
Milvayne, a planet situated within the Inner Rim Territories, was under the control of the Milvayne Authority. This entity was a severe law enforcement agency focused on justice. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Milvayne was brought under its protection, provided the Empire maintained a subtle presence. Due to its effective law enforcement, Milvayne was showcased by the Empire through propaganda as an exemplary world. After Cornelius Evazan connected them to proximity bombs, Chelli Aphra, along with 0-0-0, journeyed to Milvayne, where they were compelled to evade the authorities as outlaws. When Evazan amplified the broadcast from Triple Zero's eyes to reach Milvayne's inhabitants, the Coalition for Progress of the Empire sought to intervene, aiming to prevent the live feed from sparking rebellious thoughts. As the pursuit intensified, they were eventually compelled to open fire on Milvayne City.



Milvayne City was riddled with holographic projections showing propaganda

Located at coordinates L-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid, Milvayne was a terrestrial planet positioned at the intersection of the Inner Rim Territories and the Interior regions. Displaying a green hue from space, a significant portion of Milvayne was occupied by the sprawling and densely populated Milvayne City.

The city's higher levels featured numerous towers and passageways, along with holographic viewscreens that projected propaganda in the air. Inhabitants frequented cantinas, while wealthier individuals patronized upscale cuisine establishments. Beneath the upper levels lay Milvayne's undercity, a subterranean realm characterized by junkyards, slums, and shantytowns. Imperial bloatbarges discharged waste from the upper levels into the underworld, resulting in severe pollution and fog, necessitating the use of heatspex and breath masks by some residents.

Society and culture

Three individuals are tried by the Milvayne Authority

The Galactic Empire supported the Milvayne Authority, a law enforcement agency that maintained order on Milvayne. The planet's culture was deeply rooted in justice, with frequent propaganda encouraging Milvaynians to report those who tarnished Milvayne's perfect image, including lawbreakers, to the Informahub in exchange for credits. Besides criminals, undesirable individuals included bankrupt debtors, those with flawed records or accident histories, and defective droids, even with minor imperfections.

Reported individuals were apprehended by the Milvayne Authority and judged on a ledge, after which they were cast into the undercity, with droids being dropped by Milvayne Authority drones. Consequently, the underworld became a lawless area filled with homeless people who had fallen into disarray and transformed into a slum, consuming scavstew or resorting to cannibalism.


Accepting Imperial rule

During the time when the Galactic Empire was in power, Milvayne accepted the Empire's authority and protection, stipulating that the Empire maintain a low profile. This agreement entrusted the Milvayne Authority with preserving order and upholding the Empire's reputation to prevent intervention. Milvayne eventually became a model planet under the Empire, inspiring sixty-three other star systems to submit to Imperial rule. On seven hundred Imperial-occupied worlds, the Coalition for Progress, the Empire's propaganda division led by Minister Pitina Mar-Mas Voor, hailed Milvayne as "a model imperial planet."

At one point, Tam Posla, an officer of the Milvayne Authority, investigated two visiting spacers using the suspected aliases "Roofoo" and "Sawkee," who were linked to a series of crimes on Milvayne. Doctor Cornelius Evazan, using the alias "Roofoo," later gained notoriety as the "Mutilator of Milvayne." However, Posla's superior officer removed him from the case, and after Posla tracked the pair to Jedha, they stole his badge.

Evazan's entertainment

Fugitives on the run

Later, Chelli Aphra handed over a frozen Evazan to Posla, who intended to bring the doctor to Milvayne for trial. Upon being thawed, Evazan used a pluripleq to impersonate a shapeshifter. Posla attempted to arrest Aphra under the Milvayne Authority's jurisdiction but was murdered by the assassin droid 0-0-0. Evazan subsequently captured Aphra and Triple-Zero, taking them aboard Posla's ship and implanting proximity bombs within them, compelling them to work together to survive.

Aphra and 0-0-0 arrive on Milvayne

Aphra and Triple-Zero discovered Rajam Nuss, Posla's personal cyberneticist, and traveled to Milvayne to find him. Upon arrival, Triple-Zero murdered the border officer to exit the spaceport. The Milvayne Authority learned of this and intercepted them, eventually cornering them behind a vehicle. Triple-Zero detonated Posla's ship as a diversion, allowing them to escape.

An hour later, Aphra searched the HoloNet for Nuss, and they visited him in his lab. He attempted to remove the bombs but triggered their fail-safes, setting them to explode in ten hours. Nuss concealed this, but Aphra uncovered the truth and returned to find that Triple-Zero had killed Nuss. With Nuss's death preventing the removal of the bombs, Aphra sought out the cyberneticist's mentor, Prexo, who resided in South District Seven on the other side of the city. When Aphra attempted to take a train there, Triple-Zero threatened the driver and was reported to Informahub, whose drones dropped him into the undercity.

