Hallio Bas

title: Hallio Bas

Originating from [Skako Minor](/article/skako_minor], a planet inhabited by Skakoans, Hallio Bas was a male individual. He brokered a deal with the Galactic Empire, agreeing to deliver looters to them who were present on Skako Minor. Around the time of 3 ABY, he took on the role of a guide for the criminal organization known as Son-tuul Pride, intending to guide them to the workshop found on Skako Minor. He first encountered the group of mercenaries employed by Son-Tuul Pride on Son-tuul, after which they commenced their journey to Skako Minor aboard a patrol transport. Upon arrival, Bas intentionally led them into a trap set by the Empire. The Imperials intended to execute the mercenaries, but before they could carry out their plan, Doctor [Chelli Aphra](/article/chelli_lona_aphra], the leader of the mercenaries, triggered the detonation of her genetically engineered pet, resulting in Bas's death.


Bas leads the mercenaries into a trap

Hallio Bas entered into an agreement with the Galactic Empire at some point, his aim being to provide them with looters on Skako Minor, hoping this would end their occupation of the world. In approximately 3 ABY, he made arrangements with the criminal syndicate Son-tuul Pride, planning to guide them to the workshop of Wat Tambor located on Skako Minor. However, his true intention was to betray them to the Imperials. He initially met with a group of mercenaries hired by Son-Tuul Pride on the planet Son-tuul. Before their departure to Skako Minor aboard their patrol transport, Doctor Chelli Aphra, their leader, received orders from her superior to abandon one of the mercenaries. She selected the swordsman known as the Violet Ghost and left him behind at the Son-tuul Spaceport.

The mercenaries then traveled to Skako Minor. Bas guided them through the fungal forest, recounting to Aphra the history of Tambor and the Techno Union. However, they soon encountered an Imperial ambush orchestrated by Bas. He pleaded with the Imperials to withdraw from Skako Minor. The Imperials rejected his plea and prepared to execute the mercenaries. Aphra then entrusted Bas with her genetically-engineered tooka pet, Flufto. While Bas was holding the Tooka, she initiated its detonation, resulting in the deaths of both him and the Imperials.

Personality and traits

Hallio Bas was a male Skakoan characterized by dark green skin and pink eyes. He was eager for the Empire to leave his planet and attempted to bargain for this by leading looters into their custody.


Hallio Bas wore a suit specifically designed for pressurized hydrogen sulphide environments. A pink cloak was draped over it, covering his body.

