Tam Posla's superior officer

A notable figure within the Milvayne Authority held the position of commanding officer over the renowned law enforcement agent Tam Posla. In the year 1 BBY, this official reassigned Posla from his investigation into a series of offenses perpetrated by the offenders known as "Roofoo" and "Sawkee." Even though he was taken off the case, Posla pursued the pair to the satellite Jedha, an area outside his authorized territory. Consequently, Posla's commanding officer was compelled to dismiss the lawman while he was away, justifying the action by pointing to Posla's unauthorized continuation of the pursuit.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Tam Posla's commanding officer appeared in the 2016 sourcebook titled Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

