Tam Posla

Tam Posla, a male human from the planet [Milvayne](/article/milvayne], was a Milvaynian. He rose to prominence as a lawman within the Milvayne Authority, the local law enforcement. His investigations led him to the criminal surgeon Cornelius Evazan and his accomplice, Ponda Baba, whose crime spree he began to investigate. Despite being removed from the case by his superior officer, Posla went rogue, pursuing the duo as a bounty hunter and vigilante after his discharge.

Posla's pursuit of Evazan and Baba led him to the moon Jedha, where he was unsuccessful in capturing them. However, he encountered and fell in love with Caysin Bog, one of their [cyborg](/article/cyborg] prototypes, and they continued the hunt together. To finance their mission, they accepted a job joining a crew of mercenaries under the command of Chelli Aphra, a rogue archaeologist. This crew embarked on a series of missions, which included infiltrating the Imperial base known as Hivebase-1.

At Hivebase-1, Aphra orchestrated Bog's death at the hands of attackers, intending to provoke Posla into fighting. After the mission, she collaborated with the Imperial Magna Tolvan, who stole Posla's vigilante gear, gagged him, and then hid away with the rogue archaeologist. Posla suspected Aphra's involvement in Bog's demise but continued his pursuit of Evazan, tracing the surgeon's past until he reached a dead end.

Aphra later requested Posla's assistance in escaping the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail, offering a captive Evazan in return. Posla agreed to the exchange, arriving at Accresker with an escape shuttle and taking Evazan, who was frozen in a block of ice. However, Evazan, upon being freed, utilized a shape-shifting creature to disguise himself, leading Posla to believe he had been tricked. Enraged, Posla returned to Accresker Jail to confront Aphra, only to be ambushed and killed by the assassin droid 0-0-0.

Following his death, Posla's body was discovered and merged with Force-sensitive Gundravian hookspores, resurrecting him and granting him Force powers. The undead Posla then tracked down and pursued Aphra and 0-0-0 on Milvayne, losing them on numerous times. He later joined an Imperial garrison in an assault on the pair, but 0-0-0 set him ablaze with fire. Before succumbing to the flames, Posla managed to fire a shot that initiated a chain of events, leading to widespread rioting on Milvayne.


Early life

The human Tam Posla, hailing from the planet of Milvayne located within the Inner Rim Territories, a world known for its commitment to justice, became a highly regarded lawman within the Milvayne Authority, the region's law enforcement agency. Renowned for his unwavering determination in pursuing his targets, he eventually achieved the highest level of recognition within the police force. Throughout his life, he underwent numerous cybernetic enhancements to his body, performed by his personal cyberneticist, Rajam Nuss, to optimize his performance.

Tam Posla (background) stood near Han Solo when the latter joined a game of Sabacc.

Around 10 BBY, Posla traveled to various planets far from his home, eventually arriving at the Lodge saloon on the cold, mountainous Mid Rim Territories planet Vandor during that year. As Crimson Dawn lieutenant Qi'ra entered with the rookie mercenaries Han Solo and Chewbacca, he was in conversation with a patron near the bar. The trio approached a sabacc game where the famous smuggler Lando Calrissian was playing alongside several other seasoned gamblers.

Posla became a spectator at the sabacc game, initially standing behind Calrissian before moving to a position close behind Argus Panox, the Azumel player, after Solo joined the game next to him. While the lawman was speaking with another spectator further back in the crowd, Solo began winning a series of hands, outperforming Calrissian and the other players. Posla observed as the two raised the stakes, wagering their starships, only for Calrissian to play a superior hand, secretly cheating by slipping a card from his sleeve. The game ended at that point.

Pursuing Doctor Evazan

Between 10 BBY and 1 BBY, Posla was assigned to a case involving a string of abductions on Milvayne and other Inner Rim worlds. These abductions were linked to forced servitude and surgical alteration, believed to be the work of two individuals using the aliases "Roofoo" and "Sawkee." In reality, these culprits were the criminal surgeon Doctor Cornelius Evazan and his partner Ponda Baba. The lawman, deeply affected by the surgical mutilations he uncovered, made it his personal mission to resolve the case. He made an unsuccessful attempt to apprehend the two culprits, naming Evazan the "Mutilator of Milvayne."

His superior officer removed Posla from the case, but his obsession persisted, and he continued his pursuit against orders. He discovered a similar series of crimes occurring in Jedha City on the Mid Rim moon Jedha, where Evazan was providing cybernetic enhancements to victims of a local insurgency and selling them into unwilling servitude as cyberslaves known as the Decraniated. Since Jedha fell outside the lawman's jurisdiction, his superior officer deemed his hunt unsanctioned and, left with no other choice, dishonorably discharged him from the Milvayne Authority in his absence.

Posla searched for Cornelius Evazan in Jedha City.

Despite losing his job and home, Posla remained committed to the case. He continued his vendetta as a vigilante, obtaining an Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate to become a bounty hunter. He traveled to Jedha and searched through Jedha City. Posla briefly paused on the side of a street by Tythoni Square to allow a patrol from the Galactic Empire's forces on Jedha to pass, which included stormtroopers and a TX-225a Occupier Tank. At that moment, members of the local insurgency, the Partisans, attacked the patrol, leading to a battle between the two sides.

