up. Together, they found and crossed a Force bridge. They searched for the Citadel's computer core, but Aphra and her father were abandoned by Krrsantan and the droids.
After eliminating several snowtroopers, Aphra and her father found an elevator that took them to the core. There, they discovered the remains of Rur. However, the core was not functional, and they realized that a crystal was missing. Aphra searched through Rur's remains while she and her father discussed his shortcomings as a parent and husband, eventually finding a crystal. With the crystal, Aphra reactivated the computer core. When the core was reactivated, a voice emerged, claiming to be Rur. Initially, the pair refused to believe it until the voice reactivated one of the Citadel's droids.

It demanded to know the current year and threatened to torture Aphra and her father. Aphra managed to strike a deal with Rur in exchange for information about what had happened. After learning of Rur's efforts to copy himself into the computer core, Aphra informed Rur that over a thousand years had passed since the Ordu Aspectu's Doom. Rur then decided to punish the living, starting with Aphra and her father. Aphra shot one of Rur's droids and was instructed by her father to destroy the console and retrieve the crystals. She succeeded in doing so with one of her salvaged lightsabers, despite Rur's warning about destroying the Citadel. Aphra then took one of the Citadel's crystals.
Aphra attempted to persuade Tolvan and her snowtroopers to follow them back to their ship. Aphra, her father, and Tolvan were then able to reach the shuttle. However, as they escaped from the Citadel, they were attacked by the shuttle's RA-7 protocol droid that had been taken over by Rur. Eventually, Rur lost control of the droid, and Aphra, her father, and Tolvan were able to escape the Citadel's destruction. Tolvan demanded to know Aphra's identity until her father wounded her and knocked her unconscious with one of the salvaged lightsabers. Aphra and her father left Tolvan and her protocol droid on a planet in the Outer Rim. Despite Aphra's belief that the crystal was Rur and could be used, she agreed with her father to take it to Quarantine World III for safekeeping. After leaving the crystal, Aphra and her father agreed that it was in a secure location. She told her father that they needed to dispose of the stolen Imperial shuttle so she could regain her doctorate and return to Cosmatanic Steppes.
After regaining her doctorate, Aphra was able to sell the lightsabers for profit and returned to the Cosmatanic Steppes bar. There, Aphra paid her debt to Soo-Tath's brother and was reunited with Black Krrsantan and her droids. She revealed that she had kept the crystal and had planted a fake at Quarantine World III instead.
Aphra journeyed to Horox III, where she encountered Luke Skywalker at a bar and became involved in a brawl, which was ended by Black Krrsantan's intervention. Aphra persuaded Skywalker to accompany her and Krrsantan aboard the Ark Angel II as she told Skywalker about the crystal that came from Rur's citadel and how she believed he could reactivate it. Luke was unable to reactivate the crystal, and Aphra decided to take it to one of the meetings of the Queen of Ktath'atn as alternative.

Aphra, Skywalker, and her crew then landed at the Ktath'atn's Citadel. There, Aphra and Skywalker were met by Ktath'atn's people who asked for food and Aphra responded asking Krrsatan to bring them some food. The group was then stopped by the Queen's guards, who told Aphra that Wookiees were not allowed at the Queen's meeting. As they were taken to their quarters, Aphra told Skywalker how she had found him after leaving a message for Starros at the Horox III rebel outpost.
Aphra and Skywalker changed their clothes to attend the meeting. Then, they went to the Citadel's throne room, where they met the Queen. After the other attendants to the meeting presented their items to the Queen, Aphra presented Skywalker as her gift. Initially, the Queen rejected him until Skywalker used the Force to push someone, and Aphra and Skywalker were then instructed to meet the Queen in the morning so she could hear their request. The next morning, Aphra and Skywalker joined the Queen for breakfast, where Aphra spoke of how she had captured him. Meanwhile, Aphra watched as the Queen ordered Vespinax to threaten Skywalker into using the Force. Aphra then told the Queen about the Ordu artifact.
Aphra watched as Skywalker moved a tray to hit Vespinax and made their escape from the Queen and several abersyn symbiotes. She then called Triple-Zero to get them out, but the duo came under attack by several of the Queen's zombies. When Aphra and Luke finally made it to the Ark Angel II, they were met by Solo, Leia, and Starros. Starros tried to shoot Aphra, but Skywalker prevented her from doing it. After Skywalker chose to follow Aphra, she started examining more of the symbiotes until she and Skywalker were confronted by the Queen and her guards.
As Leia, Starros, and her droids escaped, Solo was captured and taken by the Queen, with Aphra left behind to deal with her. Aphra was confronted by the Queen, who asked her to leave and gave her the Rur crystal, which had been activated by the Queen. Aphra asked what would be the future of Skywalker but decided to leave despite his pleas. She was then given a ship to leave. Aphra listened to Rur's voice, who counseled her on abandoning Skywalker. Aphra heeded Rur's words and rescued Skywalker from the Queen. She intentionally infected Skywalker with a parasite in order to turn him into the hivemind's king, capable of challenging the Queen.
Aphra watched as a possessed Skywalker confronted the Queen, and then watched as Skywalker freed himself and killed the Queen with the help of the crystal. After Han disbanded the zombie hive, Aphra told her droids to burn the Citadel and suggested they contact the Empire to contain the symbiotes. Before leaving, Aphra spoke with Starros about what had gone wrong with each other. She then offered to give Skywalker access to the Rur crystal, though he knew Rur was not a Jedi. Aphra, Black Krrsantan, and her droids then left aboard the Ark Angel II.

Some time later, Aphra infiltrated the Isolate-4 Lab to activate the Rur crystal. Using the alias "Sulan Do" and posing as Black Krrsantan's "agent," Aphra arranged for two journalists, Dixnet Dat and Domthro Rus, to meet with Black Krrsantan so that they could learn the story of Black Krrsantan's origins. Unbeknownst to the journalists, their meeting with Black Krrsantan was a distraction—Aphra broke into their ship and, with the help of Triple-Zero and Beetee, used it to transmit hundreds of messages on the undervine. The messages advertised the auction of a rare alien artifact.
Several weeks later, Aphra held an auction to sell off the Rur crystal. As Aphra showed the Auction's guest the crystal and its abilities, Rur tried to kill her again by possessing a droid. However, Aphra was saved when Krrsantan shot the droid down. Aphra spoke with Yonak and showed him her security systems to relieve his concerns. Then, she told her guests that she would speak with them individually and made sure that her two droids would not murder anyone without her orders.
The auction was reinstated, and Aphra listened as her guests, such as Thomas Toov, tried to outbid others. Aphra showed her guests how she would repair several of them. Aphra was then approached by the Ezaraa Dominion, who offered her 0.00001% of her Imperial revenue for her and ten of her descendants. She then met with the Shadow University, who offered to let her continue to have access to the crystal in addition to a fortune. However, when she was blackmailed by them, Aphra turned down their offer. As she spoke with Papa Toren, Krrsantan had a confrontation with the Kthoo-Ra, which was stopped by Beetee on Aphra's orders. She then turned down Kthoo-Ra's employers, the Xonti Brothers' offer.
In the medical bay, Aphra was strangled by Krrsantan out of anger. However, she was able to convince him to let her go. Aphra was then told that the Shadow University had increased its bid. She then went before her fellow guests and told them that the Shadow University had bought the crystal. However, Rur had taken over another droid and attacked Aphra's guests. Aphra protected the Shadow University's guests from Rur and then figured out that someone else was controlling the guns. Unfortunately, Aphra and her droids were unable to deactivate the guns. In the meantime, Krrsantan still wanted to kill the Xonti brothers. Aphra fought Rur's possessed droid and was almost killed by it until Beetee and Triple-Zero used the guns on it. Aphra then joined her droids, who revealed that Lord Vader had arrived.
As Vader arrived, Beetee and Triple-Zero revealed to Aphra that they had contacted him in order to force her to remove her leashes from them. Aphra agreed and removed their leashes from them. After Beetee and Triple-Zero left, Aphra was joined by Krrsantan. She joined what remained of her guests, who wanted to use her as bait for the Imperial troops. Aphra attempted to escape by tricking the Xonti Brothers into thinking she was double-crossing Krrsantan. In reality, Aphra rigged a nearby droid to explode, killing the Xonti Brothers and allowing Krrsantan to board a ship. Despite having the opportunity to escape, Aphra decided to go back for the Shadow University's ship instead. Aphra ran when she came face-to-face with a droid possessed by the spirit of Rur; in doing so, she led Rur to Darth Vader and his troops. Aphra hid while Rur and Vader battled in a lightsaber duel.
Due to Vader and Rur being distracted by their duel, Aphra was able to escape. Upon discovering some of her remaining guests, Aphra used Sutha as a human shield, which eventually resulted in Sutha's death. After Vader disabled and defeated Rur, Aphra was able to escape on the Shadow University's ship. Although Vader sensed her presence, he did not investigate further, considering it to be of little matter. Following her escape, Aphra returned some of the priceless artifacts to the Shadow University and the others to the Museum of Bar'leth in order to double her profit. Afterwards, Aphra retreated to Zeltros to vacation and celebrate her liberation from Triple-Zero, Beetee, Krrsantan, and Darth Vader. While relaxing on the beach, however, Aphra was confronted by a man named Tukan, who wanted to bring her to trial for her murder of Dukan. Aphra casually fired at Tukan, killing him, only to discover Tukan was not alone, and she was outnumbered.
On X3-299-11, Aphra was eaten alive by a Shadowfang Beast when she tried to retrieve a idol. She contacted and hired hunters Nokk, Winloss and several other hunters to help her escape the beast. Aphra guided the hunters to her and the beast's location past several traps. Winloss and Nokk were able to kill the creature. Aphra was then able to escape from the creature. She then used a jetpack to make her escape without paying the hunters.

