Berch Teller, a male human who held the rank of captain, served in Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars, operating from the moon of Antar 4. His duties included the training of Gotal and Koorivar loyalist insurgents who resisted the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Post-Clone Wars, the newly established Galactic Empire initiated a brutal crackdown on Antar 4, resulting in the deaths of many loyalist fighters he had trained. Disenchanted with the New Order, Teller, along with some Antar 4 survivors and Republic personnel, established a rebel cell to oppose the Empire. A particular target of Teller's animosity was Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, whom he held responsible for the "Antar Atrocity." With assistance from the self-serving Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, Teller accumulated several warships and a substantial number of droid starfighters. In 14 BBY, Teller and his group commandeered Tarkin's corvette, the Carrion Spike, and launched a short-lived insurgency against the Empire, employing hit-and-run tactics to strike at Imperial installations throughout the galaxy. These attacks were disseminated via the HoloNet, echoing the Separatist Shadowfeed holovids from the Clone Wars. Teller's insurgency was brought to an end when Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader uncovered Rancit's collaboration with Teller. After diverting Imperial warships from supply convoys destined for the Death Star project, Teller and his forces ambushed an Imperial convoy in the vicinity of the Gulf of Tatooine. Despite their preparations, Tarkin intervened to defend the convoy and defeat Teller's forces. Teller escaped into hyperspace and subsequently attempted to assassinate the newly-promoted Grand Moff Tarkin on his home planet of Eriadu. However, Teller fell into a pit, and Tarkin, aware of Teller's pursuit, left him there, believing his chances of survival were slim. ## Biography ### The Antar Atrocity During the Clone Wars, Berch Teller's role within the Galactic Republic was that of a Republic Intelligence station chief, holding the rank of captain. He was among the officers who conducted debriefings with Captain Wilhuff Tarkin following his escape from the Citadel, which yielded the coordinates to the Nexus Route. Under the supervision of Dodd Rancit and in conjunction with Knotts, a subcontractor from Lantillies, he collaborated with loyalist individuals on worlds that had either joined or were under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, providing them with training to become resistance fighters for the Republic. In the final year of the conflict, he was stationed on the Gotal moon of Antar 4, where he organized the Gotal and Koorivar partisans into well-equipped resistance units. As the war concluded, he anticipated that the Galactic Empire would refrain from punishing them due to their service to the Republic during the conflict, and he appealed to his superiors within the Imperial Intelligence community to furnish documentation and transport for their evacuation. However, COMPNOR declined to cooperate, allowing forces under the command of now-Moff Tarkin to kill numerous fighters on Antar 4, along with former Separatists, an event that became known as the Antar Atrocity. This incident incensed Teller, and shortly after being assigned to Desolation Station, which was dedicated to research for the highly classified Death Star project, he deserted the Empire. ### Forming a rebel cell Following his desertion, he established his own resistance cell to combat the Empire, with the intention of inspiring the formation of other rebel groups across the galaxy. Teller's rebel cell comprised individuals from various species, including humans, Gotals, Koorivar, and at least one Mon Calamari. Among his followers were the Gotal Salikk, the Mon Calamari Dr. Artoz, the Koorivar ops specialist Cala, the human journalist Anora Fair, and the Zygerrian Hask Taff. Teller's rebel cell received assistance from Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, the Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency and a rival of Moff Tarkin. Leveraging his position as Director of Naval Intelligence, Rancit diverted funds from the agency's black budget to provide Teller's cell with prohibited armaments, confiscated Separatist war materiel, and communications jammers. Recognizing that Teller and Knotts were former Republic Intelligence operatives, he also facilitated their access to Imperial depots and armories. Teller was also supported by several disgruntled technicians and scientists, including Dr. Artoz. Teller concealed the identity of his contact, Rancit, from his most trusted followers, including Anora, Artoz, Cala, and Hask. With the aid of the Tenloss and Crymorah Syndicates, Teller also assembled a small fleet, which included a heavily modified Providence-class Dreadnought serving as his flagship, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, several Z-95 Headhunters and Tikiar starfighters, and a significant number of vulture droids and droid tri-fighters. ### Campaign against Tarkin #### Raid on Sentinel Base In 14 