
The keeradaks existed as creatures without sentience, originating from the planet Skako Minor.

Biology and appearance

These creatures communicated using unique distress calls. Their diet consisted of rodents and other small creatures. Each wing terminated in a three-fingered hand, located at the end of the uppermost bone.


The Poletecs, native to Skako Minor, frequently domesticated keeradaks, with some believing they were even worshipped. A band of keeradaks kidnapped Anakin Skywalker. This abduction was orchestrated by the Poletec leader, who feared the Clone Wars had reached Skako Minor. A single keeradak possessed the strength to restrain Skywalker during his captivity. Later, Clone Force 99, Captain Rex, and Skywalker, after rescuing Echo, briefly tamed another group of keeradaks to facilitate their escape from Purkoll. The Poletecs considered the act of taming a keeradak to be a remarkable achievement.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the keeradaks was in the developmental stage of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "A Distant Echo." They reappeared in "On the Wings of Keeradaks," where they were officially named keeradaks. The fully animated creatures were then featured in the final version of "A Distant Echo," which premiered on February 28, 2020 on Disney+ as a component of the show's seventh season.