While searching for Evazan, who was leaving the planet with Baba at that time, Posla was unable to locate any Decraniated who could speak to him about his target until he encountered the prototype Caysin Bog, who was also avoiding the Imperial patrol when it was attacked. Meanwhile, the Empire's new project, the Death Star battle station, loomed over Jedha City. Having missed his chance to capture Evazan by seconds, Posla was forced to evacuate the city with Bog to escape the Death Star's wrath, which destroyed Jedha City just hours later.

Working for Aphra

The new crew

Posla and Caysin Bog joined a team of mercenaries led by Chelli Aphra.

After their escape from Jedha, Posla and Bog joined forces to continue their hunt for Evazan and Baba, and their relationship blossomed into love. Seeking funds to uncover Evazan's whereabouts in the underworld, they pursued mercenary work through Bog's connections. They were hired by the assassin droid 0-0-0, the leader of the Son-tuul Pride syndicate, to join a crew of mercenaries around 1 ABY. 0-0-0, remaining anonymous to most of the mercenaries, including Posla and Bog, paid them upfront for a contracted job and placed them under the leadership of the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra. The crew also included the cyborg Rexa Go, the swordsman known as the Violet Ghost, the Skakoan guide Hallio Bas, the modified droideka Dek-Nil, the Xexto assassin Sister Six, and the Defel Glahst Ombra.

The mercenaries gathered aboard a LAAT/le patrol gunship docked at a spaceport on the Outer Rim Territories planet Son-tuul, where Go eventually brought Aphra to meet her new crew. Aphra used an aug scanner to inspect the backgrounds of Posla and the rest of her crew, commenting on each of them. The crew leader then prepared to leave Son-tuul, but not before leaving behind one of the mercenaries under 0-0-0's request, choosing to let the Violet Ghost fight inspecting Imperial forces as the rest of the crew departed the spaceport.

Hallio Bas's betrayal

Posla and Bog on Skako Minor

The crew landed on the planet Skako Minor to investigate the workshop of the renowned Skakoan Techno Union foreman Wat Tambor. Bas led the group through a fungal forest towards the workshop, sharing information about Tambor and praising the Techno Union with his colleagues. Posla and Bog exchanged sarcastic remarks about Tambor and the Union, with Posla calling him an unrepentant villain. As the group continued following Bas, they were soon surrounded by Imperial troops, the Skakoan guide revealing himself as a traitor. The lead Imperial officer intended to execute the mercenaries Bas had deceived, but Aphra tricked them by handing over her modified pet tooka Flufto to the traitor. She then spoke a codephrase, detonating her tooka, and Bas and the Imperials were quickly killed by the explosion.

Following the explosion, Aphra opened Go's crate, which some of the other mercenaries believed contained booze. However, it held sixty more shrink-frozen tookas, one of which Aphra used to replace the one she had detonated. A stormtrooper who had survived the explosion ran past Posla and Bog, heading for the forest. Go ordered the trooper to be stopped, but the mercenary lovers refused, seeing no reason to kill a "cog in a machine" who had not broken any law. Ombra, however, ambushed the Imperial soldier at the forestline, killing her prey.

More traps

The group entered Wat Tambor's workshop and found a room filled with deactivated machines and artifacts. As they began their search, Aphra praised the machinery, and Posla questioned whether there was extra pay for having a maniac in charge of their team. The rogue archaeologist stopped Bog from touching a techno-totem she suspected was a booby trap, mistakenly calling him Posla. Their search was interrupted by an Imperial Delta-class T-3c shuttle that crashed through the workshop's roof and landed in the middle with a squad of stormtroopers led by Lieutenant-Inspector Magna Tolvan.

Posla stops Bog from helping Aphra.

The mercenaries' crew took cover behind walls as the stormtroopers opened fire. In addition, the Imperial shuttle had landed on the techno-totem, which awoke a large cyborg creature—a chthonic worm god—in the workshop. The beast attacked both sides, killing several stormtroopers and forcing Posla and Bog to remain hidden. Aphra wanted Bog to use his bayonet to stab at it, but Posla stopped his partner as their contract for the mission did not require such action. The rogue archaeologist and Go attacked the cyborg creature, and Six suggested helping Aphra as she was pinned down. Posla refused, calling her a criminal and insisting that the worm god had broken no law.

Six then pointed out to Posla that the worm god had left Bog lying lifeless behind them. Angered, the vigilante revealed his cybernetic weapons and unleashed a barrage of rockets onto the beast. Bog awoke in the meantime, having been temporarily winded from the worm god's attacks. Relieved, the bounty hunter sat behind cover again, apologizing for his aggression. Six called him and the rest of the mercenaries mad while Posla and Bog embraced. Shortly after, the worm god was killed by a rocket blast from a downed stormtrooper, and Aphra reappeared to her crew and advised them to continue looting.

Finishing on Skako

Posla questions Aphra about Rexa Go.

While the mercenaries continued to loot the workshop, they were interrupted by a blaster shot. Aphra urged her comrades to resume looting. In reality, she had just killed Go to rescue Tolvan, whom she had kissed during the fight. After extracting data from a terminal, the rogue archaeologist had the crew begin to leave. Posla questioned where Go was, but Aphra overrode his query and insisted they depart.

The mercenaries made their way out of Tambor's workshop and back to their patrol ship. The crew found Ombra, who had fled the workshop during the fighting, returning to them at the ship. Unbeknownst to the crew, Tolvan had killed and skinned the Defel, wearing her hide as a disguise. Once the vessel took off, Aphra analyzed her extracted data and learned that the information she sought was found in the Imperial Tarkin Initiative research and development facility Hivebase-1. The rogue archaeologist returned to her crew, sarcastically asking them if they wanted to do something sane.