After successfully evading Dukan's former associates, Aphra found herself compelled to collaborate with Triple-Zero, who had ascended to the position of crime boss following his acquisition of the Son-tuul Pride base. Triple-Zero threatened Aphra with either death or exposure to Darth Vader if she declined his offer of employment. Under Triple-Zero's command, Aphra played a key role in orchestrating an attack targeting an Imperial outpost situated on Someilk. To Aphra's surprise, Magna Tolvan was present at the base upon their arrival. When Tolvan attempted to seize control of Aphra's crew's vessel, Aphra responded by holding her captive at gunpoint. While awaiting the completion of her team's mission, Aphra engaged in casual conversation with Tolvan, and a tentative connection formed between them. Opting to conceal her true identity, Aphra introduced herself as "Joystick Chevron" when asked for her name. Aphra reiterated her attraction towards Tolvan; when Tolvan drew attention to her physical alterations, Aphra countered by stating that they reminded her of her own electro-tattoos, asserting that it made them both "interesting." Following the revelation that Tolvan's demotion was a consequence of Aphra's previous actions, Aphra expressed her remorse. Driven by loneliness and her infatuation with Tolvan, Aphra chose to merely incapacitate Tolvan rather than eliminate her, expressing her willingness to be captured by Imperials as long as Tolvan was the one apprehending her. Aphra left Tolvan unconscious in the base's landing zone. Aphra was taken aback when, after her crew's departure, Rexa Go obliterated the Imperial base entirely. This act filled Aphra with remorse, yet she was compelled to continue her work for Triple-Zero.
Following Triple-Zero's instructions, Aphra modified several "peculiar" droids for an undisclosed purpose. Drawing inspiration from a childhood pet, she also experimented with a relic splicer rig, resulting in the creation of a cloned and modified tooka, which Aphra christened Flufto. Subsequently, Triple-Zero instructed Aphra to lead a squad of mercenaries on a mission to Skako Minor. Prior to their departure, Aphra confronted Triple-Zero and Beetee, arguing that the droids would not risk attracting Imperial attention and asserting her ability to simply abscond.
Aphra assessed her mercenary team, which included Tam Posla among its members. As Aphra prepared to depart for Skako Minor, she was informed that she would have to decide which crew member to leave behind. Aphra discussed with Rexa the possibility of uncovering Triple-Zero's true intentions or acquiring a larger vessel. After voicing this, Aphra realized that Triple-Zero was eavesdropping on their conversation. As retribution for questioning his threats, Triple-Zero dispatched Imperial forces to the "stolen" ship, forcing Aphra to choose someone to abandon in order to facilitate their escape. Aphra reluctantly chose to leave Viscount Rabael Dir Glorio behind.

En route to Skako Minor, Aphra correctly surmised that Triple-Zero intended to raid the private workshop of Wat Tambor of the Techno Union. Believing that the Empire was unaware of the workshop's location, Triple-Zero enlisted Hallio Bas, a Skakoan, to guide Aphra and the others to it. However, it came to light that Hallio had previously entered into an agreement with the Empire, pledging to surrender any looters to the Empire in exchange for the cessation of the Empire's occupation of Skako Minor. As Imperial troops prepared to execute Aphra and the other mercenaries, Aphra handed over Flufto to Hallio, stating that it wouldn't be fair for Flufto to die. Unbeknownst to everyone, one of Aphra's modifications to Flufto was the ability to explode upon hearing the codephrase "snugglebum oogiewoogie." Flufto detonated, eliminating all Imperial forces.
In the aftermath of the explosion, Aphra revealed that she possessed an entire crate filled with shrink-frozen Tooka clones, all programmed with the same verbal code for self-destruction. Aphra led the way into Wat Tambor's workshop, with the objective of locating all files pertaining to the Triple-Zero matrix. Aphra explained to Rexa that the task would be challenging, given the workshop's numerous defensive droids and its construction around a Hellhulk station from the Hundred-Year Darkness. Aphra cautioned her crew against touching the "pointy sparkly thing" (an ancient techno-totem that controlled a Chthonic worm god, which guarded the workshop), indicating that the workshop was likely riddled with traps.
Unbeknownst to Aphra, Magna Tolvan had tracked down her location, and her ship crash-landed inside the workshop, damaging the techno-totem. Tolvan ordered her stormtroopers to open fire on Aphra's crew; however, the damage to the techno-totem caused the worm god to awaken. As the worm god wreaked havoc on Aphra and Tolvan's crews, Tolvan and Aphra briefly held each other at gunpoint before the worm god disarmed them. Tolvan and Aphra managed to find refuge in a mechanical shaft after using one of Aphra's Tooka clones to create an explosive diversion, but the worm god continued its pursuit.

While confined within the mechanical shaft, Tolvan and Aphra engaged in a heated argument. Aphra blamed Tolvan for inadvertently awakening the worm god, while Tolvan countered that Aphra was responsible for her demotion and near execution. Tolvan declared Aphra to be "the worst thing alive" and vowed to see her imprisoned. The two shared a moment of laughter when they suddenly realized that the ancient techno-totem had ended up in the shaft with them. Aphra then resignedly remarked that they were going to die. With the worm god closing in, and believing it to be their final moments, Aphra and Tolvan shared a passionate kiss.
Aphra's droideka, Dek-Nil, inadvertently caused a stormtrooper to misfire; the misfire struck the workshop's ceiling, and the worm god was crushed under the falling debris, thus saving Aphra and Tolvan. Tolvan asked Aphra to tell her her name. Tolvan explained to Aphra that Aphra's file was marked in the Imperial records and Tolvan was afraid someone higher up would eventually step in. Aphra stated that Tolvan was just afraid of being murdered herself, as that was how the Imperials operated, though Aphra also admitted that her own field of work worked the same way. Aphra replied that Tolvan should stay away from her, for her own safety. She advised Tolvan to leave, but the two were spotted by Rexa. Aphra then shot Rexa and allowed Tolvan to escape unnoticed.
Aphra restored the techno-totem to its rightful place and commanded her crew to loot the workshop. Back on her ship, Aphra informed Triple-Zero that Wat Tambor had acquired the Triple-Zero matrix nearly a century ago, with the intention of studying it. However, Wat Tambor had found the Triple-Zero matrix to be too dangerous and sent the matrix off to quarantine, where Aphra later stole it. Aphra explained that while Wat Tambor had kept all of Triple-Zero's memories, the separatists's R&D had been siphoned up by the Empire following the Clone Wars. Aphra continued to explain that all data was now housed in Hivebase-1, part of the Tarkin Initiative, and one of the biggest archives ever built. Aphra stated it was impossible to even approach without a clearance pattern, and that Hivebase-1 was the gravity anchor for a billion strong swarm of acid larve. Despite this, however, Aphra realized that Triple-Zero indeed intended for Aphra to attempt a raid on the base. She resigned herself to thinking up a plan for the raid.
When questioned by Triple-Zero as to if the Skako Minor mission had incurred any casualties among Aphra's mercenary crew, Aphra lied that there had been none. After ending her communications with Triple-Zero, Aphra went back to check on her crew. Unbeknownst to Aphra, Tolvan had been able to sneak aboard Aphra's ship by disguising herself by wearing the skin of murdered Glahst Ombra, one of the other mercenaries.
Aphra and her crew discovered the location of the Lucrehulk Prime, which had been repurposed as the Rebel Alliance's flight academy. Posing as new recruits, Aphra and her team, accompanied by Flufto, gained acceptance and awaited the commencement of the recruitment assessment. Aphra instructed "Ombra" to blend into the shadows aboard the ship. During the tour, Aphra released the Tooka, which had been genetically engineered with bio-explosives.