BBY, Teller and his followers initiated a campaign targeting Moff Tarkin in retaliation for his involvement in the Antar Atrocity. By this time, Tarkin was a prominent figure in the Imperial hierarchy, privy to Emperor Palpatine's top-secret Death Star project. Teller's forces attempted to attack Tarkin's headquarters on Sentinel Base by fabricating a false holo-transmission claiming that the nearby Rampart Station was under attack. Teller then launched an assault on Sentinel Base with his Providence-class Dreadnought and several Vulture droids and droid tri-fighters. However, Tarkin anticipated the deception and ambushed the intruders with his Venator-class Star Destroyer Electrum. While Teller's warship managed to retreat, the Empire succeeded in capturing several of Teller's droid starfighters. #### Stealing the Carrion Spike When Tarkin and Darth Vader traveled to Murkhana on a mission to investigate a communications cache, Teller and his followers seized Tarkin's vessel, the Carrion Spike. Teller intended to use the Carrion Spike, a symbol of Tarkin's authority, against the Imperial Moff. Their strategy involved raiding Imperial targets across the galaxy and broadcasting holovids of their raids on the HoloNet, emulating the Separatist Shadowfeed propaganda broadcasts during the Clone Wars. In collusion with Teller, Vice-Admiral Rancit had planted and disseminated information about the Murkhana communications cache to Imperial authorities to lure Tarkin and Vader there. As the Carrion Spike depended on specialized fuel cells, Knotts arranged for the Crymorah Syndicate to provide the technology to their local affiliate Faazah, a Sugi crime lord. After diverting most of the Carrion Spike's stormtrooper sentries with a fabricated transmission, Teller and his fellow insurgents stormed the Carrion Spike, killing the ship's captain and comms officer, along with two stormtroopers, before taking off. As they departed Murkhana, Teller convened with his followers in the Carrion Spike's cockpit to discuss their Imperial adversaries and their stolen vessel. Before they could exit the edge of the Murkhana system, Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader intercepted them in Faazah's requisitioned starship, the Parsec Predator. Under Teller's command, the Carrion Spike jumped to the Fial system. However, Lord Vader managed to track down the rebels using his meditation chamber and a Paralight system concealed within the ship's hyperdrive. Upon detecting the Parsec Predator, Teller suspected the presence of a tracking device aboard the Carrion Spike. Hask suggested that the tracking device was either located on the hull or concealed in a landing strut. Unable to conduct a full EVA search, Teller instructed his followers to brace themselves before ordering Salikk to execute a hyperspace jump. The insurgents reappeared in the Fial system only to find the Parsec Predator in pursuit. Realizing that Vader could still track them, Teller instructed Salikk to jump to Galidraan. #### Waging an insurgency Utilizing the Carrion Spike's stealth technology and weapons systems, Teller and his followers attacked the Imperial Galidraan Station in the Galidraan system, inflicting substantial damage to the station's outer ring. Due to the Carrion Spike's cloaking device, the station's particle-beam weapons emplacements were unable to target the stealth ship. Galidraan Station then dispatched several ARC-170 and V-wing starfighters, which attempted to force the enemy ship to reveal its location by flying directly at the source of the energy bolts targeting the station. This desperate tactic resulted in the loss of numerous Imperial pilots. Using the meditation sphere, Darth Vader and Tarkin were able to track down the Carrion Spike. Although they managed to close in on the stolen corvette using Vader's Force powers, Teller disabled the Imperials' ship, the Parsec Predator, with the Carrion Spike's pintle guns. Despite disabling their pursuers' ship, the Carrion Spike sustained significant damage to its systems during the skirmish, including the short-circuiting of its escape pods' airlock controls, a cargo hold fire, and damage to the hyperdrive generator. With Galidraan Station launching another squadron of starfighters, Teller tasked Salikk with preparing them for sublight travel while he headed down to the first cargo hold. There, he met Artoz, who speculated that Darth Vader was using his black mediation sphere to track them down. After learning from Cala that the hyperdrive generator was ready to go, Teller told Salikk to navigate their jump point and to destroy Galidraan's hyperspace buoy on their way out to cover their trail. Working with Artoz, Teller managed to jettison the Darth Vader's meditation sphere. Before departing the Galidraan system, the Imperials destroyed the hyperspace buoy, preventing Tarkin and Vader from tracking them down. Following the attack on Galidraan, Teller and his followers raided the TaggeCo mining facilities on Lucazec. The insurgents used an altered transponder signal and the Carrion Spike's stealth systems to sneak up on mining facility. During the raid, Teller and his insurgent inflicted substantial damage