To stay near the droid, Aphra followed him, encountering a scavenger named Vulaada Klam and her qaberworm Gurtyl. Klam agreed to transport them across the city on Gurtyl, but they were located by Tam Posla, whose corpse had been revived by Force energy from mutated gundravian hookspores. Posla shot at Gurtyl, dislodging Aphra and Triple-Zero. He then instructed a rebuilt BT-1 to destroy them. As BT-1 and Posla attacked the pair, the hunters Winloss and Nokk, hired to capture Triple-Zero and kill Aphra, arrived. Nokk impaled Posla with his Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoon, and Winloss deployed an ion-net at BT-1. Aphra and 0-0-0 escaped during the chaos.

Imperial intervention

Fearing Triple-Zero's potential survival and pursuit, Evazan amplified the broadcast signal from the droid's eyes, addressing Milvayne's citizens about the fugitives. After the reward for their capture was announced, numerous citizens made false claims to the Milvayne Authority. Posla, among them, led members of his former occupation to Aphra's location aboard a bloatbarge. Klam incapacitated Aphra and Triple-Zero to claim the reward.

Milvayne is fired on by the Coalition for Progress

By this time, the live feed from Triple-Zero's eyes had reached billions of viewers. Captain Okma aboard the Enduring Pride, the propaganda flagship of the Empire's Coalition for Progress (CFP) four-hundred kilometers above Milvayne, discussed the situation with Minister Pitina Voor, who sought a swift resolution to prevent rebellious ideas among Milvayne's residents. Her intentions were delayed by news of Aphra and Triple-Zero's capture.

Aphra and Triple-Zero were put on trial under Posla and the Milvayne Authority but escaped after turning the officers against Posla. They stopped at a fuelstop to repair Triple-Zero's legs, where Winloss and Nokk caught up with them. Nokk pursued them on a jetpack, while Winloss lured Triple-Zero onto his speeder using a disabled BT-1, forcing Aphra to follow him into the trap. As they caged the pair on their ship, viewers of the live feed grew angered, and incidents of civilian disrespect increased. On the Enduring Pride, Okma was ordered to address the aggression, firing the ship's railgun at the city, specifically targeting Aphra and Triple-Zero. Winloss and Nokk's ship was damaged by the explosion, and the pair ejected, leaving their captives trapped in the falling vehicle.

Civilian riots

Aphra and Triple-Zero crashed into the underworld, where Captain Okma met them, blocking the live feed and offering Aphra a compromise to convince the civilians she was on the Empire's side. However, Aphra activated a seismic pulse, knocking her and Okma away. Triple-Zero then tortured and killed him and his stormtroopers. With the live feed unblocked, Aphra and Triple-Zero conversed before being confronted by Winloss and Nokk, who revealed they were abandoning their hunt.

Aphra's apparent sacrifice inspired the Milvaynians to riot.

After reuniting with Vulaada Klam, who felt remorse for betraying them, Aphra and Triple-Zero traveled to Professor Prexo's residence, finding him absent. They were then confronted by stormtroopers and the Milvayne Authority, leading to a firefight. Posla assisted the Imperial side but was set on fire by Triple-Zero and shot at Klam. At that moment, Aphra threw herself in front of the shot, sustaining an injury. This inspired viewers of Triple-Zero's live feed to riot and fight the Milvayne Authority. Prexo, who had collaborated with Winloss and Nokk in boarding Evazan's starship and deactivating Aphra and Triple-Zero's proximity bombs, stopped the live feed.

Following the riots, Minister Voor concluded that several years of martial law and orbital bombardment would resolve the public relations disaster on Milvayne.


Milvayne was inhabited by a diverse population of humans and aliens, including Abednedos, Ishi Tib, and Rodians, numbering in the billions. The undercity alone housed millions, many forced to live as scavengers.


Milvayne City comprised various districts, including the Wealthy District, home to the Convors Perch Restaurant. South District Seven housed a cybersurgery where Prexo resided. Other locations in the upper city included at least one spaceport, a fuelstop, and a processing center. In the undercity, the Mourner's Wail Syndicate maintained a safe house.

Behind the scenes

Milvayne was initially mentioned in the canon reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, penned by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2016. Its first appearance was in the comic Doctor Aphra (2016) 26, authored by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Emilio Laiso, and released by Marvel Comics on November 14, 2018. Within Star Wars Legends, Milvayne was initially referenced in the short story "Differences of Opinion," featured in The Last Command Sourcebook, which was released in March 1994.

