Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, dispatched Imperial Lieutenant Commander Sabé on a mission. This mission took her to the planet Brentaal IV, where she was tasked with the assassination of Jul Tambor, a Skakoan nationalist. Tambor was actively trying to overthrow the Skakoan Council located on Skako Minor. Sabé, failing to persuade Tambor to cease his resistance against the Empire due to her concerns about Vader's potential reprisal against his people, intentionally wounded him without killing him. This was done to stop his planned assault on the Imperial garrison stationed on Skako Minor. Upon hearing Sabé's explanation, Tambor made the decision to personally eliminate Vader before Vader could retake Skako Minor, and he took Sabé prisoner, planning to use her as bait to draw Vader to him.