In the standard year of 36 BBY, several significant occurrences transpired. This period corresponds to 3241 LY on the Lothal Calendar, 17 BFE according to the Imperial calendar, and the year 7941 within the C.R.C. system.
- The initial encounter between Orson Callan Krennic and Galen Walton Erso takes place. [2]
- Réillata wins the election and begins her first tenure as the Queen ruling over Naboo. [2]
- The approximate date for Fanry's scheduled release from incarceration. [7]
- Sheev Palpatine extended an invitation to Wilhuff Tarkin, encouraging him to participate in political affairs. [2] Despite Finis Valorum's unexpected re-election as Supreme Chancellor, speculation arose shortly after, suggesting his inability to retain the position. Palpatine's name was then put forward as a potential replacement. [1]
- Around this time, Thrawn and Ziara initiated a campaign directed towards the pirates operating on Lioaoin. [2]
- The birth of Ahsoka Tano occurs on the planet Shili. [2]