
The Nuxan were a sentient species of humanoid beings, identifiable by their distinctly foul and decaying scent. This species was characterized by green skin covered in brown blemishes, eyes of a green hue marked with brown lines both above and below, hands featuring five digits each, and a cranial fin. A Nuxan individual named Bodo Linx functioned as an informant during the Imperial Era and possessed the ability to speak in Galactic Basic Standard.

In the vicinity of 2 ABY, Linx encountered rebel runaways Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo, in addition to the smuggler Sana Starros, inside a cantina situated on the Outer Rim world Barnahof. Upon the arrival of Imperial stormtroopers at the cantina, Starros made reference to the Nuxan's offensive odor as justification for the open area between her and Linx, where the fugitives had previously been seated. Following the departure of the stormtroopers, Linx provided the rebels with information regarding the whereabouts of his contact on Brentaal IV, a planet found within the Core Worlds.

Behind the scenes

The Nuxan species made its initial appearance in the comic book titled Star Wars (2015) 56, authored by Kieron Gillen, with illustrations by Andrea Broccardo, and distributed by Marvel Comics on November 7, 2018.

