Milvayne Authority

The Milvayne Authority, also known as the Milvayne Judiciary, functioned as a law enforcement agency on the planet of Milvayne. Their most well-known officer was Tam Posla. The final case Posla handled while with them involved reports concerning kidnapping, forced labor, and surgical modifications. However, after he disregarded his limitations to deliver justice to the perpetrators, his superior officer was compelled to confiscate his badge. Around the time of 1 ABY, the disreputable archaeologist Chelli Aphra and the assassin droid 0-0-0 made their way to Milvayne. Almost immediately, 0-0-0 murdered a border officer, resulting in the rapid arrival of additional members of the Milvayne Authority to apprehend them. Although they managed to suppress the pair, 0-0-0 detonated his and Aphra's ship as a diversion to distract the cops.

After a live video feed from 0-0-0's perspective was transmitted to the citizens of Milvayne, leading to tips about the droid and Aphra, officers from the Milvayne Authority pursued the two fugitives. With the assistance of Posla, who was also pursuing the pair, the officers apprehended Aphra and 0-0-0, subjecting them to a trial near a precipice in Milvayne City. However, Aphra successfully turned the officers against Posla, sparking a conflict that enabled the fugitives to escape. The Milvayne Authority eventually cornered Aphra, 0-0-0, and two of their allies in Milvayne City's South District Seven, supported by stormtroopers. During the ensuing exchange of fire between the two groups, Aphra shielded one of her comrades from a blaster shot, inspiring the viewers of the live feed from 0-0-0's eyes to initiate a riot and overwhelm the Milvayne Authority.


The Milvayne Authority disposes of "defective" droids

The Milvayne Authority conducted patrols throughout the upper echelons of Milvayne's expansive megacity. Any civilian observed engaging in criminal activity was pursued and taken into custody by the Milvayne Authority's officers. Following their apprehension, individuals were convicted of their offenses and subsequently cast into the undercity, a location teeming with millions of other convicts. Furthermore, the Milvayne Authority discarded droids that were considered "defective," a categorization that could be based on minor imperfections such as slight rust. They employed drones to transport droids over the edge.


The Evazan investigation

At some point in time, Tam Posla, the most celebrated officer within the Milvayne Authority, initiated an investigation into reports involving kidnapping, forced servitude, and surgical alteration. These criminal acts were believed to be perpetrated by two visitors, known as "Roofoo" and "Sawkee." These individuals were, in reality, the rogue surgeon Doctor Cornelius Evazan and the Aqualish thug Ponda Baba. Evazan eventually gained the moniker of "Mutilator of Milvayne" due to the crimes he had committed. Posla was eventually removed from the case by his superior officer, but he became aware of a similar series of crimes occurring on the moon of Jedha. Determined to bring justice to the perpetrators, Posla traveled to Jedha, resulting in his superior officer confiscating his badge, effectively dismissing him for unauthorized absence and informing him that he lacked jurisdiction. However, Posla was already deeply invested in the case and transitioned into a bounty hunter to pursue the pair.

Fugitives on Milvayne

Even though he was no longer affiliated with the law enforcement agency, Posla at one point declared Chelli Aphra under arrest, invoking the authority of the Milvayne Authority around 1 ABY, shortly before his unfortunate demise. Following Posla's murder, Chelli Aphra and the assassin droid 0-0-0 journeyed to Milvayne aboard Posla's ship in search of his personal cyberneticist.

The Milvayne Authority pursues Chelli Aphra and 0-0-0.

Upon their arrival on Milvayne, the spaceports border officer requested Aphra and 0-0-0's identification and authorization. 0-0-0 coerced him through torture into opening the gate for them and then killed him. In response, additional members of the Milvayne Authority swiftly moved to intercept Aphra and 0-0-0. The pair were subsequently pinned down by Milvayne Authority officers on their speeders, prompting 0-0-0 to detonate Posla's ship as a diversion. This tactic proved effective, causing the Milvayne Authority officers to abandon their pursuit of the criminals in order to address the explosion. Subsequently, Aphra and 0-0-0 attempted to bribe a train driver for transportation to South District Seven, during which 0-0-0 threatened his life. The driver responded by holding them at blaster point and contacting the Informahub regarding 0-0-0. Consequently, several Milvayne Authority drones responded and dropped 0-0-0 into the undercity of Milvayne, with Aphra following him.

Evazan, who was monitoring a feed from 0-0-0's eye, began broadcasting it to the residents of Milvayne, encouraging them to assist the Milvayne Authority in capturing the droid and Aphra. As a result, numerous citizens, motivated by financial gain, made unsubstantiated claims to the Authority in hopes of securing a reward. Posla, who was also hunting the pair, joined a group of Milvayne Authority officers in following one of the tips to Aphra and 0-0-0, who were traveling on a bloatbarge across the undercity. The informant who had led them there, Vulaada Klam, was traveling with the two fugitives and revealed her betrayal, incapacitating them for her reward.

The fugitives escape

The Milvayne Authority and Tam Posla put Aphra and 0-0-0 on trial

With Posla's assistance, the Milvayne Authority officers, commanded by a senior member, bound Aphra and 0-0-0 together and held them at gunpoint near a precipice in Milvayne City to conduct a trial. As the "arresting officer," Posla selected the punishment for the pair, advocating for them to be shot multiple times and then thrown over the edge. Aphra challenged Posla's authority over her and 0-0-0's lives, emphasizing that he had been decommissioned. Upon confirming Aphra's claims, the officers turned against Posla, leading to a firefight that resulted in the deaths of several officers. Aphra and 0-0-0 escaped during the chaos.

Aphra and 0-0-0 eventually reached South District Seven, aided by Klam, who had redeemed herself to the fugitives, and 0-0-0's assassin droid friend BT-1. Numerous officers from the Milvayne Authority, working alongside a squad of stormtroopers, intercepted them, provoking a skirmish with the criminals and their allies. Posla joined the officers and troopers, but 0-0-0 quickly set him on fire, causing him to fire towards Klam. Aphra then shielded Klam from the blaster shot. This act inspired the viewers of the live feed from 0-0-0's eyes to revolt, initiating widespread riots against the Milvayne Authority within minutes. The officers of the authority found themselves overwhelmed.

Behind the scenes

The Milvayne Authority received its initial mention in the 2016 reference book titled Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Its first appearance occurred in the canon comic Doctor Aphra (2016) 26, penned by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Emilio Laiso, and published by Marvel Comics on November 14, 2018. According to Hidalgo's statements on Twitter, he conceived the name 'Milvayne Authority' as part of Tam Posla's backstory in the visual guide to account for the abbreviated 'MA' on Posla's helmet, which was imprinted as a homage to Posla's actor, the artist Matt Allsopp.