Negotiations gone wrong

Posla and the other mercenaries are greeted by Bini.

As part of Aphra's plan to infiltrate Hivebase-1, her crew, including Posla, located the Rebel Alliance Lucrehulk-class battleship Lucrehulk Prime, which served as a flight school for rebel pilots. After boarding the Lucrehulk, the fake Ombra slipped away from the mercenaries using an aura ability that allowed Defels to disappear. The Alliance officer Bini, believing that the crew was enlisting for the Alliance, greeted the crew at the Lucrehulk Prime's bridge, asking how they had found the flight school. While Aphra gave a sarcastic explanation, Posla insisted that he spoke for the team, explaining that the crew had heard rumors of the flight school and wanted to see it for themselves, with Six and Aphra adding details on how they located it.

Bini recognized Posla, acknowledging the vigilante's past as a Milvayne lawman, and began to provide details of recruitment into the Alliance, much to Posla's confusion as he had no intention of enlisting. Aphra pushed him to agree to go with Bini as the officer shook the bounty hunter's hand. Bini then took the crew on a tour to the Lucrehulk Prime's control core, telling Posla and his colleagues about the core's function. At this moment, Aphra's newest clone of Flufto ran into the core, Aphra making chase.

Hera Syndulla, the rotation general aboard the flight school, shot the tooka and approached her new visitors. Bini introduced Posla and the rest of the crew to the general, calling them volunteers. The vigilante then finally denied that they were enlisting to the rebels and revealed that they had a proposal for "mutual benefit." Realizing that her visitors were mercenaries, Syndulla had Posla and the others arrested and placed in the Lucrehulk Prime's brig.


The mercenaries were locked in cells at the brig, Posla sharing one with Bog and Six while Aphra and Dek-Nil shared another next to them. After some time had passed, the fake Ombra reached Aphra's cell through the vents and revealed herself as Tolvan in disguise. Posla heard the commotion from his cell and dismissed it as Aphra muttering and scheming, although Bog endeavored to try and check what had transpired. As the confrontation in Aphra's cell continued, Tolvan was incapacitated and incidentally fired at the ray shield projectors, freeing the mercenaries. However, they chose not to escape and stayed at the cells, and Aphra and Dek-Nil put the unconscious Tolvan back into the vent.

Posla was angered about the rest of the team lying to him.

After the rebels found them still at the cells, Posla and the rest of the crew were taken to their patrol ship in the hangar and met with Syndulla, who gave them an opportunity to present their proposal. When the bounty hunter and his colleagues claimed they had a plan to get into Hivebase-1, the general became intrigued and wanted to know more. As Posla began to explain, Aphra sprung her real plan: Bog ejected four blasters set to stun, and Six caught them and proceeded to shoot each rebel in the room. The vigilante had not known of the new plan, which involved escaping with the incapacitated Syndulla, and was outraged at it, as well as at not being informed. Bog tried to reassure his lover, but the bounty hunter declared that he quit. Aphra then wished Posla luck with rebel reinforcements, which stoked the vigilante to board the crew's ship instead of facing armed rebels.

The mercenaries' ship escaped from the Lucrehulk Prime, and Aphra asked her colleagues to borrow a holo-communicator. Posla gave her snide remarks, Bog interjecting to stop him making a threat. The bounty hunter claimed he had been made into a liar thanks to Aphra, but the rogue archaeologist assured him that what he had said to the rebels was technically the truth. Using a communicator lent by Bog, she contacted Hivebase-1 and proposed to trade Syndulla, although the officer left the deal unconfirmed.

Infiltrating Hivebase-1

Posla tells the story of his hunt for Evazan and how he met Bog.

As the team journeyed towards Hivebase-1 aboard their gunship, Aphra busied herself repairing damaged servos within Bog's cybernetic components, a result of the worm god's influence. Simultaneously, Posla relentlessly berated Aphra for her deceit, despite his partner's pleas for him to move past it. The vigilante questioned Aphra about the nature of her modifications to his partner, which she dismissed as a mere diagnostic procedure. However, the truth was that the unscrupulous archaeologist was secretly installing override protocols into the cyborg's cybernetics, aiming to control his brain. Following this, Aphra complimented Evazan's modifications to Bog, causing Posla to launch into a tirade about the surgeon's wickedness. When Posla detected unusual comm chatter originating from Aphra, she deflected, inquiring about Evazan's identity, prompting Posla to recount the events that fueled his animosity towards Evazan, including his expulsion from the Milvayne Authority and his subsequent journey to Jedha, where he first encountered Bog.

Upon their arrival at Hivebase-1, an Imperial officer, communicating via comms, confirmed their agreement with Syndulla, providing precise instructions for entering the base without triggering the surrounding scaraphyte swarm. Aphra then informed Syndulla that a dormant tracker on the general's rank plaque had been reactivated. Shortly thereafter, the Lucrehulk Prime materialized from hyperspace nearby, immediately finding itself besieged by the scaraphytes. With the rebels diverting Hivebase-1's attention, Aphra's team executed a clandestine landing within a hangar inside the complex, and the mercenaries initiated their search. When Posla questioned Aphra regarding their intentions for Syndulla, Aphra responded that they could either bring her along or abandon her, as she had already fulfilled her purpose.