Aphra encountered General Hera Syndulla, who fatally shot Flufto. Aphra and her crew then revealed their true identities as mercenaries, rather than aspiring Rebel Alliance recruits. Syndulla and her forces surrounded Aphra and her team, leading to their capture and imprisonment in the brig. There, Aphra was approached by "Ombra," who revealed herself to be Tolvan. Aphra attempted to persuade Tolvan to join her, but Tolvan remained steadfast in her refusal. The two shared a kiss, but Tolvan demanded that Aphra reveal her name or face the consequences. Aphra was saved when Dek-Nil stunned Tolvan, inadvertently deactivating the brig's shields. Aphra had Tolvan placed back into the vent. Aphra and her crew remained confined in their cells.
Aphra and her team were escorted to the hangar, where Syndulla offered them their ship as a means of departure. Aphra countered with a proposal: she and her crew could facilitate their infiltration of Hivebase-1. As Syndulla contemplated this offer, Aphra signaled Bog to provide Sister Six with her blasters. Aphra then orchestrated the abduction of Syndulla aboard her ship. Upon witnessing the kidnapping of Syndulla, Posla declared his resignation. Despite this, Aphra permitted Posla to remain with them. Aphra contacted Hivebase-1's officer and offered to surrender Syndulla to the Empire.

Aphra conducted a diagnostic assessment of Bog and attempted to establish contact with 0-0-0 and BT-1, but to no avail. She learned about Bog's surgeon, Dr. Cornelius Evazan, his experiments, and how Posla lost his badge in his attempt to capture Evazan on Jedha prior to Jedha City's destruction. As their ship neared Hivebase-1, Aphra revealed to Syndulla that she was aware of the tracker embedded in her rank patch. Aphra offered to disable Syndulla's signal. As the Lucrehulk Prime caught up with her ship, it came under attack by a Scaraphyte swarm.
After landing their ship on the base, Aphra and her crew ventured deeper into the facility to conduct reconnaissance. Aphra instructed Posla to remain with Syndulla, stating that she had fulfilled her role. Aphra, her crew, and Syndulla encountered numerous rejects from the Tarkin Initiative. Aphra expressed her fascination with the various obscenities, much to Syndulla's disgust. Aphra likened it to the Rebels recruiting farmboys. During this time, Tolvan subdued the Lucrehulk Prime's crew and assumed control of the ship from the rebels. Aphra contacted her and was able to convince her just to capture the ship and its crew, despite Commander Yewl's orders. However, Tolvan betrayed her and alerted Yewl to her crew's presence.
The rejects surrounding Aphra and the others were defrosted, and Aphra requested Posla's cybernetic weaponry. Posla refused, citing the rejects as innocent victims. The rejects opened fire on them, disabling Dek-Nil and forcing the others to seek cover. Aphra continued to implore Posla for assistance, but he remained resolute. Consequently, Aphra enacted her plan B and instructed the group to return to the ship. As they did that, she activated a bug she had installed in Bog when running his diagnostics. This caused Bog to run at the rejects and get himself killed. Posla witnessed this and mobilized his cybernetic weapons. Aphra and the remaining of her team left Posla to face the army of rejects alone.
The remaining members reached the data core of Hivebase-1 and commenced their search for 0-0-0's memories. Posla caught up with them, traumatized by the death of his soulmate. Syndulla had observed Aphra activating Bog's bug and confronted her about it. However, they were soon intercepted by Yewl and his soldiers. A firefight erupted, and Aphra instructed the others to defend her as she continued at the console. There, Aphra seized control of the Lucrehulk Prime using the bug she had implanted in its control core during her encounter with Syndulla. The Lucrehulk Prime latched onto Hivebase-1 and used it's tractor beam to pull out the data core from it. Dek-Nil awoke from playing dead and began shooting at the Scaraphyte swarm to make it behave erratically. The rest of the shrink frozen Tooka's also escaped from their box and roamed Hivebase-1 until one of the officers over the comm was tricked by an altered firing registry into saying the code word that set them off, destroying Hivebase-1.
Syndulla congratulated Aphra and her team on obtaining the data core and she kept her top officer, Bini, from having them killed. Aphra had Posla look for Tolvan in the vent of the Lucrehulk Prime and he was tied up and had his armor taken by her. Tolvan gave Syndulla Posla's location in his armor and Sister Six joined the rebellion. Aphra and Tolvan left the Lucrehulk Prime and they kissed on board the shuttle.
Aphra returned to 0-0-0 and presented him the datadisk with his memories on. 0-0-0 thanked her but he wasn't finished with her. Aphra assumed he wanted to kill her but he thought he already did. After summarizing the horrible things Aphra had done to get his memories, he told her she enjoyed it. Aphra tried to make an excuse for it, but could not. 0-0-0 finally told her that love was murder and told his men to kill her. At that moment, the Son-tuul Pride was ambushed and a large firefight ensued. 0-0-0 and BT-1 escaped but the rest were either killed or captured, including Aphra. A stormtrooper brought Aphra to their superior, Tolvan, who had bugged Aphra. She then had Aphra put on Shuttle Six with Dek-Nil and they were taken away.
Tolvan had Aphra imprisoned at Accresker Jail, a wreckage-prison held together by an attractor node and pulled by a prison tug, an Arquitens-class command cruiser. During her time there, she and the other prisoners were required to serve in the prisons convict army, the Accresker Penal Legion. She was required to stay close to her hubdroid, otherwise a micro-implant put inside of her by the Jail's superiors would explode. The hubdroid also supplied her food and loaned her a gun for every battle. As well as Aphra, Dek-Nil had been taken to Accresker Jail but instead of serving in their legion, he was made a hubdroid. But although the Imperials put a restraining bolt on him, his control circuit was a fake, with his actual one being hidden behind beskar plating.
Approximately a week after her incarceration, she and the Penal Legion were dispatched to clear out a crippled EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. Amidst the conflict, she deceived her hubdroid by claiming the presence of rebel commandos ahead, causing it to malfunction. While Aphra conversed with an alien named "Lopset Yas," who was in reality Cornelius Evazan in disguise, the hubdroid detonated, eliminating everyone in her squad except for her and Yas. Their micro-implants began emitting warning beeps, causing Yas to panic. However, Dek-Nil arrived in time and transferred them to his now empty squad. Following this, Aphra led the two back to the wreckage prison, explaining to Yas her affiliation with Dek-Nil and the fact that his restraining bolt was not controlling him.

After navigating a few turns, they discovered an escape pod accompanied by a protocol droid and astromech droid. Aphra and Yas swiftly eliminated the droids, and Aphra questioned Yas's worthiness to accompany her. However, Yas noticed Dek-Nil's restraining bolt glowing and traversing across his metal plating. Once repositioned, the Imperial programming within it seized control of him, leading him to identify and destroy the escape pod. Aphra and Yas were knocked to the floor by the explosion and as they looked up, they noticed a Force spirit near them. Dek-Nil then forced the two to return to the prison before they could look into what they had just seen.
Following the battle, Aphra underwent interrogation by the prison's Interrogation Officer and his Lieutenant on the prison tug. They prompted Aphra to recount her experiences at Accresker Jail and the events on the Nebulon-B frigate. The Lieutenant detected numerous inconsistencies in her account, concluding that she was concealing something significant. However she couldn't say what and the Interrogation officer decided that more effective means may work on Aphra. After getting back to the prison Yas gave Aphra a transmitter he had managed to fix during his time at Accresker Jail. Aphra used it to contact Tolvan in order to get her out. Tolvan said that wasn't possible but Aphra told her that if the Interrogation officer managed to break her, then they may find out the secrets she knows about Vader's plot to replace the Emperor. Aphra told Tolvan that her knowledge put them both at risk as Tolvan knew of it as well. Aphra pleaded for her to go and get her.
After talking to Tolvan, Aphra spotted the Force spirit she had seen during her escape attempt. She called for Yas, who may have seen it as well, but realized he was trapped under something. Part of his head was molding and she helped him out. After being freed, Yas explained how he was convinced Accresker Jail was haunted, recounting unexplainable events he had encountered. Aphra laughed at it and told him it didn't matter. She then confronted him about his shape-shifting ability. Yas admitted to it and changed to the forms of his former users to show Aphra what he had done. However, he explained to her that how people only sought to exploit him for his ability. Aphra agreed with him and remembered something her mother used to say.
Aphra was escorted back to the prison-tug and confined in a holding cell, guarded by Dek-Nil and the Interrogator's Lieutenant, along with two stormtroopers. Tolvan abruptly entered the room and instructed everyone to leave. The Lieutenant cited protocol requiring her presence, so Tolvan instructed her to hum audibly to herself in the corner. Tolvan then approached Aphra, and they commenced plotting her escape.
Twelve hours later, the Accresker Jail arrived at it's next target, a crippled pirate station. Aphra and the Penal legion were sent in and they layed siege on the pirates. As they did that, Aphra used the Imperial authority code 6690B1 on Dek-Nil to take control of his restraining bolt. She then had him take her and Yas to a rendezvous point to meet Tolvan.

