Skako Minor

Skako Minor, sometimes known simply as Skako, was a planet that functioned as the original homeworld for the Poletec species. The Techno Union exerted control over it, basing their central operations in the city called Purkoll. Despite the Techno Union's supposed stance of non-alignment, the forces of the Galactic Republic seized Skako Minor during the Clone Wars, and its succeeding government, the Galactic Empire, continued to occupy the planet throughout the Galactic Civil War.


The surface of the temperate planet Skako Minor was characterized by a misty environment, featuring canyons, mountains, caverns, craters, and fungal forests. Its atmosphere contained hydrogen sulphide. The planet's native wildlife included large, flying reptiles identified as keeradaks.


At some point in the past, Skakoans who were industrialists from the neighboring planet Skako journeyed to Skako Minor. Eventually, after the Skakoan species came to predominantly control the world, the headquarters for the Techno Union conglomerate were relocated there. During the Separatist Crisis, the Union's Foreman, Wat Tambor, decided to align the Techno Union with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was a coalition of dissatisfied star systems under the leadership of the charismatic Count Dooku.

Echo was held prisoner on Skako Minor.

Although the Union officially maintained neutrality, it provided support to the Separatists' war efforts during the Clone Wars. This included detaining the captured Republic ARC trooper Echo within a Techno Union facility located in the Skako Minor settlement of Purkoll. This allowed the Confederacy to exploit a Republic strategy algorithm known to Echo against the Republic. In the last year of the conflict, a Republic incursion compromised the planet's corporate neutrality and resulted in Echo's liberation. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader assassinated Wat Tambor. Sometime later, Vader undertook a Mission to Skako Minor, where he executed all of Tambor's loyalists through the massacre of the Ruling Council, and established a new regime loyal to the Galactic Empire in its place. Among those killed by Vader was Wat Tambor II, the son of the deceased Techno Union Foreman.

In the aftermath of the war, the Techno Union was reported to have been disbanded, and Skako Minor fell under occupation by the Galactic Empire, the Republic's successor government. Skakoans who opposed Imperial rule were exiled from the planet, which caused difficulties for them as they depleted the world's specialized air supply within their pressure suits. Despite the collapse of the CIS and the Techno Union, Echo—who, like the majority of Clone Force 99, had deserted the Imperial Military—believed that he would still be imprisoned within the Techno Union headquarters on Skako Minor had he not been rescued. He expressed this sentiment on the planet Daro, citing Clone Force 99's successful rescue of him as justification for extracting former clone commando CC-5576 "Gregor" from an Imperial training center.

Forces of the Galactic Empire on Skako Minor during the Son-tuul Pride's mission to the planet

Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a nationalist named Jul Tambor, Wat's grandson, initiated efforts to reclaim Skako Minor. He hired pirates to blockade the planet and accumulate technology, but his actions led to suffering for many innocent people. After pirates attacked Skakoan refugees on the world of Brentaal IV, Jul claimed to have no connection to those pirates, asserting that they were a third party exploiting a noble war, which he insisted was being waged for his oppressed people. In response to the uprising, Vader and the newly appointed Lieutenant Commander Sabé traveled to Skako with the intention of locating the nationalist. After only finding pirates, Vader dispatched Sabé on a mission to locate Jul, who was on Brentaal IV providing Skakoan air to refugees.

Society and culture

The natives Poletec.

Skako Minor served as the native world for the sentient Poletec species. It also became inhabited by members of the Skakoan species, who were able to survive in certain areas of the planet without wearing their pressure suit masks. The Poletec were a primitive species that worshipped large, flying reptiles known as keeradaks. They remained neutral throughout the Clone Wars and resided in small settlements. The rescue mission of Echo proved to be a pivotal moment for at least one tribe of Poletecs, who fought alongside Republic forces and pledged their continued support should the Jedi ever need to return.


Skako Minor

The Techno Union established their headquarters, the city of Purkoll, on Skako Minor, positioned near a Poletec village. It also housed a Techno Union cache, which functioned as Wat Tambor's personal workshop and was regarded as a sacred site by the Skakoan people.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the Skako Minor city Purkoll

Skako Minor was conceived for "The Bad Batch" story arc within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. It was first mentioned in "The Bad Batch" episode and then made its initial appearance in "A Distant Echo." These episodes were initially broadcast as unfinished production reels in 2015. During these episodes, some characters referred to Skako Minor simply as Skako, but the 2018 roleplaying supplement Fully Operational clarified that the two were distinct planets. The trivia section for "A Distant Echo" also mistakenly identified Skako Minor as the "home of the Skakoan people" instead of Skako.