Room of fates

Posla and the other mercenaries proceeded into a chamber filled with deactivated cyborg prototypes, the results of cruel experiments that transformed beings into living weapons. While they investigated the area, Aphra received word that Tolvan had seized control of the Lucrehulk Prime's bridge. Aphra contacted Tolvan through the comm channel, urging her to prevent the rebel ship's destruction, but the lieutenant-inspector instead alerted Hivebase-1 to the presence of infiltrators. Almost immediately, Posla and his comrades noticed the rejected prototypes beginning to thaw. Aphra requested that the vigilante utilize his cybernetic weaponry, but he refused, arguing that the rejects had not committed any crimes, a decision he stood by even as the rogue archaeologist warned of their impending demise.

Posla fights the rejected projects.

The rejected projects unleashed a barrage of blaster fire, instantly killing Dek-Nil, as the remaining mercenaries and Syndulla sought cover behind crates. As Posla continued to rebuff Aphra's pleas, with her remaining safely behind a crate, Aphra ordered everyone to retreat back to their ship. Suddenly, Aphra activated the modifications she had made to Bog's cybernetics, compelling him to advance towards the prototypes against his will. A bewildered Posla questioned his partner's actions, only to witness the cyborg being cut down by the rejects' blaster fire. Bog's demise ignited a furious rage within the bounty hunter, prompting him to unleash his cybernetic weapons upon the rejected projects. With the prototypes temporarily subdued, Aphra, Syndulla, and Six abandoned Posla to confront the swarm of rejects alone.

Aphra's tricks

The rebels find Posla gagged.

Posla survived the battle and rejoined the others at Hivebase-1's datacore, deeply traumatized by his experience in the prototype room. The vigilante collapsed at a terminal while Aphra consulted another, seeking the information she desired. However, the group was soon discovered and ambushed by Imperial Commander Yewl and his troops, with Posla seeking cover during the firefight. At that moment, Aphra initiated the final stage of her plan. Exploiting a bug she had planted within the Lucrehulk Prime to control the vessel, she used its tractor beam to steal Hivebase-1's datacore, with Aphra's team inside. Meanwhile, the remaining shrink-frozen tookas escaped Aphra's crate and began wandering Hivebase-1, detonating simultaneously to destroy the facility.

Posla, Aphra, Six, and Syndulla safely boarded the flight school. While the rebel general pardoned the group for absconding with the Hivebase-1 core, Aphra instructed Posla to retrieve Tolvan from the vents. The lieutenant-inspector, however, attacked the bounty hunter, gagged him, and used his clothing as a disguise to stow away with Aphra. Impersonating the vigilante, Tolvan provided Syndulla with the location of an Imperial infiltrator as she and Aphra departed the Lucrehulk Prime aboard a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft. Rebel soldiers discovered the gagged Posla in the vents, surprised to find that he was not an Imperial agent, as one of them recognized the vigilante.

Resumed hunt

Following the betrayal, Posla separated from the rebels. He began to suspect Aphra's involvement in Bog's death and vowed to avenge him one day. In the interim, the vigilante resumed his long-delayed pursuit of Evazan. He returned to Son-tuul and purchased a starship from 0-0-0, unaware of the droid's true identity or his involvement in the vigilante's missions with Aphra. In reality, the droid had bugged the ship to spy on the bounty hunter. Posla compiled a history of Evazan's activities following Jedha, including an altercation with a Jedi on Tatooine that resulted in Baba losing an arm, and Evazan's infiltration of a biofarm on Thannt. He also acquired Baba's severed arm, preserving it in a jar.

Posla consulting evidence regarding Doctor Evazan's location

Evazan's trail abruptly ended, and after a month, Posla had eliminated five informants for providing false information. On the four-hundred and twentieth day of his hunt, he beat a sixth informant to death for lying about Evazan's location. The vigilante reasoned that Evazan's ego would never allow him to remain hidden for so long, leading him to conclude that Evazan was either dead or imprisoned. Consequently, Posla began scanning Imperial custodial facilities in search of his quarry.

On the four-hundred and twenty-first day of his hunt, while his ship drifted in deep space, Posla updated his mission log, detailing his recent findings and knowledge of Evazan. He stated that, due to his killing of informants, he would temporarily adopt a less hands-on approach to maintain his "mental equilibrium." Later that day, the vigilante intercepted a transmission from Syndulla to the rebel ship Volt Cobra, which had been shot down at the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail while searching for Aphra, who had been imprisoned there. Posla noted Syndulla's reference to Aphra and recorded it, intending to pursue Aphra after dealing with Evazan. Simultaneously, 0-0-0, eavesdropping from a captured touring ship he had hijacked, overheard Posla's statement about Aphra and began repeating it, eager to locate her.

Aphra's trade

Posla is contacted by Aphra.

Meanwhile, Aphra, accompanied by Tolvan and Evazan, sought a means of escaping Accresker Jail. Evazan, however, was using a pluripleq—a shape-shifting creature stolen from Thannt—to disguise himself as a shape-shifting alien named "Lopset Yas." Posla was soon contacted by Aphra, who demanded a rescue from Accresker Jail and a guarantee that he would not kill her. The vigilante dismissed her demands as delusional, assuring her that she would face justice after he captured Evazan. However, Aphra then revealed Evazan, who was pretending to be shape-shifting into a fake Evazan, at knife-point, convincing the vigilante to reluctantly accept her deal. The rogue archaeologist provided Posla with her location and terminated the comm channel. 0-0-0, still monitoring Posla's ship, also hastened towards the prison to pursue Aphra.