They reached their agreed meeting place, where Tolvan was awaiting them in a TIE fighter. Just as they prepared to climb aboard, the Force spirit materialized again and disabled the sensor disruptors that were preventing the TIE from being detected. Tolvan was insistent that Aphra board immediately, but Aphra's attention was captured by the Force spirit. Following it, she noticed it heading toward a Penumbra-1 shattersprite, an ancient Jedi spacecraft. Driven by the prospect of discovering valuable artifacts, Aphra, along with Dek-Nil and Yas, approached the vessel, while Tolvan continued to implore her to return. Suddenly, Tolvan was ambushed from behind. The assailant was Sana Starros, a rebel mercenary tasked by General Syndulla with capturing Aphra. Starros's ship, the Volt Cobra, severely damaged Tolvan's TIE. As the TIE exploded, Tolvan ejected and fired a rocket launcher at the Cobra. The projectile tore through the Cobra's hull, causing it to crash.
In the meantime, Aphra and her companions encountered the Force spirit once more, and it proceeded to dismantle Dek-Nil. The spirit had assumed the guise of Aphra's deceased mother, but Aphra was not fooled and fired upon it. The spirit retreated to its origin, which Yas identified as gundravian hookspores. The spores began to spread towards them, but their attacks proved ineffective. Nevertheless, the spores withdrew to safeguard the remains of a Jedi that it had previously controlled. Aphra desired to claim the Jedi's lightsaber, but circumstances compelled them to return to the prisoner holding areas. Yas retrieved Dek-Nil's central processor, and they escaped the retracting airdome to locate Starros and Tolvan. The two had discovered their shared goal of rescuing Aphra, a fact that Aphra now realized. The group was then approached by a hubdroid, who confiscated all of their weapons. Subsequently, it escorted Aphra away for her next interrogation session.
Aphra was brought before a Bor of the Mairan species, whose name was Bor Ifriem. The Bor immediately delved into her mind, revealing a multitude of past events. Aphra admitted to dwelling on thoughts of her mother, and the Interrogation officer informed her that the Bor possessed the ability to erase those memories. Aphra then relented and divulged information about the hookspores. The Lieutenant, surprised by the truth of her statement, prompted Accresker command to immediately order the decommissioning of Accresker Jail. This decision was conveyed to the prisoners, who were informed that the prison would be propelled towards a rebel-controlled planet. As the announcement concluded, an individual clad in protective gear shoved Aphra into the midst of the prisoners.
Now more desperate than ever to escape, Aphra and the others devised a new strategy. Aphra reached out to Tam Posla, with whom she had a strained relationship following their previous encounter. Aphra demanded that Posla rescue her, presenting Yas, who had assumed the form of Cornelius Evazan, as collateral. Posla was deceived by Yas's impersonation and agreed to Aphra's terms. Unbeknownst to Posla and Aphra, however, 0-0-0 had planted a bug on Posla's ship and was eavesdropping on their conversation. Consequently, both Posla and 0-0-0 were now en route to her location. Meanwhile, Starros and Tolvan observed escape pods departing the prison-tug. Aphra and Tolvan swiftly deduced that the prison was being abandoned, and they began to flee. The cruiser then collided with Accresker Jail.
Aphra and the others discovered that the convicts were engaged in a riot. One of them recognized Aphra and, aware that she had been subjected to interrogation, blamed her for the prison's impending destruction. The group fled from the rioters, only to encounter a large alien wielding a heavy weapon. The alien was suddenly attacked by the Force spirit, which had begun to rampage among the convicts. Tolvan inquired whether Aphra could guide them onto the prison-tug and identify a potential escape route. Aphra initiated her search, while Starros suggested that the alien's weapon might be capable of breaching the cruiser's hull. The four of them seized the weapon and fired it at the side of the ship, creating a hole.
The group entered the prison-tug and made their way to the control center. Aphra examined the ship's systems and discovered that the Imperials had left behind an escape pod. However, it was located behind sealed bulkheads that they were unable to move the heavy gun to, and the escape pod was still unable to escape a gravity field like the one on Accresker Jail. Aphra then realized that if she could hack into the ship's systems, she could reduce the gravity field generator's output and unlock the bulkheads, allowing them to pass through. After spending a few minutes hacking into the nearby terminal, Aphra gained access to the systems and reduced the prison's gravity to half its normal level, causing Accresker Jail to shift much of its wreckage and even excess some of it. After opening the bulkhead, they traveled towards the launch deck to find the escape pod. The gravity alteration, however, had moved Penumbra-1 shattersprite in their way and the Force spirit confronted them. The hookspores then possessed them but felt they were not of use to it and rejected them.
Aphra theorized that it might be seeking a new hero to control, following the death of the Jedi it had imprinted upon. Starros then accused Aphra of intentionally positioning the Jedi ship in their path to acquire the Jedi's lightsaber. Aphra disregarded her accusation and speculated that the hookspores might target Posla upon his arrival. Fortunately for them, Posla was approaching Accresker Jail in his ship. Aphra and the others continued to the escape pod and when they found it, Starros and Tolvan climbed in. Aphra then attempted to jettison the escape pod with the two in, but Tolvan jumped out at the last minute, leaving Starros in there as it shot out. Aphra had intended to escape alone, which Yas questioned, but she was forced to accept Tolvan into her plan.

Aphra guided the other two to the prison-tug's hangar, instructing Yas to remain on the grille below him. Yas then realized that she was using him and confronted her about it. Aphra explained that it was their only chance of survival, and he reluctantly complied, transforming into Dr. Evazan. Aphra then revealed the grille to be a coolant grille and she froze Yas in Evazan's form. Posla then arrived in the hanger on his ship. He brought with him an escape shuttle to trade for Evazan and began inspecting the frozen individual, once again not realizing it was Yas. The hookspores had detected Posla and approached him from behind. Tolvan then froze the fungus as it tried to possess him and he took the ice chunk, housing Yas, away.
With the hookspores frozen, Aphra returned to the Penumbra-1 Shattersprite to retrieve the lightsaber belonging to the Jedi corpse. She then returned to the escape shuttle Posla had given her, with Tolvan, and attempted to flee Accresker Jail. 0-0-0, though, arrived on his touring ship and shot down the shuttle. Aphra and Tolvan fled from their pursuers and 0-0-0 was slowed down by a group of prisoners. As the two managed to make some distance from the murderous droid, Aphra realized that Accresker Jail was about to hit Tiferep Major. At the last moment, however, the prison stopped falling. Aphra realized it was a tractor beam that had saved the clump of wreckage and noticed a shuttle arriving. That shuttle delivered Darth Vader, whom Tolvan had contacted as a last resort.

