Milvayne processing center

A processing center existed within Milvayne City, which was situated on the planet of Milvayne. Individuals newly arriving on Milvayne were housed at this processing center; examples include the war refugee named Vulaada Klam, along with her parents. Complications arose because Klam's father had a prior incident involving a speeder crash, while her mother possessed papers with an incorrectly placed stamp. After the family residing in the adjacent tent, who expressed dissatisfaction with the odor emanating from Klam's pet qaberworm called Gurtyl, reported these issues to the Milvayne Authority, the law enforcement agency on Milvayne, Klam and her parents were subsequently cast into the underworld of Milvayne. Around 1 ABY, Klam made a fleeting reference to her time spent at the processing center when speaking with the renegade archaeologist Chelli Aphra.

Behind the scenes

This Milvayne processing center is referenced within the pages of Doctor Aphra (2016) 27, a comic released by Marvel Comics on December 12, 2018, and penned by Si Spurrier.