Posla traveled to Accresker Jail aboard an escape shuttle to exchange Aphra for Evazan. The prison, now decommissioned, was on a collision course with Tiferep Major as a warning to its rebellious population. The vigilante discovered Accresker's prison-tug crashed into the prison and flew into the hangar of the wrecked cruiser. There, Aphra and Tolvan awaited him, having frozen Evazan in a block of ice using a coolant grille. As Posla arrived, he was also detected by the infectious fungus known as gundravian hookspores, which had absorbed the heroism personality and Force-sensitivity of a deceased Jedi and sought a new justice-oriented host.

Posla receives the frozen Evazan from Aphra.

After disembarking, Posla examined the frozen Evazan, confirming that he was alive. As he secured the ice block with his clamps, Aphra inquired if they were even, to which he asked her if she had killed Bog. The rogue archaeologist asked if it would change the terms of the deal, and the bounty hunter assured her that if she had killed Bog, he would pursue her punishment once their deal was done. As he spoke, the gundravian hookspores approached him, attempting to merge with the vigilante, only to be frozen by Tolvan's activation of the coolant grille. Posla, confused by the new arrival, received Aphra's admission that it had been a weird few days for her, and she advised him to leave. The bounty hunter departed on his ship with the frozen Evazan.


As he left Accresker Jail, Posla voiced his triumph for Bog, aspiring to return to Milvayne. He then looked back at the frozen Evazan, wondering whether Aphra could have tricked him. His doubts about the legitimacy of his prize led him to divert his ship's power to the [heating array](/article/heating_array], melting the ice. Once free, Evazan pretended to be "Lopset Yas," revealing to Posla that Aphra had deceived him. The vigilante, unaware that the Evazan was genuine, became enraged and decided to return to Accresker Jail to confront Aphra.

0-0-0 murders Posla in front of "Lopset Yas" and Aphra.

Meanwhile, Aphra and Tolvan remained stranded on Accresker Jail, as 0-0-0 had arrived and destroyed their escape shuttle. The Sith Lord Darth Vader had also arrived, halting the wreckage-prison's collision course with his ship's tractor beam to find Aphra and Tolvan. After he and Posla spotted the wrecked escape shuttle, "Yas" used Dek-Nil's head, which had been strapped onto his back before freezing, to help the vigilante track down Aphra. They soon found her watching a live holovid of Vader interrogating Tolvan. After "Yas" greeted a confused Aphra, Posla stepped out and pointed his blaster at her, berating the rogue archaeologist. Aphra attempted to defend herself with an ancient lightsaber, but it deactivated due to its age. Posla mocked the irony of the situation when 0-0-0 attacked him from behind. The vigilante was caught off guard and murdered by the assassin droid.

After killing Posla, 0-0-0 captured Aphra and dragged her toward his ship, only to find it wrecked by Vader. "Yas" then intervened, incapacitating both the assassin droid and Aphra, taking them aboard Posla's ship and escaping Accresker Jail before Vader's ship released it from its tractor beam, sending it crashing into Tiferep Major. There, Evazan removed a proximity bomb implanted in his throat and planted it into 0-0-0, linking it to one implanted in Aphra, preventing them from moving more than twenty meters apart. When Aphra awoke, "Yas" revealed himself to be Evazan wearing a pluripleq and informed her of the situation, leaving the rogue archaeologist and the soon-to-be reactivated 0-0-0 on the late Posla's ship.

Zombie of the Force

Revival and return

The Force energy possesses Posla's corpse.

Despite being aboard Accresker Jail during its crash, Posla's body remained relatively intact, floating in space within the wreckage. Remnants of the hookspores, imbued with Force energy, located Posla, surrounded his corpse, and possessed it. The Force-sensitive fungus resurrected the vigilante, granting him its Force abilities. Posla then rebuilt 0-0-0's fallen comrade, the astromech assassin droid BT-1, controlling him with a restraining bolt. Driven by a desire to bring Aphra to justice, the undead bounty hunter used BT-1 to track his murderer 0-0-0's transponder signal, hoping to find her with him.

0-0-0's transponder signal led Posla back to Milvayne, where the assassin droid and Aphra had gone to have their proximity bombs removed. As Posla searched for his enemy, equipped with an ordnance weapon and a jetpack, he found Aphra and 0-0-0 riding the qaberworm Gurtyl through Milvayne's undercity with the scavenger Vulaada Klam. The vigilante attacked, firing the ordnance weapon at the qaberworm, dislodging its riders. Aphra questioned his resurrection, to which Posla proclaimed that the Force and justice could never die. Posla used the Force to pull Aphra's blaster from her grasp. 0-0-0 confronted him, and the undead bounty hunter mentioned tracking the droid. At that moment, BT-1 entered the fray, and the vigilante ordered him to kill Aphra and 0-0-0.

Posla was attacked by Winloss and Nokk while he was pursuing Aphra and 0-0-0.

