Following Emperor Sheev Palpatine's declaration of the New Order in 19 BBY, a fresh dating system was implemented, using the day the Galactic Empire was created as year zero. The abbreviations BFE, signifying "Before the Formation of the Empire", and AFE, signifying "After the Formation of the Empire", were used.
- 3 BFE : First Battle on Geonosis [4]
- 2 BFE : Kamino Conflict [4]
- 1 BFE : Second Conflict of Felucia [4]
- 1 Month BFE : A Cantham House meeting . [1]
- 1 Day AFE : Arrests of Senators [1]
- 14 AFE : The creation of The Rebel Files, along with an armed uprising within the Atrivis sector . [1]
- **17 AFE: ** The formal establishment of the Rebel Alliance, [1] Atollon Conflict [4]
- 19 AFE : Scarif Conflict , [4] Yavin Conflict , [1] Vrogas Vas Conflict [4]
- 22 AFE : Hoth Conflict [1]
- 23 AFE : Endor Conflict , [1] Galitan Conflict [4]
- 53 AFE : D'Qar Conflict [4]
- 54 AFE : Exegol Conflict
The Imperial calendar was initially referenced in the 2017 reference publication Star Wars: The Rebel Files, authored by Daniel Wallace. The 2021 reference publication Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy employs this calendar to specify the dates of every battle described within.