The HoloNet, which is sometimes written as Holonet, served as a widespread communication network used by citizens of the Galactic Republic and its successor, the Galactic Empire. During the reigns of both of these governing bodies, the HoloNet News was aired on the HoloNet. After the Battle of Endor concluded, the New Republic, which was the succeeding government formed by the Rebel Alliance, gained control of the HoloNet and started to relax the Imperial restrictions and censorship that had been in place.
A holocaster was the device used to view HoloNet programming. The Holonet also provided a means for accessing information. C-3PO utilized the Holonet to discover that the moon Kef Bir was once completely underwater and to find current details regarding the devastating Battle of Endor.
During the time of the High Republic Era, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, an organization whose purpose was the study of the vast array of new species in the galaxy, created a variety of educational programs for the HoloNet and also published a monthly newsletter. Co-Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo released the Holos from Mollo segment via the HoloNet as he journeyed through the galaxy. Axel Greylark, the son of fellow Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark, was a frequent topic of gossip on the Holonet. The Mother of the Path of the Open Hand told her followers that they should not trust the HoloNet, claiming that the Jedi Order controlled the media, and the Path believed the Jedi were harming the Force.
During the period of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic used the HoloNet as a medium to disseminate news and information to the general population. However, it displayed a distinct bias that eroded trust in the organization. It served as a vehicle for the distribution of propaganda, exemplified by the broadcasting of edited footage of the mission to Cato Neimoidia. It was during this broadcast that the HoloNet gave Jedi General Anakin Skywalker the title of "Hero With No Fear." The Confederacy of Independent Systems infiltrated the HoloNet to spread Shadowfeed holofeeds. While acting as Count Dooku's Sith apprentice, the Jedi Master Quinlan Vos acquired the moniker "Admiral Enigma" on the Republic's HoloNet.
During the reign of the Empire, the Galactic Empire utilized the HoloNet to transmit both news and Imperial propaganda. In 14 BBY, following the repeated attacks by a rebel cell led by former Imperial Berch Teller on shipments bound for the construction site of the Death Star, [Wilhuff Tarkin](/article/wilhuff_tarkin], who had recently been promoted to Grand Moff, restricted the HoloNet's usage to the Empire alone. Some speculated that this decision, along with other initiatives implemented by the governor, indicated an impending Imperial takeover of the Outer Rim.
Several Imperial worlds, such as Gorse, featured local versions of Imperial HoloNet channels, including Imperial HoloNews. The HoloNet also served as a source of conspiracy theories for individuals like Skelly. Hetto, a rebel sympathizer, also maintained contact with rebel operatives, such as Hera Syndulla, through the HoloNet. Imperial newscasters, such as Alton Kastle on the planet Lothal, employed HoloNet News to skew facts and events to favor the Empire.
By the later part of 5 BBY, Imperial law mandated that the Imperial HoloNet broadcast be continuously played in public establishments, such as Old Jho's Pit Stop. Rebel operatives, such as Gall Trayvis, circumvented this regulation by hijacking Imperial transmissions with pro-rebel propaganda. Travyis was later revealed to be an Imperial agent.
In 4 BBY, a consistent stream of unfavorable Imperial propaganda on the HoloNet prompted the Spectres rebel cell on Lothal to seize control of the Imperial Communications Center at Jalath. Despite the capture of Kanan Jarrus, one of their members, his Jedi apprentice Ezra Bridger succeeded in delivering a pro-rebel broadcast before the tower was destroyed by Grand Moff Tarkin. Following the demise of Maketh Tua, Imperial HoloNews asserted that the Spectres had assassinated the Imperial minister.
After the [Battle of Endor](/article/battle_of_endor], the New Republic, the successor government to the Rebel Alliance, eliminated the Imperial restrictions and censorship that had been imposed on the HoloNet. To garner support from the galactic public, they also promoted the creation of several HoloNet channels, including the Queen of the Core Network. By 5 ABY, the New Republic had assumed control of the HoloNet. The Liberation Day attacks were broadcast live on the HoloNet, which had a demoralizing impact on the public and deterred numerous worlds from joining the New Republic. In 9 ABY, the sporting event known as Hunters of the Outer Rim, which took place on the planet Vespaara, was broadcast via the HoloNet. During the First Order-Resistance War, the Society's monthly newsletter was close to 5,000 issues.