on the city-sized orbital processing plant and downed several V-wing starfighters and ore haulers. The insurgents also broadcast holovids of their raid on the HoloNet, attracting the attention of the Emperor, the Imperial Ruling Council, Moff Tarkin, and Lord Vader. #### Ordeal at Phindar With the Carrion Spike running low on fuel, the insurgents then traveled to a remote system with a lifeless volcanic world. Having been warned by Vice-Admiral Rancit to avoid Gromas in the Perkell sector, Teller and his followers decided to travel to the planet Phindar in the Mandalore sector to refuel their stolen ship; which had special fuel requirements. For the refueling trip, Teller posed as the Imperial Commander Abel LaSal and dressed in an Imperial officer's uniform. Using his disguise and a stolen Imperial code cylinder, Teller managed to convince the staff of the Phindar tanker facility to refuel the Carrion Spike. However, the Phindian Administrator became suspicious of his customers and alerted Moff Tarkin and Lord Vader. One of Tarkin's specialists aboard the Imperial escort carrier Goliath realized that the real Commander Abel LaSal was stationed aboard the Star Destroyer Sovereign above Fondor. Meanwhile, Teller suspected something was afoot due to the smooth nature of the refueling operation and ordered Anora to retract the transfer tube. Before they could leave the Phindar system, Tarkin arrived in his escort carrier Goliath accompanied by the V-wing Yellow Squadron and Darth Vader's interceptor. Since they had a quarter of an hour before they could jump into hyperspace, Teller ordered to fly rings around the Phindar tanker in order to make it hard for their Imperial pursuers to target their hyperdrive generator. During the dogfight, the Carrion Spike managed to take out two of Tarkin's V-wings. The remaining Imperial fighters fired upon the Carrion Spike but were unable to penetrate the ship's powerful shield generators. As the dogfight escalated, the Phindar tanker deployed several ARC-170 starfighters to protect the tanker. With the hyperdrive ready, the Carrion Spike hurtled away from the tanker and charged at the Goliath, firing all its guns and taking out two more V-wings. After activating its cloaking device, the Carrion Spike jumped into hyperspace. Before leaving, Teller and his insurgents also used a concealed explosive within a spent fuel cell to ignite the Phindar tanker. The resulting explosion destroyed the tanker, its ARC-170 starfighters and singed the tails of Tarkin's V-wings. #### Why we fight Teller and his crew brought the Carrion Spike to the Expansion Region sector designated as LCC-4-4-7, which lay between the planets Aquaris and Thustra. The dogfight in the Phindar system caused significant damage to the Carrion Spike's hull and interior systems. Teller and his comrades gathered in the command cabin to nurse their wounds and fiddle with the starship instruments. Three hours after the Phindar ordeal, Anora managed to upload a holovid of the dogfight on HoloNet. However, the Empire had suspended HoloNet service in most of their sector. Though Anora doubted that their transmission reached more than six star systems, Teller reassured her that they needed to reach one system for their holovid to spread to other sectors. After discussing the events of the Phindar ordeal, Teller recounted Tarkin's service with the Outland Regions Security Force to his followers. Teller explained how Tarkin had used the Outland Regions Security Force to purge the Seswenna sector of pirates and those harboring them. He attributed Tarkin's ruthless streak to the Eriaduan culture and history of repelling pirates, slavers, and privateers for centuries. However, Teller added that Tarkin went beyond the norms of Eriadu's ruthless culture by waging a ruthless campaign against migrants and refugees. He credited Tarkin's ruthless leadership with transforming Eriadu into a powerful planet that won him the favor of the Emperor and his New Order, who shared his ruthlessness. Teller then reminded his followers Cala, Artoz, Salikk, and Hask of Tarkin's ruthless actions following the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge. He added that the Emperor, his followers Vader and Tarkin, and soldiers were in the process of "winnowing" the populations of the galaxy until the only ones left were those he could control. Teller then reiterated that they had hijacked the Carrion Spike in order to turn a symbol of Tarkin into a symbol of resistance against the Empire. Hask observed that their group was also killing civilians serving the Empire, just as Tarkin had done with regard to civilians aiding the pirates in the Seswenna sector. When Teller began an attempt to justify their killings as opposed to the Empire's, Anora remarked somewhat sardonically that the difference was that they were "the good guys." #### Covering their trail While checking the Carrion Spike's hyperdrive and fuel capacity, the Koorivar Cala found a paralight tracker, a type of HoloNet transceiver that parsed commands from the ship's navigation computer. Realizing that the Empire was tracking them, Teller instructed his crew to send the Empire fake coordinates to