Abel LaSal held the position of commander within the ranks of the Imperial Navy's officer corps. It was in the year 14 BBY that LaSal found himself stationed on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Sovereign. While the vessel was in port at Fondor, an individual managed to steal the commander's identity by utilizing a counterfeit code cylinder along with a fraudulent officer's disk.
At an unspecified time, LaSal rose to command the Star Destroyer. However, this was no longer true as of 4 BBY, because the Sovereign then served as the flagship for Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. At that time, Admiral Kassius Konstantine was assigned to the starship to be Tarkin's second-in-command. During that year, the Spectre rebel group brought about the destroyed of the Star Destroyer above the Outer Rim Territories planet of Mustafar.
The first mention of Abel LaSal occurred within James Luceno's novel, Tarkin, which was published in 2014.