Brentaal IV, also known as simply Brentaal, was a terrestrial planet situated within the Core Worlds of the galaxy, specifically at the intersection of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route.
This planet, located in the Core Worlds area of the galaxy, Brentaal IV was found at galactic coordinates L-9 on the Standard Galactic Grid, a strategic point where the Hydian Way met the Perlemian Trade Route.
Brentaal IV possessed a surface composed of rock and an atmosphere suitable for humans to breathe. A solitary moon was visible in its skies. The name of the planet was shared with the Brentaali species.
The pirate named Q'anah, along with her father, originated from Brentaal IV. Q'anah's father initially served House Cormond as a bodyguard before accepting a more financially rewarding position with House Elegin on the planet Asmeru.
This planet hosted the training facility for the Republic Futures Program, where Galen Erso first encountered and befriended Orson Krennic in the year 36 BBY.

Bodo Linx, a Nuxan informant, had a contact named Qensog stationed on Brentaal IV. Linx believed Qensog could assist in reuniting the scattered Rebel Alliance following the Battle of Mako-Ta, and provided Leia Organa with Qensog's contact information. The rebels subsequently met with Qensog, who revealed the locations of both Admiral Ackbar's flagship, Home One, and Hera Syndulla's cruiser, the Geist.
During the concluding stages of the Galactic Civil War, Brentaal IV served as a vital strategic asset for the New Republic. Along with other planets within the Bormea sector, it was defended by the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron.
Platt Okeefe, a renowned smuggler, freedom fighter, and entrepreneur, claimed Brentaal IV as homeworld.

The planet Brentaal IV was initially referenced within canon in the novel titled Tarkin, authored by James Luceno and published in 2014. Its initial visual depiction occurred in the comic series Star Wars (2015) 61, penned by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Andrea Broccardo, and released on February 6, 2019.
Its initial mention happened in the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically within the "Galaxywide NewsNets" section of Star Wars Adventure Journal 3, which was published in 1994.