the Obroa-skai system. Teller also arranged for Knotts to send the YT-1000 light freighter Reticent as a decoy to the Carrion Spike's coordinates. Acting on this disinformation, Moff Tarkin and Lord Vader assembled several Imperial ships including three interdictor vessels to intercept the stolen corvette. However, the Immobilizer 418 cruiser's gravity well projector malfunctioned, yanking out several starships from hyperspace including the MC80 Star Cruiser Stellar Vista and the Reticent. This caused a massive hyperspace accident in the Obroa-skai system that damaged many civilian and Imperial ships and killed 1,100 passengers aboard the Stellar Vista. Despite this setback, Tarkin and Vader managed to interrogate the crew of the Reticent and learned that Knotts was connected to both the Obroa-ski incident and the theft of the Carrion Spike. Tarkin also compared the insurgents' holovids with Imperial files on HoloNet and discovered that Teller and his followers were seeking revenge against him for his role in the Antar Atrocity. Following the Obroa-skai incident, Teller gave Cala the privilege of destroying the paralight tracker. Though Teler and his crew were dismayed that the Imperials had captured and questioned the crew of the Truant, Teller was relieved when Vice-Admiral Rancit gave the corvette's crew were given a new target to attack: an Imperial facility in the Nouane system. In private, Anora questioned Teller about their campaign and whether he trusted their mysterious contact. Teller kept the identity of Rancit hidden from his followers. When Anora asked Teller if he had any compassion for their "stand-ins" at Obroa-skai, Teller claimed that they knew the risks. Anora then confided that she did not intend to become a revolutionary. Teller countered that she was already fighting the "good fight" with words before he had met her. After admitting that she was motivated by fame and fortune, Anora commented that she had underestimated COMPNOR and the Emperor's reach, power, and barbarity. Teller reassured Anora that she was not alone in underestimating the Emperor. When Anora expressed regret for dragging her friend Hask into trouble, Teller responded that they could always ask if she wanted to be dropped off but added that Hask would probably say no. Teller also reassured Anora that they were winning. #### Rancit's double-cross Since the Empire had deployed warships to protect the Imperial facility in the Nouane system, Teller had the Carrion Spike exit hyperspace deeper inside the system to avoid the capital ships. Despite Teller's planning, the Empire had fortified the Nouane facility. Encountering a withering hail of laserfire, Teller and his followers were forced to retreat aboard the Carrion Spike. Unknown to Teller, his informant Vice-Admiral Rancit had attempted to betray and destroy Teller and his followers in an attempt to cover up his collusion with the insurgents. Rancit had hoped to exploit the crisis in order to improve his standing in the Imperial hierarchy. Despite their narrow escape, the Carrion Spike sustained significant damage to its navicomputer, shields, stealth systems, sublight drives, and communications systems. The corvette's armament was down to two forward laser cannons and one starboard battery. Cala estimated that the hyperdrive motivator was only capable of two more jumps. While Teller initially believed that Rancit was trying to "make it look real", Anora pointed out that Rancit had betrayed them. Since Rancit had instructed Teller and his insurgents to attack the Imperial Academy on Carida, Teller realized that the Vice-Admiral was planning to lure them into another trap for good. As the Carrion Spike's autopilot was still operational, Teller and his followers evacuated the ship and sent the corvette on autopilot to Carida. Above Carida, Vice-Admiral Rancit waited aboard the Secutor-class Star Destroyer Conquest to intercept and destroy the insurgents, covering his tracks. However, Lord Vader and Moff Tarkin had discovered Rancit's treachery. Darth Vader boarded the Conquest and stopped the Vice-Admiral from ordering the destruction of the Carrion Spike. After confronting Rancit for his opportunism, the Sith Lord forced Rancit to board an escape pod and issue the order to destroy his craft. #### Ambush in the Gulf of Tatooine Berch Teller and his followers rejoined their comrades including Knotts aboard his modified Providence-class carrier near a cratered moon in the Gulf of Tatooine. Artoz had received intelligence that an Imperial convoy of ships carrying supplies for the top-secret Death Star project would exit hyperspace in that system while traveling to the Imperial marshaling station at Pii. Unaware of Rancit's death, Teller believed that the Empire had not yet uncovered Rancit's treachery and that the Empire thought they had abandoned their cause. When Knotts warned that Rancit would be hunting them down for betraying him, Teller speculated that Rancit withdrawing ships from protecting the convoy would threaten his position in Naval Intelligence. Teller also believed that Tarkin would not be held accountable for the insurgents' attacks and would keep his command of Sentinel