Although 0-0-0 attempted to negotiate with his former companion BT-1, the latter droid fired on him and Aphra. As the pair fled from BT-1, Posla used the Force to pull them towards him. It was then that the Trandoshan hunter Nokk attacked, impaling the vigilante from behind with her Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoon. Posla collapsed, lifeless, onto the ground, the hookspores within him subdued. Nokk and her husband and fellow hunter Winloss then confronted Aphra, their target, but were attacked by BT-1. The wedded hunters incapacitated their attacker with an ion-net while Aphra and 0-0-0 escaped.

Pursuing justice

After both parties had departed, the gundravian hookspores within Posla regained consciousness, reviving their host. The vigilante discovered that BT-1 had been captured by Winloss and Nokk. Furthermore, Evazan had begun broadcasting a live feed from 0-0-0's eyes to the residents of Milvayne, encouraging them to assist the Milvayne Authority in capturing Aphra and 0-0-0 for a reward of credits. Through his helmet, Posla monitored calls being made to law enforcement, reporting sightings of the fugitive pair.

Posla and the Milvayne Authority confront Aphra and 0-0-0.

Posla discovered a call made by Klam, who had survived the vigilante's attack and was willing to help the Milvayne Authority find the rogue archaeologist and assassin droid. The undead bounty hunter joined the Milvayne Authority forces heading to apprehend Aphra and 0-0-0, blending in with their ranks. The police forces surrounded the fugitives as they traveled through the undercity on a bloatbarge with Klam. Posla demanded their surrender, and Klam revealed her treachery, incapacitating them for the Milvayne Authority.

Conflict of interest

Posla and the Milvayne police officers put Aphra and 0-0-0 on trial.

Posla accompanied the Milvayne Authority in taking Aphra and 0-0-0, both bound together, to a trial on a ledge above the undercity in Milvayne City's upper levels. The senior officer declared them guilty of countless crimes and delegated the sentencing to Posla as the arresting officer. The vigilante ordered them to be shot until "profoundly dead" and thrown into the underworld. As the undead bounty hunter instructed the Milvayne police officers to aim, Aphra challenged his authority to command the lawmen. She revealed that the vigilante was a deserter, a fact confirmed by one officer, who verified his dishonorable discharge using Posla's warrant number.

Posla dismissed his discharge as a trivial matter, but the rogue archaeologist added that 0-0-0's eyes were still broadcasting to the world, questioning whether the police officers wanted to be publicly outdone by a deserter. The Milvayne Authority officers turned their weapons on the vigilante. Posla, enraged, unleashed his cybernetic arsenal. As the Milvayne police officers fired on him, he activated his jetpack and began gunning down his new opponents. Aphra and 0-0-0 seized the opportunity to escape.

A burning end

Aphra and 0-0-0 managed to locate BT-1, freed from his restraining bolt, and continued their quest to have their proximity bombs removed, with Klam and her qaberworm assisting them in reaching the cybersurgery of Professor Prexo in Milvayne City's South District Seven. Milvayne's local Imperial garrison was mobilized to intercept the fugitives, joined by members of the Milvayne Authority. The commander's careless vetting of the deployed forces allowed Posla to join the ranks of the attackers as BT-1 engaged them. When the vigilante entered the fray, he ordered the garrison's stormtroopers to stand aside, knocking them away with his Force energy and cybernetic guns, vowing to restore order.

Posla burns as a mob of Milvayne citizens arrives.

However, 0-0-0 flanked Posla once again, using his flamethrowing hand to set the undead bounty hunter alight. Taken by surprise, the vigilante fired his blaster. The blaster shot sped toward Klam, but Aphra jumped in front, taking the hit. The sacrifice was witnessed by billions of Milvayne citizens, triggering a surge of motivation and riots. Within minutes, crowds rioted in the streets, Posla burning as the mobs passed him.


In 9 ABY, the Mandalorian Aran Tal wore armor and wielded dual blaster pistols reminiscent of Posla's Milvayne Authority uniform while competing as a Hunter on the Outer Rim Sports Network's holoshow competition Hunters of the Outer Rim. Tal reflected on Posla, acknowledging his unwavering belief in doing what was right but criticizing his choice to become a bounty hunter to achieve it.

Personality and traits

Justice complex

Posla and Bog refused to kill anyone who had not broken any law.

Tam Posla, a light-skinned, hairless Milvaynian human male, was deeply committed to upholding law and justice. He cherished his position within the Milvayne Authority, proudly sporting the uniform of the law enforcement agency even after his dismissal. The rule of law served as the cornerstone of his moral principles, and even after leaving law enforcement, he adhered strictly to the precise wording of contracts. Posla demonstrated unwavering dedication to tracking his targets, a trait that Bini recognized as characteristic of the esteemed lawman. The vigilante, however, also possessed a "pompous" self-image, often assuming control over his associates in various situations.

Posla refused to harm those he believed had not violated the law, as exemplified by his allowing a stormtrooper to pass unharmed and his refusal to engage the chthonic worm god when ordered to do so for his team's mission. He maintained absolute self-control in this regard, prioritizing a clear conscience even at the risk of his own life. He only deviated from his code when his partner, Bog, was harmed, leading him to attack Bog's attacker(s) in a fit of rage. After battling the worm god, he calmly apologized for his behavior.

Posla's personality resonated with the gundravian hookspores, which sought an individual with a heroic disposition akin to their previous host, a long-deceased Jedi. Following the fungus's merger with his corpse, the resurrected Posla's new hybrid personality equated the Force with justice, repeatedly invoking them. While pursuing Aphra and 0-0-0 on Milvayne, the vigilante rejoined forces with the Milvayne Authority, believing that they shared a common dedication to justice. However, the undead bounty hunter swiftly turned against them when they betrayed him.