As Vader searched for them, Aphra led Tolvan back to find Bor Ifriem and told her to erase her memory with it. Tolvan refused and convinced Aphra to erase her (Tolvan’s) memory of Vader's conspiracy instead. Aphra agreed and seemingly did so. Vader, though, was catching up with them and found Tolvan. Aphra watched him interrogate her through a cam droid, feeling ashamed for having manipulated Tolvan’s memories instead of erasing them. Fortunately, Aphra’s deception saved Tolvan’s life; Vader spared her after she admitted to having murdered Aphra (which she now believed she’d done).
Yas appeared. Aphra was confused about this but realized why when Posla stepped out and pointed his blaster at her. Aphra activated the ancient lightsaber to counter him, but it deactivated due to its degrading age. Posla then attempted to arrest her when 0-0-0 attacked him from behind. Aphra and Yas watched in horror as Posla was mauled to death by the droid. 0-0-0 then captured Aphra and Yas escaped.
0-0-0 dragged Aphra towards his touring ship to find it destroyed. 0-0-0 called for BT-1 but Yas appeared and claimed to have seen the droid's parts scattered around. Yas then shot 0-0-0, deactivating him. Aphra thanked him for saving her but he stunned her, taking her and 0-0-0 back to Posla's empty ship. Aphra woke up hours later, chained to a wall in the ship. She asked Yas why he had done this and he revealed himself as Cornelius Evazan, wearing a pluripleq from Thannt to disguise himself. Evazan told her that he had placed a proximity bomb inside of 0-0-0, meaning the pair had to stay alive and with each other to avoid exploding. Evazan also patched into a live feed from 0-0-0's eyes so he could monitor them both. Proudly asserting himself a ‘monster’ he then accused Aphra of being one herself for having manipulated her lover’s memories to think she’d killed Aphra; selfishly saddling Tolvan with horrible guilt in order to secure her own freedom. Evazan laughed, telling Aphra that she and 0-0-0 truly deserved each other. His ship docked with another ship, manned by Evazan's partner in crime, Ponda Baba. Evazan set 0-0-0 to reboot and left Aphra with him.
Aboard Posla's vessel, Aphra and 0-0-0 assessed their precarious situation and began formulating a plan. Accessing a computer system on board, Aphra uncovered information about Posla's personal cyberneticist, Doctor Rajam Nuss, who resided on Milvayne. Aphra believed that he possessed the expertise to disarm their proximity bombs, and consequently, the pair embarked on a journey to Milvayne. Upon landing in Milvayne City, she attempted to bribe a official, but when it failed, she allowed 0-0-0 to shock him. As they entered the city, they were immediately spotted by Milvayne Authority cops. Aphra tried to avoid blasterfire while commandeering a speeder, but realized 0-0-0 was not nearby. Her bomb was armed, but she dashed over to the maniacal droid before it exploded, who was taking control of a different speeder, before it exploded. Aphra shouted at 0-0-0 that they needed to cooperate to survive, but 0-0-0 disagreed. As the two of them were surrounded and Aphra allowed him to take the ship's security fob but was horrified to see him self-destruct their ship to distract the cops. Inside, Aphra used the local holonet to find directions to the doctor, but when she began to instead search for information on Tolvan, 0-0-0 called her out. Failing to find a record, Aphra began looking for Nuss and soon located him. Arriving at his lab, they paid him to remove the bombs.
As the prepared for the operation, Aphra apologized to 0-0-0 for encrypting his memories as part of her attempt to convince 0-0-0 to not kill her as soon as the procedure was done. Nonetheless, the droid promised to kill her "exceedingly slowly" after she got a five minute head start. After going under for an hour, Aphra awoke to see Doctor Nuss asking for his payment. She rose and instead ran for the door as 0-0-0 reminded her of the five minutes. However, Aphra realized with horror that the bombs were still inside them and had been armed once again. As she frantically found 0-0-0 again, she announced that they had only ten hours before they detonated regardless of their physical distance, but she found 0-0-0 standing over the bloodied corpse of Doctor Nuss.
Meanwhile, Evazan, disguised as Princess Leia, hired Winloss and Nokk to eliminate Aphra, who were excited at their prospects of revenge after she left them at X3-299-11's temple, Meanwhile, Aphra planned to search for Dr. Nuss' mentor, Professor Prexo, in order to remove the bombs. She accessed the local holonet again and ran some slicetech, co-plotting suspected criminal activities with bus schedules, to find a driver that was likely to accept a bribe. All the while, she tried to convince her droid companion to accept her plan, but the droid was quite reluctant since the plan did not involve murdering anyone. When Aphra tried to blame 0-0-0 for their circumstances, saying that it was his fault for killing Nuss, 0-0-0 merely responded by saying that Aphra was the reason they had the detonators in the first place. Admitting defeat, Aphra begged 0-0-0 to try her plan, and she succeeded in bribing the driver. However, she refused to allow 0-0-0 to ride alongside Aphra. When Aphra bartered with her to have her droid ride near her, not telling her that her life depended on it and claiming it was for "warranty reasons," the driver said that he could sit with the luggage. 0-0-0 took offense, and after threatening to kill her, the driver called Informahub, and 0-0-0 was tossed into the Underworld, where they had seen criminals been thrown into only moments earlier. Aphra decided to grab the driver's blaster and take her chances following 0-0-0, knowing her chances of surviving without him were zero, diving off the platform after him.
Down in the heap of garbage, she met the young girl Vulaada Klam and her pet qaberworm Gurtyl, the latter of whom had grabbed 0-0-0. Aphra convinced Klam to tell her pet to drop the droid, and then promptly prevented 0-0-0 from killing the girl. Aphra was able to convince Klam to give her and 0-0-0 a ride on Gurtyl across the undercity in less than nine hours and thirteen minutes, which was how much time 0-0-0 calculated they had before their bombs detonated, with Aphra promising Klam that she could have the protocol droid afterwards. When 0-0-0 glanced at her, Aphra whispered that it was a white lie, to which 0-0-0 responded that she would predictably betray someone again, either backstabbing him or cheating her new companion Klam.
As they rode, they attacked by Tam Posla, who had been reanimated by the gundravian hookspores. As Posla gloated that he had tracked them using 0-0-0's transponder signature, a reanimated BT-1 appeared and brandished his weapons on the pair. Aphra and 0-0-0 attempted to run away from the two to no avail. However, they were saved by Winloss and Nokk. They attempted to kill Aphra, but were stopped by BT-1. Aphra and 0-0-0 continued running away. Aphra searched and found for Klam and Gurtyl. They made their way to one of the Empire's bloatbarges. Unfortunately, Posla and his fellow lawmen found them. Aphra and 0-0-0 were then knocked out by Klam.
Aphra and 0-0-0 were then tried by the Milvayne Authority cops and Posla and found guilty. As Poslan and his fellow officers prepared to execute Aphra, she was able to convince the cops to turn and arrest Posla for desertion. As the cops shot Posla, Aphra and 0-0-0, on her back were able to escape. They made a stop at a fuelstop where Aphra reattached 0-0-0's legs. 0-0-0 and Aphra then boarded a transport. They were then pursued by Winloss. Despite losing Winloss, Aphra and 0-0-0 were trapped by Nokk aboard their ship. Unfortunately, Winloss and Nokk's ship was damaged by the Empire. Aphra and 0-0-0 survived the crash.
They were then confronted by Captain Okma of the Coalition for Progress and his stormtroopers. Okma offered to remove the bombs from her and 0-0-0 in exchange for getting Milvayne back under Imperial control. However, Aphra refused and killed Okma and his stormtroopers with 0-0-0's seismic pulse. She then discovered that Tolvan and Starros had joined the Rebellion and was declared a turncoat. Aphra then gave 0-0-0's his memories back. The two were then confronted by Winloss and Nokk, but they decided to give up their hunt for her. Aphra then comforted 0-0-0 when he remember his first moment of creation, to no avail. 0-0-0 decided to terminate himself by detonating his and Aphra's bombs.
Aphra found BT-1, reactivated him and was able to convince 0-0-0 from terminating himself. They were then joined by Klam and Gurtyl who agreed to take them to Prexo. When they arrived at Prexo's officer, he was away on a work trip and confronted by stormtroopers and Milavayne cops. Luckily Aphra, 0-0-0, and BT-1 were able to take them out except for Posla. As Posla attempted to shoot Klam, Aphra saved her by taking the shot. Aphra and 0-0-0 discovered that their bombs had gone inert. 0-0-0 and BT-1 left her and Aphra was taken in by Klam.
For the next two months, Aphra took Klam as her ward, laid low and took her to the Slinani Migration Shrine known as the Red Mist. During this time, she sneaked off to several spacer bars without Klam. Aphra accepted a job to steal an item from the shrine. Aphra and Klam were to steal a cape from one of the Shrine's droids. However Aphra and Klam then found the real prize: the Farkiller of Oo'ob the Apostate. As Klam distracted the droids, Aphra made her way to the Ark Angel. There, she met up with Klam and went to a Abandoned Spice Mine on Unox. Aphra was then approached by Extraction Team Misericorde of Alliance Intelligence. Aphra met up with Sister Six and her commanding officer, Captain Tolvan.
Aphra and Tolvan, realizing what Bor Ifriem did to her memory, stunned her and took her to Trading Post Sh'ung-tesk to meet with General Airen Cracken. There, Cracken told her how her theft forced the Slinani into negotiating an alliance with the Empire. Cracken and his droid Teezee-Too told Aphra about the history of the Farkiller. Aphra was allowed to watch as Tolvan did a field test on the Farkiller by eliminating a M.I. cell. Despite the success of the test, Aphra told Cracken that it could not work practically as a field piece. She objected to the idea of dismantling the Farkiller in order to reverse engineer it. Cracken told her about Rebel Intelligence's plan to assassinate the Emperor.
Aphra discovered that the M.I. cell's targets was not Mon Mothma but Aphra herself. Cracken offered her and Klam a chance to join the Rebellion but they chose to leave. She and Klam went to Arbiflux to law low. She was contacted by Cracken, who warned her that several mercenaries under Black Krrsantan were coming after her and Klam. However, Krrsantan found her, demanded her go give him his money and gave her hug. Several stormtroopers were coming up after them. Krrsantan carried her while Klam rode Gurtyl away from the stormtroopers. They were able to make it to the Ark Angel II where Krrsantan revealed his employer as Pitina Mar-Mas Voor, Imperial Minister of Propaganda.
Aphra, Krrsantan, and Klam were able to evade several TIE fighters. She, Klam and Gurtyl met up with General Cracken and Indigo Squadron. She was then taken to a lab by Teezee-Too. Once in the lab she was able to hijack Teezee-Too in order to access security systems. Aphra attempted to take the Farkiller, but was held at knife point by Tolvan. Despite this, Aphra told Tolvan to put on a breath mask. Krrsantan was able to break in and attacked Tolvan. When told Tolvan had Krrsantan at knife point, Aphra told her the Farkiller's purpose and it's role in a assassination attempt on the Emperor. Despite that, Tolvan chose to stay with the Alliance. However, she allowed Aphra to leave with it and asked her to make her injury look good. Aphra told Klam to leave Gurtyl behind and go to the _Ark Angel _II. She was then given a Imperial command identification by Tolvan and told Aphra that she still loved and hated her. After Krrsantan knocked Tolvan out, Aphra and the Wookiee made their way back to the Ark Angel II.
Aphra then contacted the Empire at their Communication Relay at Usk Minor and informed them of the Alliance's assassination plot. She gave herself up and revealed the Farkiller to them. She, Krrsantan, and Klam went to the relay and surrendered to the stormtroopers. Vader saw her message and attempted to order the stormtrooper's officer to eliminate her. However, the message was jammed and a Imperial shuttle arrived with Minister Voor. Aphra, Krrsantan and Klam were hailed as heroes by her and taken to the Coalition for Progress headquarters on Centax 3. There, Aphra was given a tour of the headquarters by Voor. Aphra asked for a pardon, passage to the Outer Rim and money paid to Krrsantan. Aphra threatened to have Krrsantan destroy the Farkiller if their price was not met. She agreed to pay the Wookiee. After the Wookiee left, Voor told Aphra and Klam her plans to assassinate the Emperor.
Voor revealed to them that she was using the rebels to find Aphra and retrieve the Farkiller to carry out the assination. Aphra realized that the Farkiller won't be bomb and that the Emperor would up end up as either comatose or a corpse. She also knew Voor would place the blame on the Rebels when they would reclaim Coruscant. Despite the plot, Aphra revealed that she was aware of this and warned the Emperor of the plot. She also knew that the Rebels, as well as the Empire and the entire galaxy would know of Voor's plot. Aphra revealed that Krrsantan had hijacked the cameras. Aphra and Vulaada stood by as Vader arrived and executed Voor for her treason.
Aphra was then taken to the Executor, where she shared quarters with Vulaada on a bunk bed. Sleeping at the bottom of the bunk, Aphra dreamed of being jettisoned out of an airlock by Darth Vader and, having been deprived of gas supply, choking to death in the coldness of space. The airlock-fearing human rudely awoke, rising up and letting off a scream before regaining control of herself. Above, Vulaada greeted Aphra as she laid back down and recovered from her worst nightmare, and queried whether Aphra had the nightmare involving Vader's Force choke or the one involving the impalation of her eye by Vader's lightsaber.
When Aphra replied the nature of her imagined death, Vulaada teased that that dream must have been worse than the one in which Vader bound Aphra to the front of a TIE fighter, although before the girl could finish her sentence, Aphra interrupted her in annoyance and confirmed the horridness of her own airlock dream. Vulaada thus expressed her thought that Aphra should sleep more, but acknowledging that both of them knew that she would not, the girl reminded Aphra that her shift would begin in twenty minutes.
With a steaming cup of beverage in hand, Aphra gathered alonside other archaeologist consultants aboard the Executor in the Arkanis sector. There, General Maximilian Veers introduced himself as their new supervisor as part of Project Swarm—an effort to find the Rebellion's hidden base—and considering that his predecessor, Major Yaltza, was dispatched of by Lord Vader for the project's delays, he stressed that he wanted results. Dismissing Veers' use of "gentlemen" in addressing her group of archaeologists, Aphra questioned whether the general would receive better assignments if he changed his name to "Maximillian Staysontarget."
The archaeologist's witticism stunned those around her, although when one of Veers's subordinates reminded the general that she was the infamous Doctor Aphra, Veers responded that he liked wit—albeit only in the right context. The general then shocked Aphra with an electro-shock prod, knocking Aphra's beverage out of her hand. As Aphra recovered on her knees, Veers handed the floor over to Professor Rupo Ud.

