A coolant grille functioned as a mechanism capable of rapidly freezing any item or living being placed upon it. A single coolant grille saw use aboard the Galactic Empire wreckage-prison known as Accresker Jail, where it was employed to freeze the interrogated Bor. Chelli Aphra utilized the coolant grille to freeze the shapeshifter "Lopset Yas" when he was imitating Doctor Cornelius Evazan; this was done to deceive Tam Posla into exchanging him for a means of escape, a shuttle. Nevertheless, both Aphra and Posla remained ignorant of the fact that "Yas" was, in reality, Evazan in disguise, and not a shapeshifter at all. Subsequently, Aphra and Tolvan employed the coolant grille to freeze the gundravian hookspores that had infested Accresker Jail as they attempted to take control of Posla.