The Evazan vendetta

Posla's obsession with capturing Evazan drove him insane.

Consumed by the misdeeds of Cornelius Evazan, Posla made a solemn vow to deliver the wrongdoer to accountability, a mission that ultimately led to his mental disintegration. His animosity towards the criminal surgeon surpassed any other being in the galaxy, branding him as both a monster and a sadist. This personal crusade caused him to flout directives and venture beyond his assigned territory to pursue the offending medical professional. Even after losing his livelihood and residence, he persisted in his pursuit, altering his professional path to sustain the endeavor, resorting to mercenary work solely to finance his obsession.

Posla took offense when Aphra praised Evazan's enhancements on his partner, viewing it as another justification to denounce her. He resorted to murdering informants who provided false information about Evazan, later realizing it was detrimental to his mental stability. The vigilante, in his unwavering concentration on his objective, inadvertently harmed himself with a bladed weapon. Posla prioritized capturing Evazan over delivering justice to others, such as Aphra, only consenting to an arrangement with the renegade archaeologist when she presented Evazan as a bargaining chip.

A heartbreaking romance

Posla and Bog wished to hunt Evazan in order to be at peace together.

Posla became enamored with Caysin Bog, a cyborg humanoid male who had fallen victim to Evazan's actions. Together, they shared the common purpose of pursuing Evazan, with the hope of finding tranquility upon his capture. The attack on Bog also compelled Posla to disregard his own principles for the sake of his partner, a weakness that Aphra exploited by manipulating the cyborg into a fatal situation, prompting Posla to launch an assault on the Hivebase-1 prototypes. Bog's demise left Posla emotionally scarred, hindering his ability to fight after his outburst of fury.

Even after Bog's passing, Posla behaved as if his partner was still present, addressing the cyborg in his mission logs as if his deceased lover occupied the co-pilot's seat. Upon acquiring a cryogenically preserved Evazan, the vigilante spoke on behalf of Bog, expressing his desire for the cyborg to witness the culmination of their shared mission. After suspecting Aphra's involvement in Bog's death, he vowed to the rogue archaeologist that he would relentlessly pursue her punishment if his suspicions were confirmed.

Animosity Towards Aphra

Posla became determined to bring justice to Aphra after she continued to lie to him.

After commencing his service to Aphra, Posla deemed the rogue archaeologist to be unhinged and refused to extend any additional assistance, viewing her as a criminal. He was infuriated when she deceived him regarding their team's strategy aboard the Lucrehulk Prime, accusing her of compromising his integrity. He even briefly considered resigning from their assignment until rebel soldiers initiated an assault. Subsequently, Posla continued to berate Aphra for her deceit. On Hivebase-1, he asserted that he would never heed any of her directives, even as she pleaded for his aid. The vigilante consistently referred to her as a "villain" or "malefactor."

Upon suspecting Aphra of being responsible for Bog's death, Posla desired to inflict a protracted demise upon the rogue archaeologist, designating her as his second highest priority. After being convinced that she had provided him with a counterfeit Evazan, the vigilante resolved to pursue Aphra, denouncing her as heartless scum. Following his resurrection, he persisted in his pursuit of retribution against the rogue archaeologist, confronting her on multiple occasions on Milvayne until his ultimate defeat at the hands of 0-0-0.

Abilities and Strengths

Posla is regenerated by the Force-sensitive gundravian hookspores.

Posla possessed considerable expertise in tracking, successfully tracing Evazan's movements to various locations and locating Aphra on numerous occasions. His array of cybernetic weaponry empowered him to confront groups of adversaries simultaneously and to engage formidable foes such as the chthonic worm god. Nevertheless, Posla, in both his living and undead states, exhibited a tendency to allow his moral principles to obscure his situational awareness, rendering him vulnerable to attacks from behind on at least three instances. Following his demise, Imperial Minister Pitina Voor remarked that his adherence to his moral code impaired his judgment. Evazan also observed after Posla's initial death that his anger over Aphra's attempt to trade a fake Evazan had prevented him from realizing that he possessed the genuine article all along.

After his remains were amalgamated with the Force-sensitive gundravian hookspores, Posla acquired Force-sensitivity and the capacity to manipulate multiple individuals telekinetically. When the Force energies surged within the vigilante, they could repair his humanoid form and repel individuals in his vicinity.


Attire and Implements

Tam Posla in his armor

Tam Posla donned a Milvayne Authority uniform, which concealed many of his attributes, including his height, gender, and species, from the casual observer. His face was concealed by a black and white-colored helmet adorned with symbols representing the letters "MA" in the Domabesh script, signifying his status as an officer of the Milvayne Authority. The helmet was equipped with two audio receivers on the lower sides, utilizing an integrated audio system capable of detecting frequencies beyond the range of human hearing and amplifying surrounding sounds to eavesdrop on conversations and detect approaching threats. The helmet also featured a rangefinder mounted on an articulated stalk with a targeting system, enabling him to track individuals. The stalk also incorporated a breathing apparatus that allowed him to survive in diverse atmospheres, such as that of Skako Minor, without requiring additional equipment.

