
Murkhana existed as a planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories. Its renown stemmed from its scenic landscapes, making it a popular destination for tourists during the final years of the Republic Era. Throughout the Clone Wars, this planet served as the central hub for the Corporate Alliance, evolving into a significant Separatist stronghold. Consequently, Republic orbital strikes led to widespread ecological devastation. By the time of the Imperial Era, Murkhana had become a poverty-stricken and contaminated planet, hampered by Imperial restrictions and a compromised environment. Furthermore, it was a haven for illicit activities, controlled by smugglers and influential crime lords like the Sugi Faazah. In 14 BBY, Berch Teller, a rebel leader, successfully hijacked Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's corvette, the Carrion Spike, while Tarkin and Darth Vader were investigating a communications cache located in Murkhana City.



Near the Tion Cluster's border was the world of Murkhana, found in the Outer Rim Territories. Various species populated it, namely Koorivar, Aqualish, Gossams, Sugis, Gran, and Chagrians. Prior to the Clone Wars, Murkhana was well-known for its stunning natural beauty; visitors from across the Cluster were drawn to the planet's oceans, dark-colored beaches, secluded inlets, and particularly its coral formations. The Murkhana ecosystem suffered a collapse due to extensive orbital bombardment and beam weapon assaults during the Clone Wars. The rising sea temperatures decimated the planet's coastal coral reefs, while the black beaches transformed into expansive quicksand areas. The sheltered coves deteriorated into stagnant pools filled with gelatinous marine organisms, which thrived evolutionarily after the fish population went extinct. Acid rain corroded the planet's infrastructure, faded the landscape, and caused perpetual cloud cover. Although the atmosphere remained breathable, its toxicity was so severe that, as late as 14 BBY, individuals were still advised to use transpirators.

Murkhana City

Murkhana City, known for its elegant, spiraling buildings, was a major hub on Murkhana. The city contained several structures, such as Argente Tower, a former Corporate Alliance landing field, and an abandoned Corporate Alliance medcenter. Much of Murkhana City was left in ruins due to the Clone Wars, scattered with the wreckage of Separatist and Republic war droids, walkers, tanks, and starships. Due to sanctions, the local government was unable to revive the economy, and the significantly reduced population of Murkhana City became reliant on the black market for essential supplies.

The streets of Murkhana City were filled with starving animals, smugglers, and criminals. Wartime pollution led to numerous children being born with severe birth defects. Many of the city's stores were shuttered, with cantinas being among the few businesses that remained operational. The Galactic Empire also maintained a compound in Murkhana City, which included the residence of the Imperial ambassador. Due to high crime rates and hostility towards the Empire, the ambassador rarely ventured outside the Imperial compound without wearing stormtrooper armor.


Clone Wars

Before the Clone Wars, tourists from all over the Tion Hegemony flocked to Murkhana's coral reefs and dark-colored beaches. The planet's inhabitants sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, transforming the planet into a Confederate stronghold. Corporate Alliance forces were stationed in its main city, Murkhana City. During the conflict, Count Dooku utilized the planet to transmit Separatist propaganda shadowfeeds on the HoloNet, prompting a Republic attack led by Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, thereby thwarting Dooku's plans. The world endured years of intense combat, resulting in widespread devastation across Murkhana.

Imperial Era

Following the Clone Wars, Murkhana was occupied by Imperial forces, including the 12th Sector Army. In the immediate aftermath of the war, the planet was the location of one of Darth Vader's initial missions for the Empire, during which he oversaw the execution of at least one Twi'lek Black Sun racketeer. This enabled the Sugi crime lord Faazah to gain control over the criminal network in Murkhana City.

Due to Imperial sanctions, the local government on the planet was unable to rebuild its economy. The Imperial ambassador to Murkhana considered her assignment a living hell because of the local population's animosity. She was blamed for every Imperial tax increase and every minor change to the legal system. This strong anti-Imperial sentiment was evident in the defacement of military recruitment posters and the graffiti of hand-scribbled insults directed at the Emperor. Smugglers were held in high regard by the locals because they were the only ones providing essential goods, albeit at exorbitant prices. Crime lords also wielded influence by protecting the local population from thieves and murderers.

In 14 BBY, Moff Tarkin, now holding that title, and Darth Vader visited Murkhana City to investigate the appearance of a communications cache at the former Corporate Alliance medcenter, which fueled rumors of a plot to disrupt the HoloNet. This communications cache had supposedly been discovered by Bracchia, a Koorivar Imperial asset, and his Imperial Security Bureau case officer Stellan. However, Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, a rival of Tarkin and the Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency, had deliberately planted the cache.

Rancit was secretly collaborating with Berch Teller, a disgruntled former Republic Intelligence officer who had become the leader of an insurgent group opposing the Empire. While Vader and Tarkin were inspecting the communications cache, Teller and his followers stole Tarkin's stealth corvette, Carrion Spike, which they used to launch a series of hit-and-run attacks against the Empire. After seizing Faazah's starship, the Parsec Predator, Tarkin and Vader pursued Teller and his followers off-world. By working together, Tarkin and Vader exposed Rancit's treachery and crushed Teller's insurgency.

Between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, the Inquisitor known as Fifth Brother encountered Cal Kestis and Cere Junda, survivors of the Jedi Order, on Murkhana. Greez Dritus, a pilot and ally of Kestis and Junda, lost an arm when he sacrificed himself to protect Kestis from an attack by the Fifth Brother.

Behind the scenes

Murkhana made its initial appearance in Star Wars canon through James Luceno's 2014 novel, Tarkin. Prior to that, Murkhana was featured in Luceno's 2005 Star Wars Legends novel, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader. Murkhana's inclusion in Tarkin was due to its suitability for a role within the narrative Luceno was crafting.

