Seismic pulse

Oknomore-Aphra30 Captain Okma and his soldiers are hit by a seismic pulse. An explosive charge, known as a seismic pulse, could paralyze and throw back those near its detonation. In 3 ABY, Chelli Aphra, a Doctor, incorporated a seismic pulse into the computational core of the assassin droid 0-0-0. Her intention was to utilize it after the implanted proximity bombs that she and the droid possessed were deactivated. She later found herself briefly in the charge of Captain Okma, who was part of the Galactic Empire's Coalition for Progress propaganda division, and his accompanying stormtroopers. The detonation of the pulse rendered Aphra unconscious for a period of three hours, and she experienced temporary leg paralysis upon awakening.

Production Notes

The comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (from 2016) featured a seismic pulse in its thirtieth issue. Si Spurrier was the writer, Emilio Laiso provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on March 27, 2019.