Posla wore a brown, padded energy-dissipating blast tunic on his upper body, complemented by armor plates affixed to the shoulders and elbows. He completed his attire with gray pants and brown gloves. Posla wore webbing across his right shoulder, along with a utility belt. These accessories served to carry survival provisions and ammunition, and he carried a portable scanner within an electromagnetic radiation–proof pouch attached to his belt. Posla kept his Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate in a patch pocket on his pants, ensuring that he had it on his person at all times, along with his bounty hunter credentials.

Weapons and Augmentations

Posla unleashes his cybernetics.

While stationed on Jedha, he was armed with a black BlasTech Industries DL-17 blaster rifle modified with an extended magazine and equipped with a long strap. He also carried a BlasTech DH-17 blaster pistol modified with an extended magazine to address a common deficiency of the weapon. The pistol was configured for fully automatic fire, enabling the blaster pistol to expend a standard ammunition clip in less than twenty seconds. Following his infiltration of Hivebase-1, Posla eventually acquired a vessel from 0-0-0 to aid in his pursuit of Evazan. During his pursuit of Aphra and the protocol droid on Milvayne, he employed a heavy ordnance weapon and a jetpack.

Posla possessed an extensive array of cybernetic enhancements throughout his body, installed by his personal cyberneticist, Rajam Nuss. His right eye had been replaced with a yellow robotic eye, and the back of his head was almost entirely mechanical. These numerous features could be concealed beneath Posla's armor and helmet, which could split open to reveal a large gun protruding from the top of his head and a laser on the side. Posla also had a gun in his other knee and could partially detach his hands to reveal two more guns with blades extending from his knuckles. Furthermore, Posla had several additional guns embedded in his torso and a twin gun attached to his right thigh. The extensive deployment of his cybernetic weaponry resulted in significant damage to Posla's clothing during his time at Hivebase-1.

Production Information


Matt Allsopp as Tam Posla

Tam Posla was conceived for Gareth Edwards' Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which premiered on December 16, 2016. The character was portrayed by Matt Allsopp, a concept artist for the film. During the production phase, costume designer Glyn Dillon designed Posla's attire for Allsopp, allowing him to select the design before refining it to reflect the artist's vision of a "mysterious bounty hunter" with a concealed identity. Allsopp's initials were inscribed on Posla's helmet in "Domabesh," a newly created script for the film.

The artist participated in a week of filming for Rogue One, during which he encountered difficulties with visibility while wearing the helmet and experienced several stumbles. However, the scenes featuring Posla were ultimately excluded from the director's final cut, according to Allsopp, and footage of Posla was only showcased in a few trailers and a featurette, beginning with the initial teaser trailer on April 7, 2016. The outfit was also repurposed for one of the Partisans, who was depicted unmasked in multiple scenes and was later identified as Javroth Meers in Pablo Hidalgo's 2023 reference book Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide. In one such scene, the extra is shown both masked and then unmasked as Meers in two consecutive shots, suggesting that they were two different individuals.

Canon Progression

Despite the character's absence from the final film, Posla was granted a name and backstory in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a companion reference book for Rogue One authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released concurrently with the movie. The name Tam Posla was formed by reversing Allsopp's first and last names. Hidalgo also provided a canonical explanation for the artist's initials on the helmet by establishing the Milvayne Authority. The writer later added that his creation of Posla's backstory in the reference book was motivated by the need to explain the existence of the Decraniated, who also appeared in Rogue One.

Aran Tal wearing the Tam Posla themed costume and wielding Posla themed MT-97 blaster pistols in Star Wars: Hunters

Posla's deleted scene was incorporated into the level 4 DK Readers book Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission, written by Jason Fry and also released on the same day as the film. Posla made his inaugural live-action appearance in canon in Ron Howard's 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story. In the mobile game Star Wars: Hunters, which was fully launched on June 4 of 2024, a costume and weapon wrap inspired by Tam Posla was created for the playable Mandalorian character Aran Tal. Introduced in the July 30, 2024 game update in preparation for the game's second season on August 1 of that year, it included the "Righteous Warrior" costume for the character's Mandalorian armor and the "Righteous MT-97" weapon wrap for Tal's MT-97 blaster pistols. On August 8, 2024, the costume and weapon wrap were made available in the "Featured" section of the game's shop.


Tam Posla's alternate depiction

Issues 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 27, 28, 29, and 31 of Marvel Comics' Star Wars: Doctor Aphra—all penned by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Emilio Laiso and published respectively on January 31, February 21, March 28, April 25, November 14, and December 12 of 2018 and on January 30, February 27, and April 24 of 2019,—present an alternative depiction of Posla's helmet and attire compared to his portrayals in issues 15 and 25—both written by Spurrier, illustrated by Laiso and Kev Walker respectively and published on the respective dates of December 20, 2017 and October 24, 2018. The discrepancies include his helmet being plain white with a large triangular visor and his tunic's padding featuring a pattern of triangles. The prose in this article does not recognize the details presented in the listed issues as a canonical depiction of Posla.

The Helmets section of issue sixty-five of De Agostini's Star Wars Helmet Collection series, released in 2018, asserts that Posla's homeworld was the planet Kamino and that his species was Milvaynian. However, the 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition indicates that Posla's homeworld was Milvayne, a fact supported by Doctor Aphra 26, and specifies that the lawman's species was human. Additionally, the issue "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld" from De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series, published on August 3, 2021, identified Posla as a human and established Milvaynian as his demonym. Consequently, this article does not consider the information from Star Wars Helmet Collection as canon.

