Glahst Ombra

Glahst Ombra, a Defel mercenary of female persuasion, found herself in the employ of the Son-tuul Pride criminal organization. Her mission: to recover the lost memories of the syndicate's leader, identified as 0-0-0, circa 1 ABY. During their mission on Skako Minor, Ombra and the rest of the team were almost ensnared in an Imperial trap. However, their leader, Chelli Aphra, preemptively detonated an explosive Tooka to thwart the Imperials. While investigating the workshop belonging to Wat Tambor, the group of mercenaries faced another assault by Imperial forces, this time led by Magna Tolvan. The situation escalated when a Chthonic worm god emerged and attacked, prompting Ombra to abandon her companions and flee. Unfortunately for her, Tolvan caught up with her and ultimately killed her. Tolvan then used Ombra's skin as a disguise, allowing her to escape Skako Minor alongside the remaining mercenaries.


Around the time of 1 ABY, Glahst Ombra became a member of a crew of mercenaries under the leadership of Doctor Chelli. This group consisted of various bounty hunters, all hired by the Son-tuul Pride with the purpose of retrieving their leader's memories. The team included: Rexa Go, a cyborg; Tam Posla, a former Officer of the Milvayne Authority; Caysin Bog, Posla's cyborg soulmate; Hallio Bas, a Skakoan who served as their guide; Sister Six, a Xexto assassin; Violet Prince, a skilled swordsman; and Dek-Nil, Aphra's first-generation Droideka. Before the crew could leave Son-tuul, Aphra tasked the Violet Prince with delaying the Imperial forces that were investigating the spaceport.

Stormtroopers surround Glahst Ombra and the other mercenaries.

Aphra led the crew to Skako Minor to investigate the workshop of Wat Tambor. Bas guided them to the entrance, praising Wat Tambor and the Techno Union along the way. However, upon arrival, they were met by an Imperial patrol. Bas revealed himself as a traitor, demanding his promised reward, which the Imperials denied. In response, Aphra gave him her Tooka, Flufto, instead. The Skakoan held it up in front of the Imperials, and Aphra spoke a code-phrase, causing it to explode. While Aphra retrieved another Tooka from her crate—shrink-frozen and also modified to explode upon hearing a code-phrase—Ombra lurked within the trees. When a surviving stormtrooper pushed past Posla and Bog, Ombra ambushed them as they entered the tree line and began consuming their body.

The crew entered the workshop, which was filled with various artifacts. As Aphra began searching the database for her superior's memories, a Delta-class T-3c shuttle crashed through the roof, interrupting their search. A squad of stormtroopers, led by Lieutenant-Inspector Magna Tolvan, disembarked from the shuttle and opened fire. To make matters worse, the shuttle's arrival triggered another trap: the Chthonic worm god. The beast attacked both sides, and Ombra used her cloaking ability to escape, leaving the others behind. In Ombra's absence, the beast decimated Tolvan's forces but was ultimately killed. Tolvan managed to escape and encountered Ombra, killing her immediately. She then removed Ombra's skin and wore it, along with the Defel's clothing, as a disguise to blend in with Aphra's crew and escape Skako Minor.


Magna Tolvan used Ombra's skin and clothing as a disguise.

Aphra brought her crew to the rebel flight school Lucrehulk Prime to capture their general, Hera Syndulla. While there, Tolvan used Ombra's disguise to slip away and return to Aphra while she was being held in the brig. Tolvan confronted Aphra, revealing that she had skinned Ombra, a revelation that shocked Aphra. Tolvan continued to use Ombra's disguise while hiding in the vents of Lucrehulk Prime, eventually seizing the opportunity to briefly capture the ship's control core. When Aphra later sent Posla to retrieve Tolvan, the Imperial attacked the ex-lawman and stole his attire, leaving the mercenary gagged and dressed in Ombra's cloak.

Personality and traits

Glahst Ombra was a female Defel characterized by brown hair, orange eyes, and sharp teeth. Aphra described her as having a passive-aggressive and sarcastic demeanor. Ombra frequently used her cloaking ability to escape dangerous situations, even if it meant abandoning her allies.

Skills and abilities

Glahst Ombra possessed the ability to detect even the smallest trace of blood from a distance of up to six miles. Her fur also had the property of bending light, allowing her to become nearly invisible. Ombra's sharp teeth enabled her to consume fresh bodies, as demonstrated when she devoured a stormtrooper on Skako Minor.

Behind the scenes

Glahst Ombra made her debut in the canon comic Doctor Aphra (2016) 15, which was written by Simon Spurrier and illustrated by Emilio Laiso.