Aphra was of the opinion that the Rebels would not make use of an ancient site again. Following this, Aphra approached Vader, but he dismissed her. Subsequently, she volunteered for an assignment to examine Ash Moon 1 of the Kartovian Formation for indications of a Rebel establishment. Upon arrival, she and Vulaada conducted an exploration of the location. Aphra deliberately allowed Professor Ud to meet his end via an ancient booby trap. She then discovered a man who had been incapacitated by General Veers and his soldiers. She abandoned Vulaada. Aphra and her team made their way back to the Executor, where she received orders to aid in the questioning of the man, who revealed himself to be Aphra's father.
Aphra successfully convinced Vader that her father was merely a harmless academic. Subsequently, she encountered Vader's interrogation experts, BT-1 and Triple-Zero, much to her astonishment. Fortunately, the droids had undergone memory erasure and had restraining bolts installed. Nevertheless, Vader permitted the droids to interrogate Korin. Aphra made an attempt to persuade her father to divulge to the Empire what he knew regarding the Rebellion. Korin expressed his disdain for their practice of utilizing pristine temples as bases and conveyed his eagerness to assist the Empire. Aphra informed Vader and Veers that he was investigating the Asteroid Helix 13-v in proximity to Karga. Vader and Aphra journeyed to the asteroid. Once there, she and her father scrutinized the site for Rebel presence. Aphra and her father were subsequently escorted to a shuttle. While aboard the shuttle, either Aphra or her father was slated for execution. Korin opted to sacrifice himself. In the nick of time, Captain Tolvan and her squad intercepted the shuttle.
The Unnamed took the shuttle aboard. Aphra attempted to flee by concealing herself within the shuttle's cannon system. She navigated through the ship to reach the ops room. Aphra endeavored to locate the Rebels' new base. However, Tolvan and her crew surrounded her. Aphra managed to employ Teezee-Too to impede Tolvan's search for her and confine Tolvan's crew within the ops room. She then established contact with BT-1 and instructed him to extract her father from the brig. Tolvan shot Aphra, attempting to persuade her that the Rebellion was not as treacherous as the Empire. Despite their conflicting viewpoints, the two acknowledged their enduring affection for each other, shared a kiss, and engaged in intimacy. As Tolvan slumbered, Aphra discovered that the rebels were on Hoth. Rather than directing Vader to the rebel base in an attempt to secure Imperial favor and save herself, Aphra chose to safeguard Tolvan by misleading Vader, with the hope that her actions would divert him long enough for the rebels to establish defenses and a plan for escape. Aphra boarded an escape pod with BT-1, leaving her father on the Lambda on a course for Klam, and dispatched a message to Triple-Zero and Vader.

