Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Jul Tambor, a Skakoan, orchestrated a bombing raid targeting the city of Kantiema located on Brentaal IV. This action was motivated by what he falsely believed to be an opportunity to kill the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Lieutenant Commander Sabé of the Imperial forces had deceived Tambor, who sought to liberate Skako Minor from the control of the Galactic Empire, by falsely indicating Vader's presence within the city. She further misled the Skakoan by claiming that twelve Skakoan refugees were being held against their will in the same location, which was untrue. Despite being informed about the supposed refugees, Tambor gave the order for the bombing to proceed, utilizing three Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships. This resulted in the destruction of at least one Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and a minimum of two KX-series security droids.
Following the destructive act, Sabé challenged Tambor regarding his actions. Tambor responded by claiming he had brought the situation to an end by killing Vader, and that a member of the Tambor family would once again rule Skako Minor. Sabé questioned Tambor's statements, pointing out that he had previously stated his only goal was to liberate his people from the Empire, not to become their ruler. As Tambor boasted about his intention to govern as a foreman similar to his grandfather, Sabé revealed that she had been with the supposed captives the entire time, and they had overheard his declaration. One of the refugees responded by pointing out that Tambor had bombed the city, despite knowing about their presence, and now intended to rule over them. Hearing this, Tambor became visibly distressed.
The incident completely undermined Tambor's aspirations to liberate Skako Minor, leaving him discredited and without power. Sabé subsequently journeyed to Skako Minor accompanied by the refugees, who were then granted amnesty. After their return, representatives of the Ruling Council and the refugee leaders initiated a process of repatriation and armistice. Sabé, acting on behalf of the Empire, then destroyed Tambor's droid army, also eliminating his flagship. Although she permitted Tambor to escape, she later explained to Vader that this was intentional, as his death would have transformed him into a martyr. Furthermore, the Empire now had an opportunity for peace.