Base. When Knotts warned that Tarkin would come after them, Teller suggested fleeing to the Corporate Sector. While the insurgents were unaware of the Death Star project, Artoz believed that raiding the convoy would set the Empire back by four years. Though Teller hope that their strikes against the Empire would eventually inspire rebellion, Artoz believed that the Empire still had an overwhelming advantage due to its mighty war machine. Despite the odds stacked against them, Teller urged his followers to hold out for hope and do what they could. As the insurgent pilots headed to their starfighters, Cala informed Teller and his comrades that the supply convoy had exited hyperspace and that their HoloNet and communication jammers were enabled. As he donned his helmet, Teller told Cala to tell Anora and Hask that he expected a galactic-class holovid. After jamming the convoy's HoloNet and communications relays, the insurgents bombarded the enemy convoy and unleashed their starfighters. For this attack, Teller's forces included his modified former Separatist carrier, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, multiple droid tri-fighters, and four Z-95 Headhunters and Tikiar starfighters. Though the convoy's escort gunboats and frigates formed a defensive perimeter around the transports, Teller's droid starfighters were able to dart through gaps and swarm the Imperial ships, destroying two tugs, two escort gunboats, and several ARC-170 starfighters. #### Escaping to fight another day Despite Teller and his associates' careful preparations, the tide of the battle turned against them when Moff Tarkin arrived aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Executrix. Tarkin used the Executrix's massive firepower to destroy Teller's Nebulon-B frigate before deploying V-wing starfighters to pick off Teller's droid fighters and to protect the convoy ships. Having safeguarded the Imperial convoy, Tarkin then unleashed the Executrix's cannons against Teller's flagship. As the Imperial forces gained the upper hand, Teller and a Koorivar Tikiar pilot were the only organic starfighter pilots left. After several attempts, Teller managed to contact
Salikk was instructed by Teller to initiate a hyperspace jump with their carrier, thereby evading the pursuing Star Destroyer. However, Salikk declared that such an action was no longer feasible due to their current situation. Anora then implored Teller to make his escape, so that he might continue the fight at a later time. Teller initially resisted this idea. Salikk, however, managed to sway Teller, persuading him to heed Anora's advice. Salikk further stated that Teller's escape would be his way of expressing gratitude for Teller's assistance in surviving the Antar Atrocity. Despite Teller's objections, Salikk transmitted a sequence of hyperspace coordinates to Teller's starfighter. Listening to the counsel of his followers, Teller piloted his Headhunter into hyperspace, thus making his escape. Simultaneously, Tarkin's Star Destroyer succeeded in disabling Teller's carrier. Imperial forces boarded the vessel, capturing Teller's remaining followers. Teller subsequently landed on the crystalline surface of Christophsis before disappearing into hiding. The Imperial forces later found the starfighter. Following the battle that took place near the Tatooine gulf, the Empire carried out the execution of Teller's followers. Grand Moff Tarkin, who had recently received a promotion, also increased security measures surrounding the Death Star project. He imposed harsh penalties on the workers, salvagers, scientists, and criminal elements who had provided assistance to Teller's rebels. #### Confronting his nemesis Having fled Christophsis, Berch Teller eventually located Grand Moff Tarkin at the Carrion Plateau situated on Eriadu, his homeworld. The Carrion Plateau was located within the Tarkin family's ancestral lands. As Tarkin sought solitude on the Carrion Plateau, Teller attempted a stealthy approach, only to fall into a concealed pit. Although the sharpened stakes at the bottom had decayed into mulch over time, Teller still suffered a broken ankle as a result. Jova, Tarkin's uncle, discovered Teller trapped in the pit and promptly informed his nephew, Tarkin. Tarkin then confronted Teller, his adversary for the second time, revealing that he had intentionally left his stormtroopers behind in Eriadu City as bait. Teller acknowledged that he had fallen for the trap, as it represented his only opportunity to assassinate the Grand Moff. When Tarkin taunted him for missing previous chances to shoot him, Teller retorted that he desired to look him in the eye at the moment of his death. Tarkin mocked him again, pointing out the absurdity of his desire and the fact that it had cost him his chance. Teller then sarcastically remarked that it ultimately wouldn't have mattered, as Jova would have shot him regardless, even if he had managed to evade Tarkin's notice. After a brief exchange with his uncle, Tarkin turned his attention back to Teller. When Tarkin accused Teller of attempting to fracture the galaxy once more, Teller countered that the subjugation of the Separatists served as a prelude to the