
Hetto was an employee of Myder's Mynocks, which itself was a division within Transcept Media Solutions, a surveillance firm with its base of operations on Gorse. Among Hetto's colleagues, Zaluna Myder, a Sullustan, was one of his closest confidantes. Secretly, Hetto acted as a contact for the rebel agent Hera Syndulla, providing her with intelligence concerning an impending visit to the Gorse system by Count Denetrius Vidian. His affiliations with the rebellion ultimately led to his apprehension by Imperial forces during Vidian's crackdown.


Myder's Mynocks

For two decades, Hetto was employed by Transcept Media Solutions, a surveillance entity headquartered on Gorse. This company provided services to both the Galactic Republic and its subsequent iteration, the Galactic Empire. During the Age of the Empire, Hetto found himself under the direct supervision of Zaluna Myder, whose team bore the name Myder's Mynocks. Under the Empire's rule, the Mynocks were tasked with monitoring all surveillance feeds within the Gorse system and reporting any breaches of "public order" to the Imperial authorities. Growing increasingly disillusioned with the Empire's oppressive tactics, Hetto reached out to Hera Syndulla, a rebel operative, via HoloNet. He shared classified details about Imperial operations on Gorse and concerning a mining consultant named Lemuel Tharsa, who would later become the renowned Imperial efficiency expert, Count Denetrius Vidian.

The Cynda Bomber

Hetto was on duty when a security camera, located on Gorse's moon Cynda, detected what appeared to be a threat against the Empire. He brought this to the attention of Myder, his supervisor, who inquired about who might have overheard the information. Hetto explained that a dark-haired transport driver had overheard and reported the threat to the Galactic Empire. Zaluna, after searching Transcept's records, identified the culprit as Skelly, a disgruntled demolitions expert with past service in the Clone Wars and subsequent dismissal from various local mining enterprises. When Hetto mentioned he hadn't accessed the file previously, Zaluna reminded him that he had accessed the fire eight days ago.

Following the incident on Cynda, Hetto received a message via the official HoloNet channel. It was a hologram communication from Count Vidian himself, informing Zaluna of his impending inspection of all mining operations on Cynda and processing facilities on Gorse. Vidian further declared that both Cynda and Gorse were now under Security Condition One. The new security protocols implemented by Vidian significantly increased the workload, leading Hetto to sarcastically suggest that Vidian needed a "red stamp" on his file, implying mental instability. Zaluna swiftly corrected him, reminding him to adhere to his orders. After the hologram communication with Vidian concluded, Hetto attempted to point out that Skelly already had a red stamp on his file. However, Zaluna dismissed this, stating that the Empire did not care and reiterated that Master Skelly's words would earn him a visit from stormtroopers.

The last shift

The supposed threat posed by Skelly coincided with Count Vidian's inspection of the Gorse system, undertaken to accelerate thorilide production. Vidian's new security measures, which included the arbitrary arrest of known dissidents and troublemakers, led to a significant increase in the workload for Skelly and his fellow Mynocks. The crackdown also involved the deployment of several Imperial officers and stormtroopers onto the Mynocks' work floor. Hetto, visibly anxious due to his clandestine dealings with Hera, made a conscious effort to avoid eye contact with the Imperials, focusing intently on his work. Upon learning that Skelly had been apprehended by Moonglow Polychemical, a refinery company, Hetto seized the opportunity to confide in Zaluna about his secret.

Feigning a conversation about gardening, Hetto gestured for her to approach a pot containing yellow stasias. While Zaluna pretended to adjust a saucer beneath the plant, Hetto disclosed his activities on HoloNet and his planned rendezvous with Hera. He also revealed the presence of a datacube with an attached note concealed within the pot. Before Hetto could fully divulge the extent of his involvement with Hera, he was apprehended by an Imperial lieutenant and several stormtroopers, who accused him of making seditious remarks to disturb order and betraying the trust of the Galactic Empire. Hetto protested that he worked for Transcept, not the Empire, but the lieutenant countered that Transcept served the Empire and would not tolerate traitors within its ranks.

The lieutenant then informed Zaluna that, in light of Hetto's arrest, the Empire would be closely monitoring all activities on Myder's work floor. Before being escorted away, Hetto took the opportunity to warn his fellow Mynocks that they were under Imperial surveillance. He then defiantly challenged the lieutenant to review the records, asserting that he and his colleagues had no involvement in Skelly's mining collapse on Cynda. The lieutenant retorted that the Empire possessed a record of all his past statements against the Empire. When Zaluna expressed her ignorance of these activities, Hetto cautioned her that the Empire was monitoring all comments and remarks made by Imperial citizens.


Despite Skelly's arrest, his supervisor and friend Zaluna successfully delivered the datacube to the rebel Hera at a local cantina called The Asteroid Field. The datacube contained Transcept files and information about Lemuel Tharsa, who was actually Count Vidian. After being trapped inside a hoverbus, Zaluna joined Hera and an informal band of rebels that included Skelly and Kanan. Utilizing Hetto's information, they unmasked Count Vidian's true identity and intentions, thwarting his scheme to destroy the moon Cynda in an attempt to discredit his rival Baron Lero Danthe. Hetto's arrest underscored the escalating repression and totalitarian nature of the Galactic Empire.

Personality and traits

Hetto was a surveillance professional with two decades of service at Transcept Media Solutions. He openly criticized the Galactic Empire's widespread surveillance of Imperial citizens and transients within the Gorse system. Hetto's opposition to the Empire motivated him to establish contact with Hera Syndulla, a rebel operative, and to download confidential files pertaining to Transcept and Lemuel Tharsa. Hetto disagreed with Transcept's decision to inform the Imperial authorities about the remarks made by Skelly, a dissident miner. Hetto's dissent and secret correspondence with Hera ultimately led to his arrest by the Empire.

Behind the scenes

Hetto made his debut as a supporting character in John Jackson Miller's 2014 novel, A New Dawn. The majority of his dialogue is conveyed through the perspective of another supporting character, Zaluna Myder.