Ensuring that Tolvan's crew would pursue the Lambda, Aphra was confident that Tolvan, her father, and Vulaada would reunite. She rendezvoused with Vader on the planet Tython's Meridional Ice Cap in the Martyrium of Frozen Tears. Triple-Zero observed her from a distance. Aphra successfully removed BT-1's and Triple-0's restraining bolts and orchestrated their escape. Vader and his snowtroopers pursued them. She and 0-0-0 employed tracers to induce Vader to experience illusions of his past before electrocuting him, inflicting severe injuries.
Utilizing Vader's vocoder, she manipulated the Executor's probe droids' records to shield the rebel base, where she anticipated her loved ones would congregate, for a few more weeks, before abandoning the severely wounded dark lord, cognizant that he would eliminate her if she ventured too close. While she recognized that he would relentlessly pursue her and anticipated a brief existence, she bid farewell to the man who had haunted her, expressing hope that he would one day "do something good" as she had just done, before asserting that he had ultimately been the most beneficial occurrence in her life. Aphra then transported 0-0-0 and BT-1 to an Imperial vessel and absconded in it. Aphra also transmitted a message to Tolvan, her father, and Vulaada. She informed 0-0-0 and BT-1 that they could employ the Imperial ship to explore every facet of the galaxy.
Not long after the Empire discovered and invaded Hoth in 3 ABY, Aphra was brought back together with Black Krrsantan to take on a new job. The doctor also caught wind of a story that the renegade bounty hunter Nakano Lash had shown up again for the first time since she killed her own client during a mission on the planet Corellia. Aphra and her Wookiee companion decided to go to the Carbon Score Cantina on the planet Burnin Konn to get a drink. There, Bossk was sitting at a table complaining that Boba Fett had beat him to capturing Han Solo, who had had a bounty placed on him by Jabba. Aphra made fun of the Trandoshan's loud talking and said to her Wookiee friend that they should find another bar.
A furious Bossk then went after Black Krrsantan and the two fought until the Trandoshan had his Wookiee opponent pinned with a knife. Aphra quietly took Bossk's blaster and asked for him to get off of her friend, saying that she needed the Wookiee for a job, but the Trandoshan didn't care, telling her she was out of her league. The doctor then pointed Bossk's own blaster at him and said she knew about Bossk's involvement in the failed Corellia mission with Nakano Lash, offering the Trandoshan information on Lash's reappearance. Aphra's information led Bossk to the graveyard planet Galmerah.
Aphra and Krrsantan worked with the Kubaz mercenary Tubleek Ruz and the sharpshooter Just Lucky to do a job to steal things from the rebel base on Hoth, which the Empire had taken over. After defeating a group of stormtroopers, Ruz tried to take Aphra and collect the bounty on her. Luckily, Ruz was defeated by Just Lucky as Aphra and Krrsantan were attacked by a AT-AT. They were able to get back to the Ark Angel III with the several containers of rebel contraband. Aphra, Krrsantan, and Lucky took a Fork-nosed ice worm fossil to the Shadow University. At a bar, Aphra and her current crew met a grad student, Detta Yao. Yao told Aphra and her crew about doctorate dissertation on the Rings of Vaale, their curse, and asked Aphra to join her on an expedition to find them.
Aphra, her crew and Yao went to the Ruins of Kolkur to meet up with Aphra's old lover, Dr. Eustacia Okka and her droid TA-418. At first, Okka said no until Ronen Tagge's forces under Kiehart and Venters showed up. Aphra, Okka, and her crew were able to fight them off and get back to the Ark Angel. Okka agreed to join Aphra, Yao and her crew in searching for the rings. Even with the legends Okka heard about the rings' curse, Aphra decided to go to Dianth. On the way, Aphra and the expedition got a message from Tagge via TA. She was warned that he would destroy them if they got in his way because Aphra had stolen several items from Tagge's collection.
When the Ark Angel landed on Dianth, Aphra, and the expedition found the lost city of Vaale. As they went into the city, Aphra and Okka found a mural that led them to Workshop of the Architects of Vaale. There, they found a explorer who told to leave while they could. Even with this warning, Aphra shot the explorer. She then looked at the carved faces on the workshop's door and found a key slot. Yao found a pattern which caused everyone to hear screaming until Krrsantan and Lucky shot the pattern. Sadly, their blaster fire caused Krrsantan, Lucky, and Okka to fall through a hole. Aphra wanted to go after them but was held at gunpoint by Tagge's forces.
With the loss of three members of her crew, Aphra and Yao decided to work for Tagge. However, Aphra was able to activate a trap that defeated Kiehart and her forces. The trap was able to open the door to the workshop. Sadly, the rings were not there. Aphra realized that Yao wanted to take the rings. When Okka arrived with the Ring of Fortune, Yao tried to take it, but lucky beat her to it. Aphra shot Yao when Lucky dropped the ring, but Lucky reclaimed the ring and joined with Kiehart's forces.
Aphra and Starros flew the Volt Cobra to find Ebann Drake. At Kaderin, they only found dead bodies, including Drake's, on the Opal Empress. However, Aphra found a hologram-playing invitation from the returning Crimson Dawn syndicate on his corpse, opening it to find it was for an auction for Han Solo: during the Imperial takeover of Cloud City on the planet Bespin, Solo had been frozen in carbonite and given to Boba Fett to take to Jabba the Hutt. However, forces of Crimson Dawn stole the carbonite block containing the smuggler on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, as Lady Qi'ra planned to use Solo as bait to bring in the various factions the smuggler had affected together. Watching the hooded Qi'ra's message from over Starros's shoulder, Aphra didn't care about the smuggler's fate. When Starros asked if they could help him, Aphra said it was okay if she tried to.