subjugation of the entire galaxy. Tarkin insisted that it was pacification, but Teller argued that it was "rule by fear". When Teller condemned Tarkin as a monster, Tarkin retorted that he was only a monster from a certain perspective, describing himself as a product of the plateau's nature. He claimed that his ruthlessness, uncompromising nature, and inclination for survival through strength and fear were merely reflections of nature itself. Teller inquired about the Imperial project on Geonosis, but Tarkin refused to divulge Imperial secrets to an enemy. Before departing, Tarkin offered Teller the chance to escape, provided he could climb out of the pit before nightfall, knowing that Teller had little chance of surviving the dangerous predators inhabiting Carrion Spike. Rejecting Tarkin's offer, Teller cursed Tarkin, predicting his horrible demise. Tarkin dismissively brushed aside Teller's threats, reminding him that it was Teller, not Tarkin, who was crippled and trapped at the bottom of a pit. Following their conversation, Tarkin and Jova left him in the wilderness to test his ability to escape the pit alive after nightfall. ### Legacy Despite Berch Teller's failure to personally assassinate Grand Moff Tarkin, his prophecy that Tarkin would meet a "horrible death" ultimately came to pass during the Battle of Yavin fourteen years later. Tarkin was killed aboard his Death Star superweapon when Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive Rebel Alliance starfighter pilot, fired a proton torpedo into the superweapon's thermal exhaust port. In the end, Teller and his followers' efforts proved to be worthwhile. Sometime after Teller's campaign, the Rebel Alliance recognized Teller as a prime example of the effectiveness of counter-propaganda. They believed that without him, the galaxy would have remained unaware of the Antar Atrocity. Following the deaths of the Emperor and Vader during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Empire ultimately crumbled at the Battle of Jakku a year later. ## Personality and traits Berch Teller was a man of middle age, possessing a tall and slender build, with dark hair and eyebrows. His face was long, covered in stubble, and distinguished by a cleft chin. Teller possessed natural leadership qualities, inspiring his followers to fight. He utilized these skills to command loyalist fighters on Antar 4 during the Clone Wars, and later, a group of anti-Imperial insurgents during the Imperial era. Teller viewed the Empire as a tyrannical dictatorship founded on the subjugation of the galaxy's inhabitants. Teller harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Empire, and Grand Moff Tarkin in particular, due to their involvement in the indiscriminate slaughter of Antar 4's inhabitants, including Republic loyalists, following the Clone Wars. Teller was convinced that the Clone Wars served as a pretext for the Emperor's seizure of power over the galaxy. He also believed that the Emperor and his primary disciples, Darth Vader and Moff Tarkin, were determined to subjugate all beings in the galaxy. He regarded the soldiers of the vastly expanded Imperial military as an army of beings stripped of independent thought, weapons unseen for millennia. Teller considered Tarkin to be the embodiment of the Empire's most reprehensible aspects and sought to personally eliminate him. Teller's followers, including Anora, Knotts, Cala, Salikk, and Hask, admired him as both a mentor and a leader. Although Teller was willing to sacrifice his own safety to allow his comrades to escape, their respect for him ultimately persuaded him to escape and continue the fight another day. Teller demonstrated resourcefulness by infiltrating Tarkin's homeworld of Eriadu, only to be ensnared in a pit trap. Despite facing defeat, Teller remained defiant towards Tarkin, cursing him to suffer a gruesome death. He maintained his unwavering belief that the Empire was a force of evil destined to meet its end. Teller was also known for his fervent zeal and delivered numerous speeches "educating" his followers on the reasons for their fight against Tarkin and the Emperor. This once prompted Anora to jokingly suggest that he would excel as a holodrama actor. Teller was known for his colorful language and once reprimanded Salikk for endangering his own life to save him. However, Teller accepted his followers' willingness to sacrifice themselves for him so that he could escape and hunt down Tarkin. ## Skills and abilities As a former Republic intelligence operative turned insurgent leader, Teller possessed expertise in training individuals in combat. He was also proficient in piloting a Z-95 Headhunter and once instructed a Koorivar follower in flying a Tikiar starfighter. Teller was also skilled in the operation of starships, communications technology, and various weaponry, including blasters. ## Equipment Berch Teller typically wore cargo pants, boots, and a thermal shirt. When impersonating the Imperial Commander Abel LaSal, Teller donned an Imperial officer's uniform, a bionic eye, and a thick red wig. ## Behind the scenes Berch Teller made his debut as the primary antagonist in James Luceno's 2014 novel Tarkin.