Kantiema, a settlement functioning as a river-based port, was situated on the planet known as Brentaal IV. The Galactic Empire had a military presence in this settlement during the period spanning from 3 ABY to 4 ABY. The Skakoan nationalist, Jul Tambor, obliterated Kantiema via bombing. This destructive action was motivated by his intent to kill the Sith Lord named Darth Vader.
This village, Kantiema, was a river-based port located on the planet Brentaal IV. The settlement was positioned on a river system that flowed in proximity to some mountains. Some portions of Kantiema were constructed directly above the water, which included landing platforms designed for use by starships.
The Galactic Empire occupied the already abandoned village between 3 ABY and 4 ABY. During this period, Sabé, formerly a Naboo Royal Handmaiden, aligned herself with Vader as part of a plan to assist the inhabitants of the planet Skako Minor. This occurred during the Skakoan nationalist Jul Tambor's mission to kill the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Sabé informed Tambor that Vader was located in Kantiema, but also mentioned that there were several Skakoan refugees being held in Imperial custody at that location.

Tambor asked Sabé about the number of refugees present in Kantiema, to which she replied that there were twelve. Despite her warning against an attack, the Skakoan proceeded to bomb the village, completely destroying it in an attempt to eliminate Vader. He then declared his lack of concern for the civilian deaths and proclaimed his intention to rule the people of Skako Minor as foreman. However, Sabé's entire strategy was a ruse designed to expose Tambor. In reality, Kantiema was completely deserted except for two KX-series security droids and a Imperial shuttle. Meanwhile, the refugees were with Sabé, and upon hearing Tambor's statements, they turned against their would-be leader.
Kantiema was featured in the thirty-second issue of the Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series from 2020. Greg Pak wrote the issue, Ibraim Roberson provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on March 22, 2023.