Aphra and Starros then ran into Durge, who was there to collect the bounty on Drake. Durge thought they killed Drake, but Aphra convinced him to spare them. They were then attacked by Cymotes, which had killed the crew. Aphra, Starros and Durge killed them as they tried to leave the Empress. Aphra then came up with an idea to lure the cymotes into a airlock to kill them. However, Aphra held Starros back as Durge went into a airlock. She then ejected both Durge and Cymotes into space. Aphra and Starros left the Empress. Aphra and Starros then contacted Lady Tagge. Aphra and Starros were told by Tagge to use the invitation to attend the auction in Drake's place. Her mission was to collect information on Crimson Dawn, their headquarters and the auctions' attendees.
She and Starros traveled to the Vermillion on Jekara. There, Aphra spilled a drink on Xet of Black Sun, tried to steal her necklace and planted a device on her. She then ran into Fett, who threatened to expose her to Lady Qi'ra. She and Starros then waited for Fett's signal while the various factions were bidding on Solo. When Aphra got Fett's signal, she wanted to leave when Vader showed up. She started to hyperventilate and dropped one Xet's data crystals. Aphra and Starros then looked for a place to hide in in order to avoid Vader and Fett. She and Starro searched for a way to escape.
Aphra told Starros about her last encounter with Vader on Tython, and how she left him there in order to hide Echo Base' location. Apha was happy that Starros believed her. She and Starros then stole Xet's data-crystal necklace and grabbed her droid. They also learned that Xet was a Crimsond Dawn spy. Aphra then put Xet's neckalce on herself. Aphra, even with Starros' concerns decided to search the Vermillion in order to clear their debt to Tagge. As they went into a vault, they were attacked by a droid that took Aphra's necklace and took them both to the brig.
In the brig, Aphra met up with Just Lucky and Ariole Yu. After listening to Sixth Kin's lieutenant, Gallin Crae's deal, Aphra figured out a way to use a A3L-N sentinel droid toe escape. To do this, Aphra punched Lucky in order to Crae and his droid to return. As Crae fought just luck, Aphra rewired the sentinel droid's head and pointed it's weapons at Crae. She demanded him to tell them how to escape the Vermillion. Aprha left Lucky and Yu to escape while she and Starros went after the necklace. However, Yu and Lucky joined them and found a weapons locker. Together, they defeated several more Hylobon Enforcers and went to the art gallery. There, they hid while Lady Qi'ra and Margo put the necklace in a case.
Aphra and the others were attacked by Deathstick. Aphra and Lucky shot at her but it did nothing. She was then held at knifepoint by Deathstick until Starros and Yu shot at her. As Aphra went to get the necklace, more enforcers arrived to help Deathstic. Aphra decided to use a an Ascendant thought dowser against them. She was able to get Deathsitck and the enforcers to drop their weapons. However, the dowser had a powerful voice/effect that rendered Aphra unconscious and dropped it. She woke up when Starros picked up. Aphra asked Starros to get the necklace. As Aphra, Starros, Yu, and Lucky went to the Volt Cobra, they all pointed guns at each other. Even with them all agreeing to go their separate ways, Aphra tossed a bomb at Lucky's ship. Aphra and Starros were able to leave the Vermillion. Onboard the Cobra, Aphra told Aphra about the Ascendants technology. She then looked at one of the data crystal in Xet's necklace. She and Starros learned that Crimson Dawn had a network of agents everywhere in the Galaxy.
Aphra was taken to Corellia by Starros. There, her burns from the thought dowser were treated by slicer doctor Murl for 50 credits. However, he was unable to fix her electro-tattoos. Even with her hesitance, Aphra was convinced by Starros to go to Lady Tagge to see if she could fix her electro-tattoos. On the Acquisitor, Aphra gave Tagge Xente's necklace, which showed Crimson Dawn agents in her competitors' organizations. She told Aphra and Starros they did a good job, even with not enough information on the Crimson Dawn's agents' identities. However, Tagge was interested in the Ascendant technology she found on the Vermillion. Aphra told her about the Ascendant's history, their extinction and how most of their dark artifacts were destroyed by the Jedi. She also knew that a few survived in smuggling networks. Tagge, in exchange for looking at Aphra's burns from the dowser, agreed to have her doctors fix her electro-tattoos.
After the doctors fixed her tatoos, Aphra and Starros went to Coruscant. There, she and Starros broke into the home of the Coruscant Museum's curator, Tase Somer. However, all they found were several severed arms around a thought dowser imprint. Aphra and Starros were then confronted by Kho Phon Farrus, who had the thought dowser. As Starros fought Farrus, Aphra was able to use one of the severed arms to knock Farrus down. Aphra was able to grab the dowser, but her arm was grabbed by Farrus' Whip of Sorrows. She lost feeling in her arm and the dowser to Farrus. Aphra tried to apologize to Farrus, claim to be trying to be a good person and told her someone was behind her. The trick worked and Aphra pulled out her blaster. She demanded Farrus to give her the dowser and other ascendant artifacts. However, Farrus was able to use a ascendant artifact to re-animate the severed arms and threw them at Aphra. Starros tried to stop her but Farrus escaped.
Starros and Aphra then looked at the ritual Farrus was doing. After looking at Somer's arm, Aphra came with an idea to find ascendant artifacts by tracking down Somer's clients and sources. The two of them then went to Corsin to find Somer's clients, but Farrus got there before Aphra and Starros. Aphra looked at the bodies, found a interconnected electromagnetic field and figured out who's Farrus was going after next: Beol De'Rruyet. De'Rruyet, even with his last encounter with Aphra, agreed to let her and Starros be his bodyguards against Farrus in exchange for his list of black market contacts. Aphra and Starros were able to track Farrus to Midarr. There, Aphra, Starros, and De'Rruyet found her trying to steal one of D'Rryyet's fake thought dowsers. Farrus then told them a little about the Spark Eternal's tomb, but decided through several crates. Farrus also planned to use them in a sacrificial ritual and said a poem. However, Farrus left but Aphra realized where the tomb was in the poem; University of Bar'leth.
On the Volt Cobra, Aphra urged Starros to get to Bar'leth as fast as possible. She told Starros about the spark, it's ability to give anyone impossible powers and transcend the limits of flesh and machine. The two of them were able to find Farrus and Sava Iglan'tine Nos beneath the university. Nos shot every several blasts Aphra and Starros before Farrus grabbed her. However, Aphra was able to use magnetic gloves to take Farrus' blaster.
Aphra demanded Farrus to summon the spark so she could take it. However, the two them started fighting As Farrus used the thought dowser, Aphra told Starros to activate her magnets. Sava Nos then completed the summoning. However when she grabbed it, Aphra fell down. However, the Spark Eternal took over body. The spark said to Starros and told her that she had Aphra's consciousness locked away. Starros tried to shoot Aprha's body to rid her of the spark, but it did nothing. The Spark then introduced itself to Farrus and Nos. Starros continued in her attempts in freeing Aphra from the spark using the Whip of Sorrows and the Calling gloves. Aphra then used the Thought Dowser on Farrus to make her fight Starros. However, Starros was able to knock her out. attempted another shot at Aphra and mader her escape.
The spark then went through her memories of killing Ulbik Tan inside Aphra's Memory box. Aphra tried to fight the spark but the spark confined her in her memory of Bor Ifriem's interrogation. The Spark told Aphra that it was searching for something in her memories. The Spark then found her memory of a trip with Just Lucky on Sva'leer. The Spark found out that the ascendant technology had been taken to Crimson Dawn's flagship, the Vermillion. The spark then had Aphra take the Ark Angel V to the Vermillion.
Before boarding the Vermillion, Aphra was able to use her memory box's version of the thought dowser to look into the spark's memory box. In it, Aphra and the Spark witness Miril protecting the spark from the Sith during their attack on the Ascendant. The spark told her about how Miril sacrifice herself to seal the spark way from the sith. Aphra refused to help the spark in it's search for more Ascendant technology. However, the Spark learned of the location of of 0-0-0 and BT-1. The Spark then board the Vermillion.
On board the Vermillion, the spark spoke with The Archivist about her artifacts. The Archivist, knowing that the spark was a Ascendant and not Aphra, asked the spark what it wanted. The spark said it wanted everything. The Spark then contacted Lucky and Ariole Yu. The spark then had Aphra in her memory box remember a chase on Rudun III. There, Aphra met the spark, appearing as Miril. The spark then took Aphra to it's memory box of Miril's encounter with the Darkseekers.
Having experienced a challenging upbringing, Aphra displayed a considerable degree of emotional detachment from others, prioritizing her personal needs and self-preservation above all else. Aphra frequently engaged in imprudent decision-making, typically driven by avarice, which often led to unfavorable circumstances for her, as exemplified by her endeavor to auction off Rur to various criminal organizations. Aphra's primary concerns and allegiances were centered around herself, and while she commonly betrayed her allies, there were instances when she felt compelled to provide assistance to others. Despite his attempts to eliminate her, Aphra professed to be Vader's most ardent admirer, despite the fear he instilled in her.

When Luke Skywalker was deserted by Aphra to the clutches of the Queen of Ktath'atn, Rur perceived Aphra's internal turmoil, noticing her profound sense of guilt. He commented that such remorse was "out of character" for her. Due to her inherent untrustworthiness and profound disloyalty, Aphra found it difficult to forge genuine friendships and meaningful relationships. Despite Aphra's betrayal, Luke once called her his friend, and still viewed her as a good person deep down, though Aphra's father, Korin, considered Luke to be overly idealistic. Aphra confided in Magna Tolvan that working for Triple-Zero resulted in feelings of isolation and a longing for companionship. While she didn't consider herself sentimental, Sana Starros concurred with this assessment. Indeed, when they discovered Han Solo had been captured by Crimson Dawn, Aphra displayed a lack of concern, only willing to assist if Starros desired it.
Aphra was once romantically involved with Sana Starros, but the relationship ended poorly when Aphra abruptly left without saying goodbye to Starros. This caused Sana to become so enraged that she tried to kill Aphra on multiple occasions. Aphra once commented on the attractiveness of the mercenary Sister Six. She consistently showed attraction and romantic interest toward Tolvan, an Imperial officer, whom Aphra encountered on two separate occasions; these feelings were mutual; Aphra and Tolvan shared a kiss on Skako Minor when they believed their deaths were imminent.
Aphra's reputation as a criminal seemed to precede her throughout the galaxy. During their confrontation on Vrogas Vas, Han Solo recognized her as a dangerous adversary and acknowledged her intelligence. Even Darth Vader expressed admiration for Aphra's abilities. Aphra admitted to her father that she had extensive experience in infiltrating locations to steal artifacts. Possessing exceptional intelligence and competence, Aphra displayed remarkable survival skills when she managed to escape death at the hands of Darth Vader after being ejected from an airlock.
Chelli Lona Aphra's character was brought to life by writer Kieron Gillen, artist Salvador Larroca, and editor Heather Antos for the Marvel Comics series Star Wars: Darth Vader, which then led to a spin-off comic series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Gillen has stated that Aphra was designed as the archaeological opposite of Indiana Jones, the main character of Lucasfilm's Indiana Jones franchise. Star Wars - The Official Magazine 91 confirmed this, pointing out that her only commonalities with Jones are an interest in archaeology and a tendency to find herself in "absurd situations" while searching for artifacts.
January LaVoy lent her voice to Aphra in the audiobook version of the short story "The Trigger." In the 2020 audio drama Doctor Aphra: An Audiobook Original, Emily Woo Zeller provided the voice for Aphra. At the 2018 New York Comic Con, Hasbro announced that a Doctor Aphra action figure was scheduled to be released in Spring 2019.
When questioned about Aphra's specific sexual orientation, Kieron Gillen stated, "I generally describe Aphra as a lesbian. I have never depicted her having any romantic feelings for men." He and co-writer Simon Spurrier mentioned that some readers thought Aphra flirted with Darth Vader, but Gillen portrayed her as "primarily romantically interested in women." He further explained that the Star Wars universe lacks the same terminology and homophobia as the real world, suggesting that characters would likely have different ways of understanding and expressing their sexuality. Sana Starros stated in-universe that "guys and Aphra don't exactly mix" in Gillen's Star Wars 61. On March 18, 2021, revealed that Marvel Comics' Star Wars comic books releasing in June 2021 would feature Pride Month variant covers, pairing LGBTQIA+ artists with LGBTQIA+ characters. Aphra, as a prominent LGBTQIA+ character within the Star Wars canon, was featured on the War of the Bounty Hunters 1 variant cover by Babs Tarr.